
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Battlefield Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 5:24 am


Click to enlarge.

Related material from Wikipedia— Baseball metaphors for sex.

Build it…

Friday, November 9, 2012

Battlefield Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 3:28 pm

(Continued from Sept. 11, 2007)

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair

Trouble with the curve?


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:21 am

(Continued from Deconstructing Alice)

The Dream of the Expanded Field

Image-- 4x4 square and 4x4x4 cube

"Somehow it seems to fill my head
with ideas— only I don't exactly know
what they are!"

See also Deep Play.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:00 pm

In several posts now tagged Chessboard
an I Ching chessboard
image in which adjacent squares 
have the Karnaugh property

— has been replaced by a picture of
the original 1989 version in which
the Karnaugh property applies only to cells
that are adjacent in a cubic, not square,

I Ching chessboard (original 1989 arrangement)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Design Cubes

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:48 pm

Continued from April 2, 2012.

Some predecessors of the Cullinane design cubes of 1984
that lack the Cullinane cubes' symmetry properties

Kohs cubes (see 1920 article)
Wechsler cubes (see Wechsler in this journal), and
Horowitz  cubes (see links below).

Horowitz Design Cubes Package

Horowitz Design Cubes (1971)

1973 Horowitz Design Cubes Patent

Horowitz Biography

Sitting Specially

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:01 am

Some webpages at finitegeometry.org discuss
group actions on Sylvester’s duads and synthemes.

Those pages are based on the square model of
PG(3,2) described in the 1980’s by Steven H. Cullinane.

A rival tetrahedral model of PG(3,2) was described
in the 1990’s by Burkard Polster.

Polster’s tetrahedral model appears, notably, in
a Mathematics Magazine  article from April 2009—

IMAGE- Figure from article by Alex Fink and Richard Guy on how the symmetric group of degree 5 'sits specially' in the symmetric group of degree 6

Click for a pdf of the article.

Related material:

The Religion of Cubism” (May 9, 2003) and “Art and Lies
(Nov. 16, 2008).

This  post was suggested by following the link in yesterday’s
Sunday School post  to High White Noon, and the link from
there to A Study in Art Education, which mentions the date of
Rudolf Arnheim‘s death, June 9, 2007. This journal
on that date


IMAGE- The ninefold square

— The Delphic Corporation

The Fink-Guy article was announced in a Mathematical
Association of America newsletter dated April 15, 2009.

Those who prefer narrative to mathematics may consult
a Log24 post from a few days earlier, “Where Entertainment is God”
(April 12, 2009), and, for some backstory, The Judas Seat
(February 16, 2007).

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:01 am

A New Yorker  weblog post from yesterday, All Souls' Day

"As the mathematician Terence Tao has written,
math study has three stages:
the 'pre-rigorous,' in which basic rules are learned,
the theoretical 'rigorous' stage, and, last and most intriguing,
'the post-rigorous,' in which intuition suddenly starts to play a part."

Related material— 

Rigor  in a Log24 post of Sunday evening, May 25, 2008: "Hall of Mirrors."

Note in that post the tesseract  viewed as the lattice of
the 16 subsets of a 4-element set.

Some further material related to tesseracts and time, in three stages
(roughly corresponding to Tao's, but not in chronological order): 

  1. Bakhtin
  2. Spaces as Hypercubes, and 
  3. Pindar.

See also a recent Log24 post on remarks from Four Quartets .

(The vertices of a tesseract form, in various natural ways, four quartets.)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Time and Chance (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 1:20 am

For clergymen who embrace Trudeau's
"Story Theory of Truth" (see last evening's
7:20 PM post on geometry and A Wrinkle in Time )

Here are two meditations suggested by
yesterday evening's New York Lottery :

1.  Page 141 in Philosophies of India

2.  Post 4658 in this journal— A Wrinkle in Dimensions.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Theories of Truth

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:20 pm

A review of two theories of truth described
by a clergyman, Richard J. Trudeau, in
The Non-Euclidean Revolution

The Story Theory of Truth:

"But, I asked, is there a difference
between fiction and nonfiction?
'Not much,' she said, shrugging."

New Yorker  profile of tesseract
     author Madeleine L'Engle

The Diamond Theory of Truth:

(Click image for some background.)

Spaces as Hypercubes

See also the links on a webpage at finitegeometry.org.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Malfunctioning TARDIS

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:01 am

(Continued from previous TARDIS posts)

Summary: A review of some  posts from last August is suggested by the death,
reportedly during the dark hours early on October 30, of artist Lebbeus Woods.

An (initially unauthorized) appearance of his work in the 1995 film
Twelve Monkeys 

 … suggests a review of three posts from last August.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Defining Form

Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 11:01 AM 

Continued from July 29 in memory of filmmaker Chris Marker,
who reportedly* died on that date at 91 at his home in Paris.

See Slides and Chantingand Where Madness Lies.

See also Sherrill Grace on Malcolm Lowry.

Washington PostOther sources say Marker died on July 30.

 These notably occur in Marker's masterpiece
     La Jetée  (review with spoilers).


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Triple Feature

Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 11:11 PM

IMAGE- Triple Feature: 'Twelve Monkeys,' Reagan National Airport on July 31, 2012, and 'Die Hard 2'

For related material, see this morning's post Defining Form.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doctor Who

Filed under: Uncategorized — m759 @ 2:00 PM

On Robert A. Heinlein's novel Glory Road

"Glory Road  (1963) included the foldbox , a hyperdimensional packing case that was bigger inside than outside. It is unclear if Glory Road  was influenced by the debut of the science fiction television series Doctor Who  on the BBC that same year. In Doctor Who , the main character pilots a time machine called a TARDIS, which is built with technology which makes it 'dimensionally transcendental,' that is, bigger inside than out."

— Todd, Tesseract article at exampleproblems.com

From the same exampleproblems.com article—

"The connection pattern of the tesseract's vertices is the same as that of a 4×4 square array drawn on a torus; each cell (representing a vertex of the tesseract) is adjacent to exactly four other cells. See geometry of the 4×4 square."

For further details, see today's new page on vertex adjacency at finitegeometry.org.


"It was a dark and stormy night."— A Wrinkle in Time

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Malfunctioning TARDIS

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:01 am

From a Sept. 17, 2010, post of Peter J. Cameron
that was linked to here at 8 AM ET today

In a recurring motif in the second Quartet, “East Coker”, Eliot says,

Time future and time past
Are both somehow contained in time present

and, in “Little Gidding”,

… to apprehend
The point of intersection of the timeless
With time, is an occupation for the saint

This should read instead…

In a recurring motif in the first Quartet, “Burnt Norton”, Eliot says,

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past

and, in “The Dry Salvages”,

… to apprehend
The point of intersection of the timeless
With time, is an occupation for the saint

Related material from this journal in 2003

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Documenting Victims

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 8:48 pm

From today's online New York Times 
photos, in memory of an Auschwitz photographer,
of a Polish Catholic victim of the Nazis —

In memory of the victims of Leon Jaroff, Paul Kurtz, and Martin Gardner
(see Halloween Special), an example— Gardner on Galois.

Today is Galois's birthday.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cube Review

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 3:00 pm

Last Wednesday's 11 PM post mentioned the
adjacency-isomorphism relating the 4-dimensional 
hypercube over the 2-element Galois field GF(2) to
the 4×4 array made up of 16 square cells, with
opposite edges of the 4×4 array identified.

