
Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Omega Weekend

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:04 am

By Harlan Kane

See Omega  (June 11, 2015).

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 pm

"A blank underlies the trials of device…."

Sabbath School

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 am

"A blank underlies the trials of device…."

Wallace Stevens


Friday, December 4, 2015

Symbology for the Vatican Gift Shop

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 8:00 pm

(Title adapted from a 1996 Stone Temple Pilots album)

See Symbols, Local and Global (September 26, 2015),
Change Descends (April 11, 2014), and Altar (August 27, 2014).


Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm

André Weil in a letter to his sister

"I spoke of a bridge; it would be more correct
to speak of a turntable."

IMAGE- Scene from 'Oblivion' (2013)

Click the above image for a post from 10 years ago today.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"Encouraged by Proposition 5, one may hope…."

— Katrin Wendland in the previous post

Related material:  Euclid Book I, Proposition 5.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Overarching Symmetry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 10:45 pm


From p. 34 of the preprint "Snapshots of Conformal Field Theory,"
by Katrin Wendland, arXiv, 11 April 2014

50. Gannon, T.: Much ado about Mathieu (arXiv:1211.5531 [math.RT])

85. Taormina, A., Wendland, K.: The overarching finite symmetry group
of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M24. JHEP  08, 125 (2013)

86. Taormina, A., Wendland, K.: Symmetry-surfing the moduli space
of Kummer K3s (arXiv:1303.2931 [hep-th])

87. Taormina, A., Wendland, K.: A twist in the M24 moonshine story
(arXiv:1303.3221 [hep-th])

The Wendland paper was published on Jan. 7, 2015, in
Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories ,
edited by Damien Calaque and Thomas Strobl
(Springer Mathematical Physics Studies), pages 89-129.

Design Wars

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 4:04 pm

"… if your requirement for success is to be like Steve Jobs,
good luck to you." 

— "Transformation at Yahoo Foiled by Marissa Mayer’s 
Inability to Bet the Farm," New York Times  online yesterday

"Design is how it works." — Steve Jobs

Related material:  Posts tagged Ambassadors.

Sculpture by Josefine Lyche of Cullinane's eightfold cube at Vigeland Museum in Oslo

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Art Wars

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:17 pm

In memory of art dealer Leslie Waddington, who
reportedly died at 81 on St. Andrew's Day, 2015, 
a search for "Terry Frost" in this journal.

Word Wars

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm

So to speak.


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Symbologist Robert Langdon views a corner of Solomon's Cube

Click image to search Log24
for Solomon + Stone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 pm


"The positional meaning of a symbol derives from
its relationship to other symbols in a totality, a Gestalt,
whose elements acquire their significance from the
system as a whole."

— Victor Turner, The Forest of Symbols , Ithaca, NY,
Cornell University Press, 1967, p. 51, quoted by
Beth Barrie in "Victor Turner."

(Turner pioneered the use of the term "symbology,"
a term later applied by Dan Brown to a fictional
scholarly pursuit at Harvard.)

* A scholarly pursuit at Hogwarts.

Brief Monologue

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:02 pm

A possible antidote to Hamlet's glum remark in the previous post:

Fact check —

The Dec. 1 release date is that given in Michael Jackson:
King of Pop
, by Mary K. Pratt (ABDO Publishing, 2010), pp. 58, 96.

Other sources give instead a release date of St. Andrew's Day, 1982:



The Nutshell

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:13 pm

See a search for Nocciolo  in this journal.

An image from that search —

IMAGE- 'Nocciolo': A 'kernel' for Pascal's Hexagrammum Mysticum: The 15 2-subsets of a 6-set as points in a Galois geometry.

Recall also Hamlet's
"O God bad dreams."

Pascal’s Finite Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:01 am

See a search for "large Desargues configuration" in this journal.

The 6 Jan. 2015 preprint "Danzer's Configuration Revisited," 
by Boben, Gévay, and Pisanski, places this configuration,
which they call the Cayley-Salmon configuration , in the 
interesting context of Pascal's Hexagrammum Mysticum .

They show how the Cayley-Salmon configuration is, in a sense,
dual to something they call the Steiner-Plücker configuration .

This duality appears implicitly in my note of April 26, 1986,
"Picturing the smallest projective 3-space." The six-sets at
the bottom of that note, together with Figures 3 and 4
of Boben et. al. , indicate how this works.

The duality was, as they note, previously described in 1898.

Related material on six-set geometry from the classical literature—

Baker, H. F., "Note II: On the Hexagrammum Mysticum  of Pascal,"
in Principles of Geometry , Vol. II, Camb. U. Press, 1930, pp. 219-236  

Richmond, H. W., "The Figure Formed from Six Points in Space of Four Dimensions,"
Mathematische Annalen  (1900), Volume 53, Issue 1-2, pp 161-176

Richmond, H. W., "On the Figure of Six Points in Space of Four Dimensions," 
Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 31 (1900), pp. 125-160

Related material on six-set geometry from a more recent source —

Cullinane, Steven H., "Classical Geometry in Light of Galois Geometry," webpage

Monday, November 30, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:33 pm

A meditation for Cyber Monday —

Impossible Missions Force 

International Monetary Fund

Related image —

Cookies for Santa 


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:01 am

An image from Log24 on May 21, 2005

An image posted here on Saturday, November 28, 2015


Sunday, November 29, 2015

There the Dance Is

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 pm

In memory of ballet designer
Yolanda Sonnabend, who
reportedly died at 80 on Nov. 9,
see posts on Apollo, Ballet Blanc,
maps of New Haven, etc., etc., etc.

At the Still Point

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:56 pm

Scene from "The Debt" (2010)

Scene from "Jolene" (2008)


Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:01 pm

Related material — Chemistry 101 (November 18, 2015).

