
Monday, November 9, 2015

A Particular Mind

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:30 am

"The old, slow art of the eye and the hand, united in service
to the imagination, is in crisis. It’s not that painting is 'dead' 
again—no other medium can as yet so directly combine
vision and touch to express what it’s like to have a particular
mind, with its singular troubles and glories, in a particular
body. But painting has lost symbolic force and function in a
culture of promiscuous knowledge and glutting information."

Peter Schjeldahl in The New Yorker ,
     issue dated Jan. 5, 2015

Cover of a 1980 book on computer music that contains a
helpful article on Walsh functions —

See, in this book, "Walsh Functions: A Digital Fourier Series,"
by Benjamin Jacoby (BYTE , September 1977).  Some context:
Symmetry of Walsh Functions.

Excerpts from a search for Steve + Jobs in this journal —

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