A web page illustrates this property with diagrams that
enjoy the Karnaugh property— adjacent vertices, or cells,
differ in exactly one coordinate. A brief paper by two German
authors relates the Karnaugh property to the construction
of a magic square like that of Dürer (see last Wednesday).

In a similar way (search the Web for Karnaugh + cube ),
vertex adjacency in the 6-dimensional hypercube over GF(2) 
is isomorphic to cell adjacency in the 4x4x4 cube, with
opposite faces of the 4x4x4 cube identified.

The above cube may be used to illustrate some properties
of the 64-point Galois 6-space that are more advanced
than those studied by enthusiasts of "magic" squares
and cubes.


Those who prefer narrative to mathematics may
consult posts in this journal containing the word "Cuber."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Omega Point

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:00 pm

For Sergeant-Major America—

IMAGE- Art exhibition with 'Omega Point' and geometric figures related to tesseract, along with movie 'Captain America' figure

The image is from posts of Feb. 20, 2011, and Jan. 27, 2012.

This instance of the omega point is for a sergeant major
who died at 92 on Wednesday, October 10, 2012.

See also posts on that date in this journal—

Midnight,  Ambiguation,  Subtitle for Odin's Day,  and
Melancholia, Depression, Ambiguity.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 pm

"Mathematics is not the rigid and petrifying schema, as the layman so much likes to view it; with it, we rather stand precisely at the point of intersection of restraint and freedom that makes up the essence of man itself."

— A translated remark by Hermann Weyl, p. 136, "The Current Epistemogical Situation in Mathematics" in Paolo Mancosu (ed.) From Brouwer to Hilbert. The Debate on the Foundations of Mathematics in the 1920s , Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 123-142, as cited by David Corfield

Corfield once wrote that he would like to know the original German of Weyl's remark. Here it is:

"Die Mathematik ist nicht das starre und Erstarrung bringende Schema, als das der Laie sie so gerne ansieht; sondern wir stehen mit ihr genau in jenem Schnittpunkt von Gebundenheit und Freiheit, welcher das Wesen des Menschen selbst ist."

— Hermann Weyl, page 533 of "Die heutige Erkenntnislage in der Mathematik" (Symposion  1, 1-32, 1925), reprinted in Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Band II  (Springer, 1968), pages 511-542

For some context, see a post of January 23, 2006.

Cameron vs. Galois

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:00 am

IMAGE- Peter J. Cameron discusses 'ambiguity' in poety and in mathematics.

See Galois Ambiguity in this  journal.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Melancholia, Depression, Ambiguity

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 11:00 pm

Occurrences of the phrase "magic square" in Lowe-Porter's translation of the Thomas Mann novel Doctor Faustus

"On the wall above the  piano was an arithmetical diagram fastened with drawing-pins, something he had found in a second-hand shop: a so-called magic square, such as appears also in Dürer's Melancolia , along with the hour-glass, the circle, the scale, the polyhedron, and other symbols. Here as there, the figure was divided into sixteen Arabic-numbered fields, in such a way that number one was in the right-hand lower corner, sixteen in the upper left; and the magic, or the oddity, simply consisted in the fact that the sum of these numerals, however you added them, straight down, crosswise, or diagonally, always came to thirty-four. What the principle was upon which this magic uniformity rested I never made out, but by virtue of the prominent place Adrian had given it over the piano, it always attracted the eye, and I believe I never visited his room without giving a quick glance, slanting up or straight down and testing once more the invariable, incredible result."


"Adrian kept without changing during the whole four and a half years he spent in Leipzig his two-room quarters in Peterstrasse near the Collegium Beatae Virginis, where he had again pinned the magic square above his cottage piano."


" 'The decisive factor is that every note, without exception, has significance and function according to its place in the basic series or its derivatives. That would guarantee what I call the indifference to harmony and melody.' 

'A magic square,' I said. 'But do you hope to have people hear all that?' "


" 'Extraordinarily Dürerish. You love it. First "how will I shiver after the sun"; and then the houre-glasse of the Melancolia .  Is the magic square coming too?' "


"Here I will remind the reader of a conversation I had with Adrian on a long-ago day, the day of his sister's wedding at Buchel, as we walked round the Cow Trough. He developed for me— under pressure of a headache— his idea of the 'strict style,' derived from the way in which, as in the lied 'O lieb Madel, wie schlecht bist du ' melody and harmony are determined by the permutation of a fundamental five-note motif, the symbolic letters h, e, a, e, e-flat. He showed me the 'magic square' of a style of technique which yet developed the extreme of variety out of identical material and in which there is no longer anything unthematic, anything that could not prove itself to be a variation of an ever constant element. This style, this technique, he said, admitted no note, not one, which did not fulfil its thematic function in the whole structure— there was no longer any free note."

Review of related material— 

Last night's midnight post (disambiguation), the followup 1 AM post (ambiguation), today's noon post (ambiguity), and Dürer in this journal.

The tesseracts of the noon post are related to the Dürer magic square by a well-known adjacency property.

"… the once stable 'father's depression' has been transmuted into a shifting reality that shimmered in a multiplicity of facets."

Haim Omer, Tel-Aviv University, on Milanese ambiguation  therapy,
     p. 321 in "Three Styles of Constructive Therapy,"
     Constructive Therapies, Vol. 2 , pp. 319-333, 
     ed. by Michael F. Hoyt (Guilford Press paperback, 1998)

Subtitle for Odin’s Day

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

The subtitle of Jack Kerouac's novel Doctor Sax
is Faust Part Three.

Related material—

Types of Ambiguity— Galois Meets Doctor Faustus
(this journal, December 14, 2010).

See also tesseracts of Odin and of Galois.


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:00 am

Wikipedia disambiguation page—

IMAGE- Wikipedia disambiguation page for 'Da Milano'

"When you come to a fork in the road…"

IMAGE- Alyssa Milano as a child, with fork

IMAGE- Ambiguation therapy in Milan

For another "shifting reality that shimmered
in a multiplicity of facets," see The Diamond Theorem.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Issue 16

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 8:14 pm

From triplecanopy, Issue 16 —

International Art English, by Alix Rule and David Levine (July 30, 2012)

… In what follows, we examine some of the curious lexical, grammatical, and stylistic features of what we call International Art English. We consider IAE’s origins, and speculate about the future of this language through which contemporary art is created, promoted, sold, and understood. Some will read our argument as an overelaborate joke. But there’s nothing funny about this language to its users. And the scale of its use testifies to the stakes involved. We are quite serious….*

Space  is an especially important word in IAE and can refer to a raft of entities not traditionally thought of as spatial (the space of humanity ) as well as ones that are in most circumstances quite obviously spatial (the space of the gallery ). An announcement for the 2010 exhibition “Jimmie Durham and His Metonymic Banquet,” at Proyecto de Arte Contemporáneo Murcia in Spain, had the artist “questioning the division between inside and outside in the Western sacred space”—the venue was a former church—“to highlight what is excluded in order to invest the sanctum with its spatial purity. Pieces of cement, wire, refrigerators, barrels, bits of glass and residues of ‘the sacred,’ speak of the space of the exhibition hall … transforming it into a kind of ‘temple of confusion.’”

Spatial and nonspatial space are interchangeable in IAE. The critic John Kelsey, for instance, writes that artist Rachel Harrison “causes an immediate confusion between the space of retail and the space of subjective construction.” The rules for space  in this regard also apply to field , as in “the field of the real”—which is where, according to art historian Carrie Lambert-Beatty, “the parafictional has one foot.” (Prefixes like para -, proto -, post -, and hyper – expand the lexicon exponentially and Germanly, which is to say without adding any new words.) It’s not just that IAE is rife with spacey terms like intersection , parallel , parallelism , void , enfold , involution , and platform …

* Footnote not in the original—
  See also Geometry and Death from the date of the above article.