See also the cover article from today's print version of 
The New York Times Sunday Book Review  —

Saturday, November 28, 2015

11:30 in Dostoevsky

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:30 pm

In memory of acoustic engineer Norman C. Pickering, who reportedly
died at 99 on November 18 —

Two readings from that date 



Another biblical quote relevant to the Nov. 1718 tab icons above —

Jeremiah 17:1


Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:00 pm


Related material:

Montessori vs. Machivavelli 


and Montessori Oberösterreich .

Friday, November 27, 2015

Once Upon a Matrix

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:20 pm

Or:  The Strife of Luminosity and Obscurity

(Continued from "Once Upon a Time," November 25, 2015)

Diamond Theory version of 'The Square Inch Space' with yin-yang symbol for comparison

Einstein and Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:01 pm

(A Prequel to Dirac and Geometry)

"So Einstein went back to the blackboard.
And on Nov. 25, 1915, he set down
the equation that rules the universe.
As compact and mysterious as a Viking rune,
it describes space-time as a kind of sagging mattress…."

— Dennis Overbye in The New York Times  online,
     November 24, 2015

Some pure  mathematics I prefer to the sagging Viking mattress —

Readings closely related to the above passage —

Thomas Hawkins, "From General Relativity to Group Representations:
the Background to Weyl's Papers of 1925-26
," in Matériaux pour
l'histoire des mathématiques au XXe siècle:
Actes du colloque
à la mémoire de Jean Dieudonné
, Nice, 1996  (Soc. Math.
de France, Paris, 1998), pp. 69-100.

The 19th-century algebraic theory of invariants is discussed
as what Weitzenböck called a guide "through the thicket
of formulas of general relativity."

Wallace Givens, "Tensor Coordinates of Linear Spaces," in
Annals of Mathematics  Second Series, Vol. 38, No. 2, April 1937, 
pp. 355-385.

Tensors (also used by Einstein in 1915) are related to 
the theory of line complexes in three-dimensional
projective space and to the matrices used by Dirac
in his 1928 work on quantum mechanics.

For those who prefer metaphors to mathematics —

"We acknowledge a theorem's beauty
when we see how the theorem 'fits' in its place,
how it sheds light around itself, like a Lichtung ,
a clearing in the woods." 
— Gian-Carlo Rota, Indiscrete Thoughts ,
Birkhäuser Boston, 1997, page 132

Rota fails to cite the source of his metaphor.
It is Heidegger's 1964 essay, "The End of Philosophy
and the Task of Thinking" —

"The forest clearing [ Lichtung ] is experienced
in contrast to dense forest, called Dickung  
in our older language." 
— Heidegger's Basic Writings 
edited by David Farrell Krell, 
Harper Collins paperback, 1993, page 441

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Giving Thanks for Imperator Furiosa

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:14 pm

Charlize Theron on women who wear 'Hello Kitty' T-shirts

Charm School

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:28 am

"When the first Harry Potter book appeared, in 1997,
it was just a year before the universal search engine
Google was launched. And so Hermione Granger,
that charming grind, still goes to the Hogwarts library
and spends hours and hours working her way through
the stacks, finding out what a basilisk is or how to
make a love potion."

— Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker  issue dated
     St. Valentine's Day, 2011

More recently, Gopnik writes that

"Arguing about non-locality went out of fashion, in this
account, almost the way 'Rock Around the Clock' 
displaced Sinatra from the top of the charts."

— Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker  issue dated
     St. Andrew's Day, 2015

This  journal on Valentine's Day, 2011 —

"One heart will wear a valentine." — Sinatra

" she has written a love letter to Plato, whom 
she regards as having given us philosophy.
He is, in her view, as relevant today as he ever 
was — which is to say, very."

New York Times  review of a book by 
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, April 18, 2014

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Once Upon a Time

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 5:31 pm

This post's title was suggested by the previous post
and by today's news of a notable sale of a one-copy
record album, "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin."

See as well posts from Tuesday, March 11, 2014,
the day Emma Watson unveiled a new trailer

Diamond Theory version of 'The Square Inch Space' with yin-yang symbol for comparison


Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:28 am

"If you have to, start out 'Once upon a time.'"

— Zenna Henderson in her story "Loo Ree"

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:11 pm

In memory of economic historian Douglass C. North,
who reportedly died Monday, Nov. 23, 2015 —

We needed new tools, but they simply did not exist.”

Related reading and viewing —

Beattyville, Kentucky and Log24 post About the People.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dirac and Line Geometry

Some background for my post of Nov. 20,
"Anticommuting Dirac Matrices as Skew Lines" —

First page of 'Configurations in Quantum Mechanics,' by E.M. Bruins, 1959

His earlier paper that Bruins refers to, "Line Geometry
and Quantum Mechanics," is available in a free PDF.

For a biography of Bruins translated by Google, click here.

For some additional historical background going back to
Eddington, see Gary W. Gibbons, "The Kummer
Configuration and the Geometry of Majorana Spinors,"
pages 39-52 in Oziewicz et al., eds., Spinors, Twistors,
Clifford Algebras, and Quantum Deformations:
Proceedings of the Second Max Born Symposium held
near Wrocław, Poland, September 1992
 . (Springer, 2012,
originally published by Kluwer in 1993.)

For more-recent remarks on quantum geometry, see a
paper by Saniga cited in today's update to my Nov. 20 post

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Saint

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:29 pm

Edith Stein, doctoral dissertation, 1916 —

"The goal of phenomenology is to clarify and thereby
to find the ultimate basis of all knowledge."*

"Ziel der Phänomenologie ist Klärung und damit
letzte Begründung aller Erkenntnis."

* A phrase echoed by Ong's words in the previous post.

Overlook Video

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:26 am

People watching President John F. Kennedy’s
TV announcement of Cuban blockade during the
missile crisis in a department store.  (Photo by
Ralph Crane/Life Magazine/The LIFE Picture
Collection/Getty Images) 

A Sunday opinion column from 2011,
"The Enduring Cult of Kennedy" —

"In this landscape, the death of J.F.K. looms up
like the Overlook Hotel." — Ross Douthat
on November 27, 2011

From this journal on that date


Saturday, November 21, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:59 pm

Two figures to whom the word "visionary" has
recently been applied — 

Paul Laffoley at news.artnet.com

William P. Thurston at AMS Notices  (Dec. 2015)

A more classic example of a visionary is, of course, William Blake.

