
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Nonphysical Entities

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:00 pm

Norwegian Sculpture Biennial 2015 catalog, p. 70 —

" 'Ambassadørene' er fysiske former som presenterer
ikk-fysiske fenomener. "

Translation by Google —

" 'Ambassadors' physical forms presents
nonphysical phenomena. "

Related definition —

Are the "line diagrams" of the diamond theorem and
the analogous "plane diagrams" of the eightfold cube
nonphysical entities? Discuss.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Heisenberg Bedeutung

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 pm

"… survival, transmission, association,
a strong indifferent persistent order."

— Henry James in The Ambassadors

"You see, you can't please everyone,
so you've got to please yourself." — Rick Nelson

Garden Party

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:30 pm

The Ambassadors

"The place itself was a great impression—
a small pavilion, clear-faced and sequestered,
an effect of polished parquet, of fine white panel
and spare sallow gilt, of decoration delicate and
rare, in the heart of the Faubourg Saint-Germain
and on the edge of a cluster of gardens attached
to old noble houses. Far back from streets and
unsuspected by crowds, reached by a long passage
and a quiet court, it was as striking to the unprepared
mind, he immediately saw, as a treasure dug up;
giving him too, more than anything yet, the note of
the range of the immeasurable town and sweeping
away, as by a last brave brush, his usual landmarks
and terms. It was in the garden, a spacious cherished
remnant, out of which a dozen persons had already
passed, that Chad's host presently met them; while
the tall bird-haunted trees, all of a twitter with the
spring and the weather, and the high party-walls,
on the other side of which grave hôtels  stood off for
privacy, spoke of survival, transmission, association,
a strong indifferent persistent order. The day was so
soft that the little party had practically adjourned to
the open air, but the open air was in such conditions
all a chamber of state. Strether had presently the
sense of a great convent, a convent of missions,
famous for he scarce knew what, a nursery of young
priests, of scattered shade, of straight alleys and
chapel-bells, that spread its mass in one quarter;
he had the sense of names in the air, of ghosts at the
windows, of signs and tokens, a whole range of
expression, all about him, too thick for prompt

— Henry James, 1909 edition of the 1903 novel

Eightfold Cube in Oslo

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 2:00 pm

An eightfold cube appears in this detail 
of a photo by Josefine Lyche of her
installation "4D Ambassador" at the 
Norwegian Sculpture Biennial 2015

Sculpture by Josefine Lyche of Cullinane's eightfold cube at Vigeland Museum in Oslo

(Detail from private Instagram photo.)

Catalog description of installation —

Google Translate version —

In a small bedroom to Foredragssalen populate
Josefine Lyche exhibition with a group sculptures
that are part of the work group 4D Ambassador
(2014-2015). Together they form an installation
where she uses light to amplify the feeling of
stepping into a new dimension, for which the title
suggests, this "ambassadors" for a dimension we
normally do not have access to. "Ambassadors"
physical forms presents nonphysical phenomena.
Lyches works have in recent years been placed
in something one might call an "esoteric direction"
in contemporary art, and defines itself this
sculpture group humorous as "glam-minimalist."
She has in many of his works returned to basic
geometric shapes, with hints to the occult,
"new space-age", mathematics and where
everything in between.

See also Lyche + "4D Ambassador" in this journal and
her website page with a 2012 version of that title.

Cube Design

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

For Aaron Sorkin and Walter Isaacson

Related material — 
Bauhaus CubeDesign Cube, and
Nabokov's Transparent Things .

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