Air America

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 4:00 am

Related entertainment—

The song being performed in the above trailer 
for Air America  is "A Horse with No Name."

See  "Instantia Crucis" and "Winning."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kids Grow Up

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:29 pm

From an obituary for Helen Nicoll, author
of a popular series of British children's books—

"They feature Meg, a witch whose spells
always seem to go wrong, her cat Mog,
and their friend Owl." 

For some (very loosely) related concepts that
have been referred to in this journal, see…

Meg,  Mog,  and Owl.

See, too, "Kids grow up" (Feb. 13, 2012).

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 2:56 pm

“And how do we keep our balance?
That I can tell you in one word!”
Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof

“The object and characteristic of ‘traditions,’
including invented ones, is invariance.”
Eric Hobsbawm, introduction (link added)
to The Invention of Tradition

“Math is all about questions and answers.”
Prof. John D. McCarthy, Michigan State U.,
Monday afternoon, October 1, 2012

“Who knows where madness lies?”
Man of La Mancha
    (linked to here Monday morning)

Monday, October 1, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 3:09 pm

IMAGE- 'Square Acquires a New York Design Firm' (NY Times, noon on October 1st, 2012)

» more

This, together with this morning's post involving the squares 16 and 9,
suggests a review of Conceit at Harvard (October 25, 2006), which
contains the following figure involving the squares 16, 9, and 25—

IMAGE- Right 3-4-5 triangle with squares on sides and hypotenuse as base

"If you have built castles in the air, 
your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kummer and the Cube

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 7:11 pm

Denote the d-dimensional hypercube by  γd .

"… after coloring the sixty-four vertices of  γ6
alternately red and blue, we can say that
the sixteen pairs of opposite red vertices represent
the sixteen nodes of Kummer's surface, while
the sixteen pairs of opposite blue vertices
represent the sixteen tropes."

— From "Kummer's 16," section 12 of Coxeter's 1950
    "Self-dual Configurations and Regular Graphs"

Just as the 4×4 square represents the 4-dimensional
hypercube  γ4  over the two-element Galois field GF(2),
so the 4x4x4 cube represents the 6-dimensional
hypercube  γ6  over GF(2).

For religious interpretations, see
Nanavira Thera (Indian) and
I Ching  geometry (Chinese).

See also two professors in The New York Times
discussing images of the sacred in an op-ed piece
dated Sept. 26 (Yom Kippur).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another Day

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:01 am

Verlyn Klinkenborg in yesterday's online New York Times

"Even metaphors — the best ones anyway —
are literal-minded. But that’s a story for another day."

Another day: May 18, 2010—

Part I: At Pomona College

"Writer-in-Residence Verlyn Klinkenborg '74
Writes Essay on Graduation for New York Times"
— Pomona College news item, May 18, 2010, by
   Laura Tiffany

Part II: In this journal

Note that the geometric diamond in the screenshot above
is not blue but black.

See also Pomona College under the topic Defining Form
in this journal.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Plan 9 (continued)–

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

In Like Flynn

From the Wall Street Journal  site Friday evening—

ESSAY September 21, 2012, 9:10 p.m. ET

Are We Really Getting Smarter?

Americans’ IQ scores have risen steadily over the past century.
James R. Flynn examines why.

IMAGE- Raven's Progressive Matrices problem with ninth configuration a four-diamonds grid

No, thank you. I prefer the ninth configuration as is—

IMAGE- Four-diamonds grid, the ninth configuration in a Raven's Progressive Matrices problem

Why? See Josefine Lyche’s art installation “Grids, you say?

Her reference there to “High White Noon” is perhaps
related to the use of that phrase in this journal.

The phrase is from a 2010 novel by Don DeLillo.
See “Point Omega,” as well as Lyche’s “Omega Point,”
in this journal.

The Wall Street Journal  author above, James R. Flynn (born in 1934),
“is famous for his discovery of the Flynn effect, the continued
year-after-year increase of IQ scores in all parts of the world.”

His son Eugene Victor Flynn is a mathematician, co-author
of the following chapter on the Kummer surface— 

For use of the Kummer surface in Buddhist metaphysics, see last night’s
post “Occupy Space (continued)” and the letters of Nanavira Thera from the
late 1950s at nanavira.blogspot.com.

These letters, together with Lyche’s use of the phrase “high white noon,”
suggest a further quotation

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn’t get much higher

See also the Kummer surface at the web page Configurations and Squares.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Art Wars (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 8:00 pm

Today's previous post, "For Odin's Day," discussed 
a mathematical object, the tesseract, from a strictly
narrative point of view.

In honor of George Balanchine, Odin might yield the
floor this evening to Apollo.

From a piece in today's online New York Times  titled
"How a God Finds Art (the Abridged Version)"—

"… the newness at the heart of this story,
in which art is happening for the first time…."

Some related art

IMAGE- Figure from Plato's Meno in version by Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford

and, more recently

This more recent figure is from Ian Stewart's 1996 revision 
of a 1941 classic, What Is Mathematics? , by Richard Courant
and Herbert Robbins.

Apollo might discuss with Socrates how the confused slave boy
of Plato's Meno  would react to Stewart's remark that

"The number of copies required to double an
 object's size depends on its dimension."

Apollo might also note an application of Socrates' Meno  diagram
to the tesseract of this afternoon's Odin post


Monday, September 17, 2012

Pattern Conception

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , , — m759 @ 10:00 am

( Continued from yesterday's post FLT )

Context Part I —

"In 1957, George Miller initiated a research programme at Harvard University to investigate rule-learning, in situations where participants are exposed to stimuli generated by rules, but are not told about those rules. The research program was designed to understand how, given exposure to some finite subset of stimuli, a participant could 'induce' a set of rules that would allow them to recognize novel members of the broader set. The stimuli in question could be meaningless strings of letters, spoken syllables or other sounds, or structured images. Conceived broadly, the project was a seminal first attempt to understand how observers, exposed to a set of stimuli, could come up with a set of principles, patterns, rules or hypotheses that generalized over their observations. Such abstract principles, patterns, rules or hypotheses then allow the observer to recognize not just the previously seen stimuli, but a wide range of other stimuli consistent with them. Miller termed this approach 'pattern conception ' (as opposed to 'pattern perception'), because the abstract patterns in question were too abstract to be 'truly perceptual.'….

…. the 'grammatical rules' in such a system are drawn from the discipline of formal language theory  (FLT)…."

— W. Tecumseh Fitch, Angela D. Friederici, and Peter Hagoort, "Pattern Perception and Computational Complexity: Introduction to the Special Issue," Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B  (2012) 367, 1925-1932 

Context Part II —

IMAGE- Wikipedia article 'Formal language'

Context Part III —

A four-color theorem describes the mathematics of
general  structures, not just symbol-strings, formed from
four kinds of things— for instance, from the four elements
of the finite Galois field GF(4), or the four bases of DNA.

Context Part IV —

A quotation from William P. Thurston, a mathematician
who died on Aug. 21, 2012—

"It may sound almost circular to say that
what mathematicians are accomplishing
is to advance human understanding of mathematics.
I will not try to resolve this
by discussing what mathematics is,
because it would take us far afield.
Mathematicians generally feel that they know
what mathematics is, but find it difficult
to give a good direct definition.
It is interesting to try. For me,
'the theory of formal patterns'
has come the closest, but to discuss this
would be a whole essay in itself."