The Undertaking

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:29 pm

Masonic pyramid in 
'Being There' (co-writer of screenplay-- Robert Jones)

Inscription on the "Being There" pyramid:

Life Is A State Of  Mind

Brightness at Noon*

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

A recent not-too-bright book from Princeton —

Some older, brighter books from Tony Zee

Fearful Symmetry  (1986) and
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell  (2003).

* Continued.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:09 am

See Weyl Crossroads and Schicksalstag .

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06A/060806-Einsatz.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

On Logic and Art

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:30 am

Black monolith with text from The New Yorker of Nov. 30-- DeLillo on devil worship in 'Midnight in Dostoevsky'

See as well All Souls' Day and November 16.

The Zero System

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 am

For the title phrase, see Encyclopedia of Mathematics .
The zero system  illustrated in the previous post*
should not be confused with the cinematic Zero Theorem .

* More precisely, in the part showing the 15 lines fixed under
   a zero-system polarity in PG(3,2).  For the zero system 
   itself, see diamond-theorem correlation.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Anticommuting Dirac Matrices as Skew Lines

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:45 pm

(Continued from November 13)

The work of Ron Shaw in this area, ca. 1994-1995, does not
display explicitly the correspondence between anticommutativity
in the set of Dirac matrices and skewness in a line complex of
PG(3,2), the projective 3-space over the 2-element Galois field.

Here is an explicit picture —

Anticommuting Dirac matrices as spreads of projective lines


Arfken, George B., Mathematical Methods for Physicists , Third Edition,
Academic Press, 1985, pages 213-214

Cullinane, Steven H., Notes on Groups and Geometry, 1978-1986

Shaw, Ron, "Finite Geometry, Dirac Groups, and the Table of
Real Clifford Algebras," undated article at ResearchGate.net

Update of November 23:

See my post of Nov. 23 on publications by E. M. Bruins
in 1949 and 1959 on Dirac matrices and line geometry,
and on another author who gives some historical background
going back to Eddington.

Some more-recent related material from the Slovak school of
finite geometry and quantum theory —

Saniga, 'Finite Projective Spaces, Geometric Spreads of Lines and Multi-Qubits,' excerpt

The matrices underlying the Saniga paper are those of Pauli, not
those of Dirac, but these two sorts of matrices are closely related.

Alyssa’s Maxim

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

The Eleven

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:11 am

For fans of mystic numerology —


The Wrench and the Circle*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:48 am

Two Log24 posts from October 2, 2015 —

Source Code

Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 1:00 PM 

See a search for Bogus Source in this journal.

That search yields a quotation from poet 
Wallace Stevens, whose birthday is today —

"The poet finds that as between these two sources:
the imagination and reality, the imagination is false,
whatever else may be said of it, and reality is true;
and being concerned that poetry should be a thing
of vital and virile importance, he commits himself to
reality, which then becomes his inescapable and
ever-present difficulty and innamorata."

The Return

Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 12:29 PM 

The late Brian Friel on Derry —

"… every going away was a wrench 
and every return a fulfilment."

Related material —

Wrench in this journal
and Circle Unbroken.

See as well Hymn (August 30, 2013).

* The title is a reference to Quality Report (Aug. 24, 2015).

Rhymes with Scary

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:02 am

"Gaitskill isn’t scary because she conjures monsters;
monsters, she points out, are almost always in fashion.
What makes her scary, and what makes her exciting,
is her ability to evoke the hidden life, the life unseen,
the life we don’t even know we are living. The critic
Greil Marcus, a champion of her work, calls her a
descendant of Nathaniel Hawthorne."

— "Mary Gaitskill and the Life Unseen,"
      by Parul Sehgal

Yogi’s Maxim

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:48 am

"When you come to a nexus in the time flow…."

See as well the recent post Tab Icons from the Clearing

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein to Her Younger Self:

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:00 pm

"Remember, Genesis IS Skynet."

Above: New York Times Book Review  of Sunday, November 22, 2015.

Perhaps Goldstein, author of Plato at the Googleplex , was 
"exposed to a nexus point in the time flow while she was in
 a quantum field
" ? 

For a Fellow of All Souls*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:20 pm

See posts tagged All Souls 2015.

* Oxford webpage.

Highlights of the Dirac-Mathieu Connection

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

For the connection of the title, see the post of Friday, November 13th, 2015.

For the essentials of this connection, see the following two documents —

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chemistry 101

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:12 pm

For Dr. Thompson

Probably not the page 101 that
Dr. Thompson wanted, but it will
have to do.

Apocalypse Wow (continued)

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:00 pm

For fans of the Holy Bible —

“I have stolen more quotes and thoughts and purely elegant
little starbursts of writing  from the Book of Revelation than
anything else in the English language— and it is not because
I am a biblical scholar, or because of any religious faith, but
because I love the wild power of the language and the purity
of the madness that governs it and makes it music.”

— Hunter S. Thompson, Author’s Note, Generation of Swine

(Requoted from White Stone, a Log24 post of March 2, 2005.)

See also the work of another psychopharmacologist
in today's noon post.

Midnight in the Garden

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am


Are we there yet?

    Click image to enlarge.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Meditation on an Icon

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:29 pm

Note the "share icon" at top right of the first image
in the previous post:

This suggests a review of the phrase "Outside the Box"
in this journal. An image from that review:

Jack in the Box, by Natasha Wescoat

The Physics and Theology of Building Blocks

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 pm



Neither of the above prose passages inspires confidence, since
building blocks are, by their very nature, not  infinitesimal.

See the post Being Interpreted of August 14, 2015 —

Slouching Towards Christmas

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:18 pm

                                           From Google News on 17 Nov. 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Good Question.

