
Saturday, September 3, 2016

CP is for Consolation Prize

Filed under: — m759 @ 2:01 pm

CERN COURIER  May 28, 1999:

In hot pursuit of CP violation

"CP was a consolation prize for physicists.
At least it seemed so until 1964." 

"James W. Cronin, who shared the Nobel Prize in physics
for discovering a startling breakdown in what was assumed
to be the immutable symmetry of physical law, thereby
helping to explain the behavior and evolution of the universe
as a whole, died Aug. 25 in St. Paul, Minn. He was 84.

Dr. Cronin’s death was announced by the University of Chicago,
where he was a professor emeritus of physics as well as of
astronomy and astrophysics. No cause was reported."

— Martin Weil in The Washington Post , August 28, 2016

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