Related material from a literate source—

"So we moved, and they, in a formal pattern"

Formal Patterns—

Not formal language theory  but rather
finite projective geometry  provides a graphic grammar
of abstract design

IMAGE- Harvard Crimson ad, Easter Sunday, 2008: 'Finite projective geometry as a graphic grammar of abstract design'

See also, elsewhere in this journal,
Crimson Easter Egg and Formal Pattern.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 8:28 pm

The "FLT" of the above title is not Fermat's Last Theorem,
but Formal Language Theory (see image below).

In memory of George A. Miller, Harvard cognitive psychologist, who
reportedly died at 92 on July 22, 2012, the first page of a tribute
published  shortly before his death

IMAGE- Design and Formal Language Theory

The complete introduction is available online. It ends by saying—

"In conclusion, the research discussed in this issue
breathes new life into a set of issues that were raised,
but never resolved, by Miller 60 years ago…."

Related material: Symmetry and Hierarchy (a post of 9/11), and
Notes on Groups and Geometry, 1978-1986 .

Happy Rosh Hashanah.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Symmetry and Hierarchy

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 1:00 pm

A followup to Intelligence Test (April 2, 2012).

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
B  (2012) 367, 2007–2022
(theme issue of July 19, 2012

Gesche Westphal-Fitch [1], Ludwig Huber [2],
Juan Carlos Gómez [3], and W. Tecumseh Fitch [1]
[1]  Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna,
      Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria
[2]  Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna,
      Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna,
      Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria
[3]  School of Psychology, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews,
      South Street, St Andrews, KY16 9JP, UK
Excerpt (added in an update on Dec. 8, 2012) —
Conclusion —
"…  We believe that applying the theoretical
framework of formal language theory to two-dimensional
patterns offers a rich new perspective on the
human capacity for producing regular, hierarchically
organized structures. Such visual patterns may actually
prove more flexible than music or language for probing
the full extent of human pattern processing abilities.
      With the results presented here, we have taken the
first steps in decoding the uniquely human fascination
with visual patterns, what Gombrich termed our
‘sense of order’.
      Although the patterns we studied are most similar
to tilings or mosaics, they are examples of a much
broader type of abstract plane pattern, a type found
in virtually all of the world’s cultures [4]. Given that
such abstract visual patterns seem to represent
human universals, they have received astonishingly
little attention from psychologists. This neglect is particularly
unfortunate given their democratic nature,
their popular appeal and the ease with which they
can be generated and analysed in the laboratory.
With the current research, we hope to spark renewed
scientific interest in these ‘unregarded arts’, which
we believe have much to teach us about the nature of
the human mind."
[4]  Washburn, D. K. & Crowe, D. W.,1988
      Symmetries of Culture
      Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis
      Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Commentary —
For hierarchy , see my assessment of Gombrich.
For culture , see T. S. Eliot and Russell Kirk on Eliot.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Decomposition Sermon

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:00 am

(Continued from Walpurgisnacht 2012)

Wikipedia article on functional decomposition

"Outside of purely mathematical considerations,
perhaps the greatest value of functional decomposition
is the insight it provides into the structure of the world."

Certainly this is true for the sort of decomposition
known as harmonic analysis .

It is not, however, true of my own decomposition theorem,
which deals only with structures made up of at most four
different sorts of elementary parts.

But my own approach has at least some poetic value.

See the four elements of the Greeks in (for instance)
Eliot's Four Quartets  and in Auden's For the Time Being .

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Glory Road (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 7:59 am

"In ancient Greece, 9 was the number of the Muses,
patron goddesses of the arts. They were the daughters
of Mnemosyne ('memory'), the source
of imagination, which in turn is the carrier of archetypal,
elementary ideas to artistic realization in the field
of space-time. The number 9, that is to say, relates
traditionally to the Great Goddess of Many Names
(Devi, Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Artemis, Venus, etc.),
as matrix of the cosmic process, whether in the
macrocosm or in a microcosmic field of manifestation."

— Joseph Campbell in The Inner Reaches of Outer Space ,
      first published in 1986

From Robert A. Heinlein’s Glory Road  (1963):

Her face turned thoughtful. “Would you like to call me ‘Ettarre’?”

“Is that one of your names?”

“It is much like one of them, allowing for different spelling and accent.  Or it could be ‘Esther’ just as closely.  Or ‘Aster.’  Or even ‘Estrellita.’ “

” ‘Aster,’ ” I repeated. “Star. Lucky Star!”

Friday, August 24, 2012

Formal Pattern

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 4:28 pm

(Continued from In Memoriam (Aug. 22), Chapman's Homer (Aug. 23),
and this morning's Colorful Tale)

An informative, but undated, critique of the late Marvin W. Meyer
by April D. DeConick at the website of the Society of Biblical Literature
appeared in more popular form in an earlier New York Times
op-ed piece, "Gospel Truth," dated Dec. 1, 2007.

A check, in accord with Jungian synchronicity, of this  journal
on that date yields a quotation from Plato's Phaedrus  —

"The soul or animate being has the care of the inanimate."

Related verses from T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets

"The detail of the pattern is movement."

"So we moved, and they, in a formal pattern."

Some background from pure mathematics (what the late
William P. Thurston called "the theory of formal patterns")—

The Animated Diamond Theorem.

A Colorful Tale

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 6:06 am

(Continued from July 19, 2008)

From the Diamond 16 Puzzle

IMAGE- The Diamond 16 Puzzle

The resemblance between the "quadrants" part of
the above picture and the new Microsoft symbol

IMAGE- New Microsoft symbol, August 2012

— is of course purely coincidental, as is the fact
that the new symbol illustrates four colors.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chapman’s Homer

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:48 am

Louis Sahagun in today's Los Angeles Times

The late Professor Marvin W. Meyer

 "was our Indiana Jones,"  said James L. Doti,
president of Chapman University in Orange,
where Meyer held the Griset Chair in Bible
and Christian Studies and was director of
the Albert Schweitzer Institute.

Meyer reportedly died on August 16.

IMAGE- The late Professor Marvin W. Meyer of Chapman University in Orange, CA, with the university's emblem, the eight-pointed star

Thursday, August 16, 2012


m759 @ 4:00 AM

IMAGE- Eight-pointed star formed by the four symmetry axes of the square

"Two clichés make us laugh, but
a hundred clichés move us
because we sense dimly that the clichés
are talking among themselves and
celebrating a reunion."

— Umberto Eco

"'Casablanca': Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage,"
by Umberto Eco in SubStance , Vol. 14, No. 2, Issue 47:
In Search of Eco's Roses  (1985), pp. 3-12.

(This paper was presented at a symposium,
"Semiotics of the Cinema: The State of the Art,"
in Toronto on June 18, 1984.)
Journal article published by U. of Wisconsin Press.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3685047.

Click image for some related material.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

On the middle initial of the Cary Grant character
in yesterday's post Summer Reading

IMAGE- Matchbook with initials ROT in 'North by Northwest'

Click image for further details.

"The concept of nothingness follows Roger Thornhill throughout North by Northwest , first as another identity imposes itself upon him and later as circumstances force him to run from Vandamm as well as the police. When Eve asks him what the 'O' in 'ROT' stands for, Thornhill can only answer 'nothing.' His middle initial's lack of meaning connects well to the overall theme of the human self as possibly nothing." —Hitchcock and Identity, by Emily Pilgrim

Related material— Elementary Finite Geometry (Aug. 1).