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:00 pm


Uploaded on Sep 17, 2009

Who'll love the devil?
Who'll sing his song?
Who will love the devil and his song?

"The pictures are understood to have been taken
just a few minutes before three gunmen burst into
the venue at 9.40pm (8.40pm GMT) as the
Californian rock band were launching into one of
their favourites, Kiss The Devil."

Read more: DailyMail.com.

The End of the Tour

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:00 am

From this date four years ago —

Click the following image for other examples of "complex style."

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Diamond and the Cube

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 8:00 pm

Anyone who clicked on the Dirac search at the end of
the previous post, "Dirac's Diamond," may wonder why the
"Solomon's Cube" post of 11 AM Sunday, March 1, 2009,
appeared in the Dirac search results, since there is no
apparent mention of Dirac in that Sunday post.

Use the source

<!– See also "a linear transformation of V6… which preserves
the Klein quadric; in this way we arrive at the isomorphism of
Sym(8) withthe full orthogonal group O+(6; 2)." in "The
Classification of Flats in PG(9,2) which are External to the
Grassmannian G1,4,2 Authors: Shaw, Ron;
&#160;Maks, Johannes;&#160;Gordon, Neil; Source: Designs,
Codes and Cryptography, Volume 34, Numbers 2-3, February
2005 , pp. 203-227; Publisher: Springer.&#160; For more details,
see "Finite Geometry, Dirac Groups and the Table of Real
Clifford Algebras," by R. Shaw (U. of Hull), pp. 59-99 in
Clifford Algebras and Spinor Structures, by By Albert
Crumeyrolle, Rafa&#322; Ab&#322;amowicz, Pertti Lounesto,
published by Springer, 1995. –>

Dirac’s Diamond

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:00 pm

The title refers to a memorial stone in Westminster Abbey —

Detail from the above image —

An alternate version from astrophysicist Peter Coles

See also Dirac in this  journal.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

See Damnation Morning in this journal.

Transfiguration Attempt

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:48 am

"… a certain subgenre of pop-conscious postmodern
fiction, written mostly by young Americans, has
lately arisen and made a real attempt to transfigure
a world of and for appearance, mass appeal, and

—David Foster Wallace, "E Unibus Pluram:
    Television and U.S. Fiction" in
    The Review of Contemporary Fiction  in 1993

There was no Log24 post in 2015 on the Feast of
the Transfiguration (August 6).  I offer instead some
posts from the preceding day

St. Andrew’s Day…

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:00 am


Every Picture Tells a Story*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am

* As does every release date.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Space Program

Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:26 pm

A quote that appeared here on April 14, 2013

"I know what 'nothing' means." — Joan Didion

Dirac on the 4×4 matrices of an underlying nothingness —

"Corresponding to the four rows and columns,
the wave function ψ  must contain a variable
that takes on four values, in order that the matrices
shall be capable of being multiplied into it." 

— P. A. M. Dirac, Principles of Quantum Mechanics,
     Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 1958,
     page 257

Show and Tell

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm

Show:  Tamara Munzner: Keynote on Visualization Principles

Tell:  Fast-Talking Dames

Search for a Center

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

See Geometry + Center in this journal.

The French Connection

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:29 am

(As opposed to the connection of the previous post)

See also Glucksmann in recent Log24 posts.

"The center cannot hold …."

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Connection between the 16 Dirac Matrices and the Large Mathieu Group

Note that the six anticommuting sets of Dirac matrices listed by Arfken
correspond exactly to the six spreads in the above complex of 15 projective
lines of PG(3,2) fixed under a symplectic polarity (the diamond theorem
). As I noted in 1986, this correlation underlies the Miracle
Octad Generator of R. T. Curtis, hence also the large Mathieu group.


Arfken, George B., Mathematical Methods for Physicists , Third Edition,
Academic Press, 1985, pages 213-214

Cullinane, Steven H., Notes on Groups and Geometry, 1978-1986

Related material:

The 6-set in my 1986 note above also appears in a 1996 paper on
the sixteen Dirac matrices by David M. Goodmanson —

Background reading:

Ron Shaw on finite geometry, Clifford algebras, and Dirac groups 
(undated compilation of publications from roughly 1994-1995)—

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Unbaked, the Baked, and the Half-Baked

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:07 pm

Consider the trichotomy of the title as applied to the paragraph
by Adam Gopnik in the previous post (The Raw, the Cooked,
and the Spoiled

The following quotation seems to place Gopnik's words
among the half -baked.

"L'axe qui relie le cru et le cuit est caractéristique du passage
à la culture; celui qui relie le cru et le pourri, du retour à la nature,
puisque la cuisson accomplit la transformation culturelle du cru
comme la putréfaction en achève la transformation naturelle."

— Claude Lévi-Strauss, Paroles données, p.54, Plon, 1984,
     as quoted in a weblog

See also Lévi-Strauss's bizarre triangle culinaire  (French Wikipedia) —

The source of this structuralist nonsense —
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. 1969. “Le triangle culinaire.”
L’Arc  no. 26: 19-29.

The Raw, the Cooked, and the Spoiled

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

On the late French philosopher André Glucksmann,
a paragraph from The New Yorker

The style could be overwhelming at times, and was
often a more effective instrument of intellectual
pleasure than political persuasion. But, in return,
it produced a thousand small epiphanies—
for instance, his lovely mordant point, made at length
in one of his books, that between the “raw” and the
“cooked”—the simple binary beloved of structuralism—
there was always the “pourri,” the rotting, the rotten.
Our refusal to take in the rotting as a category of its own
was, he suggested, with a delighted literary grimace,
a kind of moral blindness, part of a fake dialectic that
blinded us to the muddled, rotting truth of the world.
The real world was not composed of oscillating
dialectical forces; it was composed of actual suffering
people crushed between those forces. — Adam Gopnik

See also

Click the above image for some backstory.

Will Success Spoil Jenny Wells?