See, too, a post for Holy Cross Day in 2002.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:25 pm

Detail from last night's 1.3 MB image
"Search for the Lost Tesseract"—

The lost tesseract appears here on the cover of Wittgenstein's
Zettel  and, hidden in the form of a 4×4 array, as a subarray 
of the Miracle Octad Generator on the cover of Griess's
Twelve Sporadic Groups  and in a figure illustrating
the geometry of logic.

Another figure—

IMAGE- Serbian chess innovator Svetozar Gligoric dies at 89

Gligoric died in Belgrade, Serbia, on Tuesday, August 14.

From this journal on that date

"Visual forms, he thought, were solutions to 
specific problems that come from specific needs."

— Michael Kimmelman in The New York Times
    obituary of E. H. Gombrich (November 7th, 2001)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Tesseract

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 8:00 pm

(Continued from August 13. See also Coxeter Graveyard.)

Coxeter exhuming Geometry

Here the tombstone says
"GEOMETRY… 600 BC — 1900 AD… R.I.P."

In the geometry of Plato illustrated below,
"the figure of eight [square] feet" is not , at this point
in the dialogue, the diamond in Jowett's picture.

An 1892 figure by Jowett illustrating Plato's Meno

Jowett's picture is nonetheless of interest for
its resemblance to a figure drawn some decades later
by the Toronto geometer H. S. M. Coxeter.

A similar 1950 figure by Coxeter illustrating a tesseract

For a less scholarly, but equally confusing, view of the number 8,
see The Eight , a novel by Katherine Neville.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hacking 1984

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 pm

Ian Hacking in 1984

"… theories about mathematics have had a big place in Western philosophy. All kinds of outlandish doctrines have tried to explain the nature of mathematical knowledge. Socrates set the ball rolling by using a proof in geometry to argue for the transmigration of souls. As reported by Plato in Meno , the boy who invents a proof of a theorem did not experiment on the physical world, but used only his mind in response to Socratic questions. Hence he must have had inborn knowledge of the proof and he must have got this knowledge in a previous incarnation.

Mathematics has never since been a subject for such philosophical levity."

See also this afternoon's post.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Tesseract

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 3:33 pm

(An episode of Mathematics and Narrative )

A report on the August 9th opening of Sondheim's Into the Woods

Amy Adams… explained why she decided to take on the role of the Baker’s Wife.

“It’s the ‘Be careful what you wish’ part,” she said. “Since having a child, I’m really aware that we’re all under a social responsibility to understand the consequences of our actions.” —Amanda Gordon at businessweek.com

Related material—

Amy Adams in Sunshine Cleaning  "quickly learns the rules and ropes of her unlikely new market. (For instance, there are products out there specially formulated for cleaning up a 'decomp.')" —David Savage at Cinema Retro

Compare and contrast…

1.  The following item from Walpurgisnacht 2012

IMAGE- Excerpt from 'Unified Approach to Functional Decompositions of Switching Functions,' by Marek A. Perkowski et al., 1995

2.  The six partitions of a tesseract's 16 vertices 
       into four parallel faces in Diamond Theory in 1937

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doctor Who

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:00 pm

On Robert A. Heinlein's novel Glory Road

"Glory Road  (1963) included the foldbox , a hyperdimensional packing case that was bigger inside than outside. It is unclear if Glory Road  was influenced by the debut of the science fiction television series Doctor Who  on the BBC that same year. In Doctor Who , the main character pilots a time machine called a TARDIS, which is built with technology which makes it 'dimensionally transcendental,' that is, bigger inside than out."

— Todd, Tesseract article at exampleproblems.com

From the same exampleproblems.com article—

"The connection pattern of the tesseract's vertices is the same as that of a 4×4 square array drawn on a torus; each cell (representing a vertex of the tesseract) is adjacent to exactly four other cells. See geometry of the 4×4 square."

For further details, see today's new page on vertex adjacency at finitegeometry.org.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Space of Horizons

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 4:00 am

"In the space of horizons that neither love nor hate"
— Wallace Stevens, "Things of August"

Seven years ago yesterday—

IMAGE- 3x3 grid related to Borofsky's 'Four Gods'

For some context, see Rosetta Stone as a Metaphor.

Related material from the University of Western Australia

Projective plane of order 3

(The four points on the curve
at the right of the image are
the points on the line at infinity.)

Art critic Robert Hughes,  who nearly died in Western
Australia in a 1999 car crash, actually met his death
yesterday at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx.

See also Hughes on "slow art" in this journal.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cube Partitions

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 7:59 am

The second Logos  figure in the previous post
summarized affine group actions on partitions
that generate a group of about 1.3 trillion
permutations of a 4x4x4 cube (shown below)—

IMAGE by Cullinane- 'Solomon's Cube' with 64 identical, but variously oriented, subcubes, and six partitions of these 64 subcubes

Click for further details.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

(Continued from December 26th, 2011)

IMAGE- Current math.stackexchange.com logo and a 1984 figure from 'Notes on Groups and Geometry, 1978-1986'

Some material at math.stackexchange.com related to
yesterday evening's post on Elementary Finite Geometry

Questions on this topic have recently been
discussed at Affine plane of order 4? and at
Turning affine planes into projective planes.

(For a better discussion of the affine plane of order 4,
see Affine Planes and Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares
at the website of William Cherowitzo, professor at UC Denver.)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Elementary Finite Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 7:16 pm

I. General finite geometry (without coordinates):

A finite affine plane of order has n^2 points.

A finite projective plane of order n  has n^2 + n + 1 

points because it is formed from an order-n finite affine 

plane by adding a line at infinity  that contains n + 1 points.


Affine plane of order 3

Projective plane of order 3

II. Galois finite geometry (with coordinates over a Galois field):

A finite projective Galois plane of order n has n^2 + n + 1

points because it is formed from a finite affine Galois 3-space

of order n with n^3 points by discarding the point (0,0,0) and 

identifying the points whose coordinates are multiples of the

(n-1) nonzero scalars.

Note: The resulting Galois plane of order n has 

(n^3-1)/(n-1)= (n^2 + n + 1) points because 

(n^2 + n + 1)(n – 1) =

(n^3 + n^2 + n – n^2 – n – 1) = (n^3 – 1) .

III. Related art:

Another version of a 1994 picture that accompanied a New Yorker
article, "Atheists with Attitude," in the issue dated May 21, 2007:

IMAGE- 'Four Gods,' by Jonathan Borofsky

The Four Gods  of Borofsky correspond to the four axes of 
  of a square and to the four points on a line at infinity 
in an order-3 projective plane as described in Part I above.

Those who prefer literature to mathematics may, if they like,
view the Borofsky work as depicting

"Blake's Four Zoas, which represent four aspects
of the Almighty God" —Wikipedia

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:18 pm

IMAGE- 'Yankee Puzzle' quilt block pattern on cover of Northrop Frye's 'Anatomy of Criticism'

On Universals and
A Passage to India
"The universe, then, is less intimation
than cipher: a mask rather than a revelation
in the romantic sense. Does love meet with love?
Do we receive but what we give? The answer is
surely a paradox, the paradox that there are
Platonic universals beyond, but that the glass
is too dark to see them. Is there a light beyond
the glass, or is it a mirror only to the self?
The Platonic cave is even darker than Plato
made it, for it introduces the echo, and so
leaves us back in the world of men, which does
not carry total meaning, is just a story of events."
– Betty Jay, reader's guide to A Passage to India


Judy Davis in the Marabar Caves

The above image is from this journal on Sunday, April 13, 2008.