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:00 am

"… ein Buch muß die Axt sein für das gefrorene Meer in uns." — Franz Kafka

Adam Bernstein in The Washington Post  yesterday on the late actress Betsy Drake —

" She also wrote a novel, Children, You Are Very Little  (1971),
about a 10-year-old girl who goes to outrageous comic lengths
to defy the mean adults in her life and unite her broken family.
A Time  magazine reviewer praised its 'flair and ferocity.'

'Adults demand that children understand what they’re trying to say,' 
Ms. Drake remarked at the time, 'but too often they interpret a child’s
most serious moments as stupid or cute or funny. So children, in
self-defense, learn to play for the laugh. It’s a style of craziness,
a style of survival, a style of distancing. I learned this style as a child
but I’m not really impressed with my comic or ironic side. I’d much
rather write straight out of despair.' "

The New York Times  in 2014 on Drake's friend, painter Bernard Perlin —

" His early gallery work reflected the realist influence of Ben Shahn,
who had been a colleague at the United States Office of War Information
in 1942 and 1943. Perhaps Mr. Perlin’s most notable work from this period
is 'Orthodox Boys,' from 1948, which depicts two Jewish boys discussing
a Jewish text in front of a wall covered with graffiti. "

Midrash for Perlin —

See this morning's previous post on two un-orthodox Jewish boys and an
un-orthodox text.

For Bernstein and Horowitz

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:17 am

Detail of Box Style I Ching: Hexagram 14.

Click image for some backstory.

The Horowitz of the title reportedly died Nov. 2.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:05 pm

See a footnote added to a post from yesterday
for some material found today.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Hookup

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:00 pm

"Language is about the world— we use it to communicate
about things. So we must ask what this 'aboutness' is:
what is it and how does it work? That is, how does language
manage to hook up with reality?"

— Colin McGinn in Philosophy of Language :
The Classics Explained
 , MIT Press, Jan. 16, 2015, 
as quoted by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
in The New York Review of Books , Oct. 8, 2015

See also a Harvard Crimson  review of another book by McGinn.

Exit the Chancellor

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:00 am

"The office of Chancellor has a long history…." — Wikipedia

Princeton Symmetry

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:37 am

From this journal nine years ago today, on the
anniversary of Stanley finding Livingstone —

Click on the image for the Princeton connection.

Related art — Search Log24 for Time + Eternity.

See as well the theater producer pictured in last night's post
and a Princeton-related* review of one of his productions.

Footnote of November 11, 2015:

* Related, that is, only by the "Princeton connection" mentioned above.
For another Princeton connection of interest, see a symposium at
Princeton University on May Day, 2015 —


A sample symposium participant:

Somewhat Mysterious

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:00 am

This post was suggested by an obituary of a Polish painter from this
morning's online New York Times  that mentions Stanislaw Zamecznik

Zamecznik's granddaughter Marianne Zamecznik discusses
him in a note on an exhibition in Sweden that took place on
Nov. 19, 2012 —

"Since 2009 I have been working with the legacy left behind
by my grandfather, Stanislaw Zamecznik, a Polish exhibition
architect, whom I never met, but that was always present,
that dear ghost, both through my father and grandmother`s
accounts, and by his somewhat mysterious standing in the
Polish avant-garde history."

See also Marianne Zamecznik in this journal and two posts 
from the above exhibition date, Nov. 19, 2012.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Forever Now

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:00 pm

The title is that of a recent Museum of Modern Art exhibition —

The Forever Now:  
Contemporary Painting
in an Atemporal World

December 14, 2014 – April 5, 2015

Related art —

Click the above image for its occurrences in this journal.

Whether this image has, in art critic Peter Schjeldahl's words,
"symbolic force and function," the reader may decide.

A Particular Mind

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 6:30 am

"The old, slow art of the eye and the hand, united in service
to the imagination, is in crisis. It’s not that painting is 'dead' 
again—no other medium can as yet so directly combine
vision and touch to express what it’s like to have a particular
mind, with its singular troubles and glories, in a particular
body. But painting has lost symbolic force and function in a
culture of promiscuous knowledge and glutting information."

Peter Schjeldahl in The New Yorker ,
     issue dated Jan. 5, 2015

Cover of a 1980 book on computer music that contains a
helpful article on Walsh functions —

See, in this book, "Walsh Functions: A Digital Fourier Series,"
by Benjamin Jacoby (BYTE , September 1977).  Some context:
Symmetry of Walsh Functions.

Excerpts from a search for Steve + Jobs in this journal —

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:00 pm


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am

The box at the end of this morning's Sunday School post contains
a footnote by one "Charles Townsend Harrison, art historian and
critic, born 11 February 1942; died 6 August 2009."

For some religious remarks from the reported date of Harrison's
death, see the Log24 posts of 6 August 2009.

Sunday School

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:59 am

Zen and the Art

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Painted Word (Illustrated)

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:00 pm

Related material:

Clarifying Dyson

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

The previous post quoted a passage from Turing's Cathedral ,
a 2012 book by George Dyson —

A passage in 'Turing's Cathedral' that recalls the Go chip in 'Wild Palms'

It should be noted that Dyson's remarks on "two species of
bits," space, time, "structure and sequence" and logic gates
are from his own idiosyncratic attempt to create a philosophy
based on the workings of computers.  These concepts are not,
so far as I can tell, part of anyone else's approach to the subject.

For a more standard introduction to how computers work, see
(for instance) a book by an author Dyson admires:

The Pattern on the Stone , by W. Daniel Hillis (Basic Books, 1998).


I etch a pattern of geometric shapes onto a stone.
To the uninitiated, the shapes look mysterious and
complex, but I know that when arranged correctly
they will give the stone a special power, enabling it
to respond to incantations in a language no human
being has ever spoken. I will ask the stone questions
in this language, and it will answer by showing me a
vision: a world created by my spell, a world imagined
within the pattern on the stone.

A few hundred years ago in my native New England,
an accurate description of my occupation would have
gotten me burned at the stake. Yet my work involves
no witchcraft; I design and program computers. The
stone is a wafer of silicon, and the incantations are
software. The patterns etched on the chip and the
programs that instruct the computer may look
complicated and mysterious, but they are generated
according to a few basic principles that are easily
explained. . . . .

Hillis's title suggests some remarks unrelated to computers —

See Philosopher + Stone in this journal.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Girard’s Transition

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:15 am

"Eight is a gate." — Mnemonic rhyme

Girard reportedly died at 91 on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

ABC Art or: Guitart Solo

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:55 pm

“… the A B C of being….” — Wallace Stevens

Scholia —

Compare to my own later note, from March 4, 2010 —

“It seems that Guitart discovered these ‘A, B, C’ generators first,
though he did not display them in their natural setting,
the eightfold cube.” — Borromean Generators (Log24, Oct. 19)

See also Raiders of the Lost Crucible (Halloween 2015)
and “Guitar Solo” from the 2015 CMA Awards on ABC.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

“And I slept in last night’s clothes and tomorrow’s dreams
 But they’re not quite what they seem.”

Lyrics to "Uma Thurman," by Fall Out Boy
    (Sung at CMA Awards last night)

"Does an empty vessel stop making most noise
 once filled only with hopes and dreams?"

— Comment at Not Even Wrong  this morning

Explicit and Constructive

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:01 am

As opposed to implicit and destructive?

The Monster

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am

In memory of Princeton mathematician John Nash

"For the past six years all over the world 
experts in the branch of abstract algebra
called group theory have been struggling
to capture a group known as the monster."

—Martin Gardner, Scientific American ,  June 1980

"When the Hawkline Monster moved to get a better view
of what was happening, the shadow, after having checked
all the possibilities of light, had discovered a way that it
could shift itself in front of the monster, so that the monster
at this crucial time would be blinded by darkness for a few
seconds, did so, causing confusion to befall the monster.

This was all that the shadow could do and it hoped that this
would give Greer and Cameron the edge they would need
to destroy the Hawkline Monster using whatever plan they
had come up with, for it seemed that they must have a plan
if they were to have any chance at all with the monster and
they did not seem like fools.

When Cameron yelled at Greer, the shadow interpreted this
as the time to move and did so. It obscured the vision of the
Hawkline Monster for a few seconds, knowing full well that if
the monster were destroyed it would be destroyed, too, but
death was better than going on living like this, being a part of
this evil."

— Richard Brautigan, The Hawkline Monster , 1974

From the post For Scientific Witch Hunters of October 30,
an illustration from The Boston Globe —

From the post Colorful Story (All Souls' Day),  
an Illustration from Google Book Search —

Earlier in Brautigan's tale

" Everybody started to leave the parlor to go downstairs
and pour out the Hawkline Monster but just as
they reached the door and one of the Hawkline women
had her hand on the knob, Cameron said, 'Hold it for a
second. I want to get myself a little whiskey.' "

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Group Theory at Princeton

Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:01 pm

This is from the program of

Finite Simple Groups: Thirty Years of the Atlas and Beyond —
Celebrating the Atlases and Honoring John Conway

November 2-5, 2015 at Princeton University

Tony Strikes Again

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:09 am

Princeton's march of mediocrity continues:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Philosophy with a Hammer

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"The motive for metaphor, shrinking from
The weight of primary noon,
The A B C of being,

The ruddy temper, the hammer
Of red and blue, the hard sound—
Steel against intimation— the sharp flash,
The vital, arrogant, fatal, dominant X."

— Wallace Stevens,
   "The Motive for Metaphor" (1947)

See also a search in this journal for Philosophy Hammer.

Logic at Harvard

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:30 am

A review of the Log24 posts on Oct. 29, 2015,
yields the following image relevant to remarks at
the Harvard Graduate School of Design yesterday:

Branding at Harvard

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:00 am

From the Harvard Graduate School of Design's introduction
to a lecture on All Souls' Day 2015 —

"Calvin Klein is an award-winning fashion icon.
He is recognized globally as a master of minimalism
and has spent his career distilling things to
their very essence. His name ranks among the
best-known brands in the world, with Calvin Klein, Inc.
reaching over seven billion dollars in global retail sales."

A Klein icon I prefer —

The Klein Four-Group, illustration by Steven H. Cullinane

Click the above image for some backstory.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Logic at Noon

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:01 pm

Scientific American  photo caption —

"Monday, November 2, marks the 200-year anniversary
of the birth of the man who put True/False, 0/1, and
AND/OR and NOT on the map."

See Hardegree's Symbolic Logic  on "and/or" and its purported use
"to avoid ambiguity in legal contracts." His book is NOT recommended.

See also Bryan Garner in the ABA Journal  on "and/or" in legal usage
as well as a post in this  journal, The Witch of And/Or.

The Devil’s Offer

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:09 am

This is a sequel to the previous post and to the Oct. 24 post
Two Views of Finite Space.  From the latter —

” ‘All you need to do is give me your soul:
give up geometry and you will have this
marvellous machine.’ (Nowadays you
can think of it as a computer!) “

George Boole in image posted on All Souls' Day 2015

Colorful Story

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:00 am

"The office of color in the color line
is a very plain and subordinate one.
It simply advertises the objects of
oppression, insult, and persecution.
It is not the maddening liquor, but
the black letters on the sign
telling the world where it may be had."

— Frederick Douglass, "The Color Line,"
The North American Review , Vol. 132,
No. 295, June 1881, page 575

Or gold letters.

From a search for Seagram in this  journal —

Seagram VO ad, image posted on All Souls's Day 2015

A Seagram 'colorful tale'

"The colorful story of this undertaking begins with a bang."

— Martin Gardner on the death of Évariste Galois

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:48 pm

Two transitions from last Monday, Oct. 26, 2015,
according to the online New York Times  today —

Leo P. Kadanoff, a physicist who provided critical insights into the transformations of matter from one state to another, died last Monday in Chicago. He was 78.