The preceding cover of a book by Northrop Frye was suggested
by material in this journal from February 2003.

See also Yankee Puzzle and Doodle Dandy.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Geometry and Death

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:23 pm


A Necessary Truth—

James Singer, "A Theorem in Finite Projective Geometry
and Some Applications to Number Theory," Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society  
43 (1938), 377-385.

A Contingent Truth—

Singer Tony Martin reportedly died Friday evening, July 27, 2012.

In his memory, some references to a "Singer 7-Cycle."

See also this journal 7 years prior to Martin's death.

Something to Read

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 1:00 pm


Eric M. Friedlander, President of the
American Mathematical Society (AMS),
in the March 2011 AMS Notices 

"I think the best thing the AMS does by far is the Notices .
It could easily be in all doctors’ and dentists’ offices."

Notices : "Really?"

Friedlander: "It could be."

Related material from this journal:

Olivier as Dr. Christian Szell

The icosahedron (a source of duads and synthemes)

Is it safe?"

 Annals of Art Education: 
     Geometry and Death

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Galois Tesseract

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 11:00 pm


The three parts of the figure in today's earlier post "Defining Form"—

IMAGE- Hyperplanes (square and triangular) in PG(3,2), and coordinates for AG(4,2)

— share the same vector-space structure:

   0     c     d   c + d
   a   a + c   a + d a + c + d
   b   b + c   b + d b + c + d
a + b a + b + c a + b + d   a + b + 
  c + d

   (This vector-space a b c d  diagram is from  Chapter 11 of 
    Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups , by John Horton
    Conway and N. J. A. Sloane, first published by Springer
    in 1988.)

The fact that any  4×4 array embodies such a structure was implicit in
the diamond theorem (February 1979). Any 4×4 array, regarded as
a model of the finite geometry AG(4, 2), may be called a Galois tesseract.
(So called because of the Galois geometry involved, and because the
16 cells of a 4×4 array with opposite edges identified have the same
adjacency pattern as the 16 vertices of a tesseract (see, for instance,
Coxeter's 1950 "Self-Dual Configurations and Regular Graphs," figures
5 and 6).)

A 1982 discussion of a more abstract form of AG(4, 2):


The above 1982 remarks by Brouwer may or may not have influenced
the drawing of the above 1988 Conway-Sloane diagram.

Defining Form

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:00 pm

IMAGE- Hyperplanes (square and triangular) in PG(3,2), and coordinates for AG(4,2)

Background: Square-Triangle Theorem.

For a more literary approach, see "Defining Form" in this journal
and a bibliography from the University of Zaragoza.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympics Special

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:20 pm

Quoted in some remarks yesterday on geometry—

IMAGE- Eric Temple Bell on 'Solomon's Seal' as a 'highly special topic'

From posts linked to this morning—

IMAGE- 'Jewel in the Crown'- MAA version of the Crown of Geometry

The Source— 

IMAGE- Coxeter as King of Geometry

Raiders of the Lost Ring

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 11:30 am

Wikipedia on a magical ring

IMAGE- Wikipedia article, 'Seal of Solomon'

Background—  The Ring and the Stone, a story linked to here Wednesday.

"By then he was familiar with the work of the Vienna Actionists….
He once said that he had his first taste of the movement
when he heard the screams of his mother’s dental patients
from her office next door to the family’s apartment."

Obituary of a Viennese artist who reportedly died Wednesday

"Is it safe?"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Solomon’s Seal

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

(Mathematics and Narrative, continued)


The Ring and The Stone from yesterday's post, and…

"In Medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic legends,
the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring
said to have been possessed by King Solomon…."

— Wikipedia article, Seal of Solomon


IMAGE- Eric Temple Bell on the mathematics of 'Solomon's Seal' (in his 'Development of Mathematics')

A fact related to the mathematical
"Solomon's seal" described above by Bell:

IMAGE- J.W.P. Hirschfeld on the mathematics of 'Solomon's Seal', with reference to Edge on the same topic

The reference to Edge is as follows—

[3] Edge, W. L., Quadrics over GF(2) and
their relevance for the cubic surface group
Canadian J. Maths. 11 (1959) ….

(This reference relates Hirschfeld's remarks
quoted above to the 64-point affine space
illustrated below (via the associated
63-point projective  space PG (5, 2)).

As for the narrative's Stone… 

See Solomon's Cube.

IMAGE- 'Solomon's Cube'

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Art Wars

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:16 pm

For art collector Herbert Vogel,
who reportedly died today

IMAGE- Herbert Vogel with abstract half-circle art in 1978

Philip Kennicott in The Washington Post , July 3, 2009— 

"The Vogels help allay deep cultural fears
within the art world— fears that art is elitist,
or some kind of confidence game,
or not a serious endeavor (a fear that has
dogged art since at least the time of Plato)."

Some related material from finitegeometry.org,
offered without comment—

IMAGE- 1975 half-circle art by Cullinane based on work in 1960s by Swiss artist Paul Talman

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mapping Problem continued

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:56 am

Another approach to the square-to-triangle
mapping problem (see also previous post)—

IMAGE- Triangular analogs of the hyperplanes in the square model of PG(3,2)

For the square model referred to in the above picture, see (for instance)

Coordinates for the 16 points in the triangular arrays 
of the corresponding affine space may be deduced
from the patterns in the projective-hyperplanes array above.

This should solve the inverse problem of mapping,
in a natural way, the triangular array of 16 points 
to the square array of 16 points.

Update of 9:35 AM ET July 16, 2012:

Note that the square model's 15 hyperplanes S 
and the triangular model's 15 hyperplanes T —

— share the following vector-space structure —

   0     c     d   c + d
   a   a + c   a + d a + c + d
   b   b + c   b + d b + c + d
a + b a + b + c a + b + d   a + b + 
  c + d

   (This vector-space a b c d  diagram is from
   Chapter 11 of   Sphere Packings, Lattices
   and Groups
, by   John Horton Conway and
   N. J. A. Sloane, first published by Springer
   in 1988.)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mapping Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 4:00 pm

A trial solution to the
square-to-triangle mapping problem

IMAGE- Mapping of square array to triangular array based on gnomons

Problem: Is there any good definition of "natural"
square-to-triangle mappings according to which
the above mapping is natural (or, for that matter,

Squares Are Triangular

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 2:00 pm

"A figurate number… is a number
that can be represented by
a regular geometrical arrangement
of equally spaced points."

Eric W. Weisstein at Wolfram MathWorld

For example—

IMAGE- 16 points in a square array and in a triangular array

Call a convex polytope P  an n-replica  if  P  consists of
mutually congruent polytopes similar to P  packed together.

The square-triangle theorem (or lemma) says that

"Every triangle is an n-replica"
is true if and only if n  is a square.


The positive integer n  is a square
if and only if every triangle is an n-replica.

(I.e., squares are triangular.)

This supplies the converse to the saying that

Triangles Are Square.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:25 pm

IMAGE- 'Lemma (mathematics)' in Wikipedia

For example—

A letter to the editor of the American Mathematical Monthly
from the June-July 1985 issue has—

… a "square-triangle" lemma:

   ( t ∈ T , t  is an  -replica )
    if and only if  
n  is a square.

  [I.e., "Every triangle is an -replica"
   is true if and only if n  is a square.]

For definitions, see the 1985 letter in Triangles Are Square.

(The 1984 lemma discussed there has now, in response to an article
in Wolfram MathWorld, been renamed the square-triangle theorem .)