The cause was respiratory failure, said the University of Chicago, where he was a professor from 1978 until his retirement in 2003.

A member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he received the National Medal of Science in 1999.

“He won basically every prize except the Nobel Prize, and many people thought he should have won the Nobel,” said Emil Martinec, a physics professor at the University of Chicago who directs the university’s Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics.

Dr. Kadanoff’s biggest scientific contribution came in the 1960s as scientists were trying to understand phase transitions, when matter changes from one form to another.

A Cornell chemist, Benjamin Widom, had come up with mathematical relationships that described behavior associated with second-order phase transitions, which include the boiling of water to steam at a particular temperature and pressure. But Dr. Widom did not have an underlying physical explanation for why these relationships existed.

Willis Carto, a reclusive behind-the-scenes wizard of the far-right fringe of American politics who used lobbying and publishing to denigrate Jews and other minorities and galvanize the movement to deny the Holocaust, died last Monday at his home in Virginia. He was 89.

His death was announced by The American Free Press, a newspaper he helped found.

Mr. Carto raised funds to finance a right-wing military dictatorship in the United States, campaigned to persuade blacks to voluntarily return to Africa and, most influentially, started newsletters, a journal and conferences of academics and others to deny the scale, and even the existence, of the Holocaust.

The Anti-Defamation League called him “one of the most influential American anti-Semitic propagandists” and “the mastermind of the hate network.”

His associates included neo-Nazis, Christian vigilantes, John Birch Society members and Ku Klux Klansmen, and his extreme views alienated mainstream conservatives. After William F. Buckley sued Mr. Carto for libel and won in 1985, Mr. Buckley said Mr. Carto epitomized “the fever swamps of the crazed right.’’

Related remarks:

Posts tagged "Steam," the post "On Ice-Breaking" from Oct. 27,
the post "Expanding the Seagram Spielraum" from Oct. 26, and
a 2008 article on the subject of the obituary at right above.

"Integrity, Craftsmanship, Tradition"

Sermon for All Saints’ Day

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:00 am

From St. Patrick's Day this year —

The March 17 post's title is a reference to a recent film.

Double Consciousness

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:28 am

A check of the New York Times 's version of the 
philosophers' stone yields

"And as Du Bois, a student of Hegel’s, reminds us,
the one who is in the dominated position is aware
of the perspective of the master: She is conscious
of herself as being seen by the other. It is this
double-consciousness that we must learn to understand."

— Seyla Benhabib, quoted by the Times
     on Oct. 29, 2015, 3:30 AM ET

A check of Benhabib's words yields

"It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness,
this sense of always looking at one's self through
the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape
of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity."

W. E. B. Du Bois

That, for example, looks on Harvard in amused contempt and pity

See Con Vocation.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weaving World…

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:00 pm


Addendum —

      See also Symplectic Structure 
      and Stevens's Rock.

Raiders of the Lost Crucible

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 10:15 am

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
on the date Friday, April 5, 2013 —

Paraconsistent Logic

“First published Tue Sep 24, 1996;
substantive revision Fri Apr 5, 2013”

This  journal on the date Friday, April 5, 2013 —

The object most closely resembling a “philosophers’ stone”
that I know of is the eightfold cube .

For some related philosophical remarks that may appeal
to a general Internet audience, see (for instance) a website
by I Ching  enthusiast Andreas Schöter that displays a labeled
eightfold cube in the form of a lattice diagram —

Related material by Schöter —

A 20-page PDF, “Boolean Algebra and the Yi Jing.”
(First published in The Oracle: The Journal of Yijing Studies ,
Vol 2, No 7, Summer 1998, pp. 19–34.)

I differ with Schöter’s emphasis on Boolean algebra.
The appropriate mathematics for I Ching  studies is,
I maintain, not Boolean algebra  but rather Galois geometry.

See last Saturday’s post Two Views of Finite Space.
Unfortunately, that post is, unlike Schöter’s work, not
suitable for a general Internet audience.

Friday, October 30, 2015

For Scientific Witch Hunters*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Motto selected by an Oslo artist

Lynx Oslo motto by Alan Moore

Illustration selected by The Boston Globe

Notes on perspective selected at Log24

* I.e. , those who hunt witches scientifically,
   or those who hunt scientific witches —
   a matter of, as it were, perspective.

For Damnation Morning*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:30 am

The Importance of Being Analytic

* Title of a story by Fritz Leiber.

The Eight

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:33 am


“Continue a search for thirty-three and three.
Veiled forever is the secret door.”

— Katherine Neville, aka Cat Velis, in The Eight,
Ballantine Books, January 1989, page 140

"Close enough for government work."
— Stephen King in Doctor Sleep

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:00 pm


When shall we three meet again?

"Carnap, Tarski and Quine met together in 1940-1941 at Harvard
to discuss their views on the nature of language and the differences
between logic, mathematics and science. In this remarkable book
Greg Frost-Arnold presents Carnap’s extensive notes on these
meetings. Frost-Arnold also includes an elegant translation and a
detailed commentary that sets the notes in their philosophical context
and demonstrates their importance for many central debates about
the history of analytic philosophy. This book marks a decisive advance
in our understanding of the philosophical views of Carnap, Tarski and
Quine, and is essential reading for all who work on these topics."

— Christopher Pincock, The Ohio State University

Priest Logic

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:00 pm

Versus the Hobgoblins of Emerson Hall

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


A Word in Your Delicate Ear

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:02 am


Oslo Halloween

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:00 am

(Suggested by the latest Instagram post of Oslo artist Josefine Lyche)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Tummelplatz of Jerusalem

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:45 pm

A check of recent tweets by Alexander Bogomolny, who was
mentioned in the previous post, yields a remark of Oct. 26, 2015

This is not unrelated to a word from Freud:

See as well "Digging Out the Truth?" (Jerusalem Post  2/25/2010)
and Michener's The Source  in this  journal.