A search today for related material yielded the following—

"Suppose that one side of a triangle
has length . Then it can be cut
into n  2 congruent triangles which
are similar to the original one and
whose corresponding sides to the
side of length  have lengths 1."

This was supplied, without attribution, as part of the official solution
to Problem 3 in the 17th Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad
from March 2005. Apparently it seemed obvious to the composer
of the problem. As the 1985 letter notes, it may be not quite  obvious.

At any rate, it served in Problem 3 as a lemma , in the sense
described above by Wikipedia. See related remarks by Doron Zeilberger.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Galois Space

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 6:01 pm

An example of lines in a Galois space * —

The 35 lines in the 3-dimensional Galois projective space PG(3,2)—

(Click to enlarge.)

There are 15 different individual linear diagrams in the figure above.
These are the points of the Galois space PG(3,2).  Each 3-set of linear diagrams
represents the structure of one of the 35  4×4 arrays and also represents a line
of the projective space.

The symmetry of the linear diagrams accounts for the symmetry of the
840 possible images in the kaleidoscope puzzle.

* For further details on the phrase "Galois space," see
Beniamino Segre's "On Galois Geometries," Proceedings of the
International Congress of Mathematicians, 1958  
(Cambridge U. Press, 1960, 488-499.)

(Update of Jan. 5, 2013— This post has been added to finitegeometry.org.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:00 am


For Pete Rustan, space recon expert, who died on June 28—

(Click to enlarge.)

See also Galois vs. Rubik and Group Theory Template.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Euclid vs. Galois

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:01 am


Euclidean square and triangle

Galois square and triangle


This journal on the date of Hilton Kramer's death,
The Galois Tesseract, and The Purloined Diamond.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Not Quite Obvious

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:00 am

"That n 2 points fall naturally into a triangular array
is a not-quite-obvious fact which may have applications…
and seems worth stating more formally."

— Steven H. Cullinane, letter in the
American Mathematical Monthly  1985 June-July issue

If the ancient Greeks had not been distracted by
investigations of triangular  (as opposed to square )
numbers, they might have done something with this fact.

A search for occurrences of the phrase

"n2 [i.e., n 2 ] congruent triangles" 

indicates only fairly recent (i.e., later than 1984) results.*

Some related material, updated this morning—

This suggests a problem

What mappings of a square  array of n 2 points to
a triangular  array of n 2 points are "natural"?


In the figure above, whether
the 322,560 natural permutations
of the square's 16 points
map in any natural way to
  permutations of the triangle's 16 points
is not immediately apparent.


* Update of July 15, 2012 (11:07 PM ET)—

Theorem on " rep-" (Golomb's terminology)
triangles from a 1982 book—

IMAGE- Theorem (12.3) on Golomb and 'rep-k^2' triangles in book published in 1982-- 'Transformation Geometry,' by George Edward Martin

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:23 pm

"Euclid (Ancient Greek: Εὐκλείδης Eukleidēs), fl. 300 BC, 
also known as Euclid of Alexandria, was a Greek
mathematician, often referred to as the 'Father of Geometry.'"

— Wikipedia

A Euclidean quartet (see today's previous post)—

IMAGE- Triangle cut into four congruent subtriangles
Image by Alexander Soifer

See also a link from June 28, 2012, to a University Diaries  post
discussing "a perfection of thought."

Perfect means, among other things, completed .

See, for instance, the life of another Alexandrian who reportedly
died on the above date—

"Gabriel Georges Nahas was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on
 March 4, 1920…."

 — This afternoon's online New York Times


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:00 am

 IMAGE- Google Books ad for 'Geometric Etudes in Combinatorial Mathematics,' by Alexander Soifer

IMAGE- Triangle cut into four congruent subtriangles

For remarks related by logic, see the square-triangle theorem.

For remarks related by synchronicity, see Log24 on
the above publication date,  June 15, 2010.

According to Google (and Soifer's page xix), Soifer wants to captivate
young readers.

Whether young readers should  be captivated is open to question.

"There is  such a thing as a 4-set."

Update of 9:48 the same morning—

Amazon.com says Soifer's book was published not on June 15, but on
 June 29 , 2010
(St. Peter's Day).

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Claves Regni Caelorum

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 3:33 am

Or: Night of Lunacy

From 9 PM Monday

IMAGE- Page 304 of Heidegger's 'Existence and Being' - Heidegger's essay 'Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry,' tr. by Douglas Scott, publ. by Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, in 1949
Note that the last line, together with the page number, forms
a sort of key

The rest  of the story—

IMAGE- Heidegger quote continued, ending with reference to Hölderlin's 'night of lunacy'

For one reinterpretation of the page number 304, see a link— 
Sermon— from Tuesday's post Diamond Speech.

The linked-to sermon itself has a link, based on a rereading
of 304 as 3/04, to a post of March 4, 2004, with…

WW and ZZ

as rendered by figures from the Kaleidoscope Puzzle


Yesterday morning the same letter-combinations occurred
in a presentation at CERN of a newly discovered particle—

IMAGE- 'High mass: WW, ZZ'

(Click for context.)

Since the particle under discussion may turn out to be the
God  particle, it seems fitting to interpret WW and ZZ as part
of an imagined requiem  High Mass.

Ron Howard, director of a film about CERN and the God particle,
may regard this imaginary Mass as performed for the late
Andy Griffith, who played Howard's father in a television series.

Others may prefer to regard the imaginary Mass as performed 
for the late John E. Brooks, S. J., who served as president of
The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass., for 24 years.

Griffith died Tuesday. Brooks died Monday.

For some background on the Holy Cross, see posts of
Sept. 14 (Holy Cross Day) and Sept. 15, 2010—

  1. Language Game,
  2. Wittgenstein, 1935, and
  3. Holy Cross Day Revisited.

For more lunacy, see…

Continue a search for thirty-three and three
— Katherine Neville, The Eight

Monday, July 2, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 pm

Heidegger, "Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry,"
translated by Douglas Scott, in Existence and Being  ,
Regnery, 1949, pp. 291-316—

IMAGE- Page 304 of Heidegger's 'Existence and Being' - Heidegger's essay 'Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry,' tr. by Douglas Scott, publ. by Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, in 1949

See also Hexagram 36.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Looking Deeply

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 3:48 pm

Last night's post on The Trinity of Max Black  and the use of
the term "eightfold" by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
at Berkeley suggest a review of an image from Sept. 22, 2011

IMAGE- Eightfold cube with detail of triskelion structure

The triskele  detail above echoes a Buddhist symbol found,
for instance, on the Internet in an ad for meditation supplies—

Related remarks


Mary Dusenbury (Radcliffe '64)—

"… I think a textile, like any work of art, holds a tremendous amount of information— technical, material, historical, social, philosophical— but beyond that, many works of art are very beautiful and they speak to us on many layers— our intellect, our heart, our emotions. I've been going to museums since I was a very small child, thinking about what I saw, and going back to discover new things, to see pieces that spoke very deeply to me, to look at them again, and to find more and more meaning relevant to me in different ways and at different times of my life. …

… I think I would suggest to people that first of all they just look. Linger by pieces they find intriguing and beautiful, and look deeply. Then, if something interests them, we have tried to put a little information around the galleries to give a bit of history, a bit of context, for each piece. But the most important is just to look very deeply."


According to Robert Thurman, the term "Nikāya Buddhism" was coined by Professor Masatoshi Nagatomi of Harvard University, as a way to avoid the usage of the term Hinayana.[12] "Nikaya Buddhism" is thus an attempt to find a more neutral way of referring to Buddhists who follow one of the early Buddhist schools, and their practice.