Symmetry Framed

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 3:26 pm

The cover of the K. O. Friedrichs book From Pythagoras to Einstein 
shown in the previous post suggests a review (click the Log24 
images for webpages where they can be manipulated) ….


The "more sophisticated" link in the first image above
leads to a webpage by Alexander Bogomolny
"Pythagoras' Theorem by Tessellation," that says
"This is a subtle and beautiful proof."

Bogomolny refers us to the Friedrichs book, from which one of
the illustrations of the proof by tessellation is as follows —

For a quite different use of superposition, see
The Lindbergh Manifesto (May 19, 2015).

Assistance in Vienna

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 am

The Vienna Review

Beyond Freud’s Playground

In the 38th annual Freud Lecture, Siri Hustvedt
pursues the roots of imaginative exchange from
infancy to the therapist’s couch.

by Stephen Doyle on June 14, 2011

It’s May 6, the 155th anniversary of the birth of
Sigmund Freud. I arrive at the Austrian National Bank
just before 17:30 to attend the 38th annual
Sigmund Freud Lecture, given this year by
American novelist Siri Hustvedt. ….

From this  journal on the date of the above Freud lecture —

The Tummelplatz Thesis

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:29 am

The following is an excerpt from
"Tummelplatz: Exploring playgrounds for creative
collaborations — A qualitative study of generative
dynamics within temporary work contexts,"

by Emily Moren Aanes and Dragana Trifunović.
(Master's thesis, Oslo, 2013).

Related material: Josefine Lyche in this journal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Club Life

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:22 pm

On Ice-Breaking

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am

" ein Buch muß die Axt sein für das gefrorene Meer in uns." — Franz Kafka

"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." — Ogden Nash

Monday, October 26, 2015

Expanding the Seagram Spielraum

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:20 pm

From the previous post, Expanding the Spielraum

"The knights and squires of nearby Ambras used to let their
steeds romp here, whence came the name Tummelplatz ." 

— Quelle: Ludwig von Hörmann, "Der Tummelplatz  bei Amras,"
in: Der Alpenfreund , 1. Band, Gera 1870, S. 72 – 73.

"Integrity, Craftsmanship, Tradition"

Expanding the Spielraum

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:00 pm


Halloween meditation  on  the Tummelplatz  at Innsbruck

"Die Ritter und Knappen des nahegelegenen Ambras
pflegten hier ihre Rosse zu tummeln, woher sich auch
der Name Tummelplatz  schreibt."

"The knights and squires of nearby Ambras used to let their
steeds romp here, whence came the name Tummelplatz ." 

— Quelle: Ludwig von Hörmann, "Der Tummelplatz  bei Amras,"
in: Der Alpenfreund , 1. Band, Gera 1870, S. 72 – 73.

See as well Sigmund Freud, Erinnern, Wiederholen und Durcharbeiten
(1914) —

"Wir eröffnen ihm die Übertragung als den Tummel­platz ,
auf dem ihm gestattet wird, sich in fast völliger Freiheit
zu entfalten, und auferlegt ist, uns alles vorzuführen,
was sich an pathogenen Trieben im Seelenleben des
Analysierten verborgen hat."

"We admit it into the transference as a playground
in which it is allowed to expand in almost complete freedom
and in which it is expected to display to us everything in the
way of pathogenic instincts that is hidden in the patient's mind."

This passage has been discussed by later psychotherapists,
notably Russell Meares.  Dr. Meares, working from a translation
that has "playground" for Freud's Tummelplatz , uses Spielraum  
in place of Freud's own word.

For related material in this  journal, see Expanding the Spielraum.
An illustration from that search —

IMAGE- Concepts of Space

Art and Theology

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 6:06 am

Yesterday's nonsense from The New York Times  suggests
a better example of cultural criticism is needed.  Try this 

The opening paragraph of "The many faces of Pablo Picasso,"
by Peter Conrad, at theguardian.com on Saturday,
7 February, 2009, 19.01 EST* —

"Picasso," the surrealist poet Paul Eluard said,
"paints like God or the devil." Picasso favoured
the first option. "I am God," he was once heard
telling himself. He muttered the mantra three
times, boasting of his power to animate and
enliven the visible world. Any line drawn by
his hand pulsed with vitality; when he looked
at it, a bicycle seat and its handlebar could
suddenly turn into the horned head of a bull.
But he also took a diabolical pleasure in
warping appearances, deforming faces and
twisting bodies, subjecting reality to a
tormenting inquisition.

As noted here, yesterday was the birth date (in 1811) of Galois.
It was also the birth date (in 1881) of Picasso.

Related material from the 2009 date* of the Conrad article —
The Log24 post "Childish Things." For those who deeply
dislike Picasso, there is also an 1880 opening illustration 
to Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen

Story the First,
Which Describes a Looking-Glass
and the Broken Fragments

"You must attend to the commencement
of this story, for when we get to the end
we shall know more than we do now about
a very wicked hobgoblin; he was one of the
very worst, for he was a real demon." 

Houghton Mifflin edition of 1880, Riverside Press, Cambridge

Click the above illustration for related posts in this journal.

* Also dated the following day, to correspond to the 00.01 GMT publication
  time of The Guardian 's Sunday version, The Observer , in which it appeared.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Buyers and Sellers of Children

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 6:45 am


Featured on this morning's online front page of
The New York Times

Some further details —

An example of New York Times  culture is shown above —

"… Mondrian paintings at the Museum of Modern Art
blend symmetry with a tensile volatility."

(To be fair, this contemptible bullshit is from a picture caption,
not from the art review being summarized.)

Related cultural observations —

Math for Child Buyers  and  Fiction for Child Sellers.

Celtic Cross

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 5:01 am


The above illustrations are
from posts tagged
"Universe of Discourse." 

Happy birthday to Évariste Galois, who may
prefer a mathematical, not religious,
interpretation of the above Celtic cross.

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