12. The Emptiness That is Compassion:
An Essay on Buddhist Ethics, Robert A. F. Thurman, 1980
[Religious Traditions , Vol. 4 No. 2, Oct.-Nov. 1981, pp. 11-34]


Nikāya [Sk. nikāya, ni+kāya]
collection ("body") assemblage, class, group


Sanskrit etymology for नि (ni)

From Proto-Indo-European *ni …


नि (ni)

  • down
  • back
  • in, into


Kaya (Skt. kāya སྐུ་, Tib. ku Wyl. sku ) —
the Sanskrit word kaya literally means ‘body’
but can also signify dimension, field or basis.

སྐུ། (Wyl. sku ) n. Pron.: ku

structure, existentiality, founding stratum ▷HVG KBEU

gestalt ▷HVG LD

Note that The Trinity of Max Black  is a picture of  a set
i.e., of an "assemblage, class, group."

Note also the reference above to the word "gestalt."

"Was ist Raum, wie können wir ihn
erfassen und gestalten?"

Walter Gropius

Bright Black

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:12 am

“‘In the dictionary next to [the] word “bright,” you should see Paula’s picture,’ he said. ‘She was super smart, with a sparkling wit. … She had a beautiful sense of style and color.'”

— Elinor J. Brecher in The Miami Herald  on June 8, quoting Palm Beach Post writer John Lantigua on the late art historian Paula Hays Harper

This  journal on the date of her death—

IMAGE- The Trinity of Max Black (a 3-set, with its eight subsets arranged in a Hasse diagram that is also a cube)

For some simpleminded commentary, see László Lovász on the cube space.

Some less simpleminded commentary—

Was ist Raum, wie können wir ihn
erfassen und gestalten?”

Walter Gropius,

The Theory and
Organization of the

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Les Incommensurables

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:11 pm

"Ayant été conduit par des recherches particulières
à considérer les solutions incommensurables, je suis
parvenu à quelques résultats que je crois nouveaux."

— Évariste Galois, "Sur la Théorie des Nombres"

Soon to be a major motion picture!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bowling in Diagon Alley

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:28 am

IMAGE- Josefine Lyche bowling, from her Facebook page

Josefine Lyche bowling (Facebook, June 12, 2012)

"Where Does Math Come From?"

A professor of philosophy in 1984 on Socrates's geometric proof in Plato's Meno  dialogue—

"These recondite issues matter because theories about mathematics have had a big place in Western philosophy. All kinds of outlandish doctrines have tried to explain the nature of mathematical knowledge. Socrates set the ball rolling…."

— Ian Hacking in The New York Review of Books , Feb. 16, 1984

The same professor introducing a new edition of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions

"Paradigms Regained" (Los Angeles Review of Books , April 18, 2012)—

"That is the structure of scientific revolutions: normal science with a paradigm and a dedication to solving puzzles; followed by serious anomalies, which lead to a crisis; and finally resolution of the crisis by a new paradigm. Another famous word does not occur in the section titles: incommensurability. This is the idea that, in the course of a revolution and paradigm shift, the new ideas and assertions cannot be strictly compared to the old ones."

The Meno  proof involves inscribing diagonals  in squares. It is therefore related, albeit indirectly, to the classic Greek discovery that the diagonals of a square are incommensurable  with its sides. Hence the following discussion of incommensurability seems relevant.

IMAGE- Von Fritz in 1945 on incommensurability and the tetractys (10 as a triangular number)

See also von Fritz and incommensurability in The New York Times  (March 8, 2011).

For mathematical remarks related to the 10-dot triangular array of von Fritz, diagonals, and bowling, see this  journal on Nov. 8, 2011— "Stoned."

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

From Tony Rothman's review of a 2006 book by
Siobhan Roberts

"The most engaging aspect of the book is its
chronicle of the war between geometry and algebra,
which pits Coxeter, geometry's David, against
Nicolas Bourbaki, algebra's Goliath."

The conclusion of Rothman's review—

"There is a lesson here."

Related material: a search for Galois geometry .

Monday, June 18, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 11:00 pm

"Poetry is an illumination of a surface…."

— Wallace Stevens

IMAGE- NY Times online front page, June 18, 2012- New Microsoft 'Surface' computer

Some poetic remarks related to a different surface, Klein's Quartic

This link between the Klein map κ and the Mathieu group M24
is a source of great delight to the author. Both objects were
found in the 1870s, but no connection between them was
known. Indeed, the class of maximal subgroups of M24
isomorphic to the simple group of order 168 (often known,
especially to geometers, as the Klein group; see Baker [8])
remained undiscovered until the 1960s. That generators for
the group can be read off so easily from the map is
immensely pleasing.

— R. T. Curtis, Symmetric Generation of Groups ,
     Cambridge University Press, 2007, page 39

Other poetic remarks related to the simple group of order 168—

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Congruent Group Actions

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 9:00 pm

A Google search today yielded no results
for the phrase "congruent group actions."

Places where this phrase might prove useful include—

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chiral Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 1:06 am

In memory of William S. Knowles, chiral chemist, who died last Wednesday (June 13, 2012)—

Detail from the Harvard Divinity School 1910 bookplate in yesterday morning's post


Detail from Knowles's obituary in this  morning's New York Times

William Standish Knowles was born in Taunton, Mass., on June 1, 1917. He graduated a year early from the Berkshire School, a boarding school in western Massachusetts, and was admitted to Harvard. But after being strongly advised that he was not socially mature enough for college, he did a second senior year of high school at another boarding school, Phillips Academy in Andover, N.H.

Dr. Knowles graduated from Harvard with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1939….

"This is the relativity problem: to fix objectively a class of equivalent coordinatizations and to ascertain the group of transformations S mediating between them."

— Hermann Weyl, The Classical Groups, Princeton University Press, 1946, p. 16

From Pilate Goes to Kindergarten

The six congruent quaternion actions illustrated above are based on the following coordinatization of the eightfold cube

Problem: Is there a different coordinatization
 that yields greater symmetry in the pictures of
quaternion group actions?

A paper written in a somewhat similar spirit—

"Chiral Tetrahedrons as Unitary Quaternions"—

ABSTRACT: Chiral tetrahedral molecules can be dealt [with] under the standard of quaternionic algebra. Specifically, non-commutativity of quaternions is a feature directly related to the chirality of molecules….

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Archived Notes

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 4:00 am

Notes on Groups and Geometry, 1978-1986,
is now available at the Internet Archive.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

State of the Art

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:48 pm

The new June/July issue of the AMS Notices
on a recent Paris exhibit of art and mathematics—

Mathématiques, un dépaysement soudain
Exhibit at the Fondation Cartier, Paris
October 21, 2011–March 18, 2012

                                            … maybe walking
into the room was supposed to evoke the kind of
dépaysement  for which the exhibition is named
(the word dépaysement  refers to the sometimes
disturbing feeling one gets when stepping outside
of one’s usual reference points). I was with
my six-year-old daughter, who quickly gravitated
toward the colorful magnetic tiles on the wall that
visitors could try to fit together. She spent a good
half hour there, eventually joining forces with a
couple of young university students. I would come
and check on her every once in a while and heard
some interesting discussions about whether or not
it was worth looking for patterns to help guide the
placing of the tiles. The fifteen-year age difference
didn’t seem to bother anyone.
     The tiles display was one of the two installations
here that offered the visitor a genuine chance to
engage in mathematical activity, to think about
pattern and structure while satisfying an aesthetic
urge to make things fit and grow….

Nathalie Sinclair

The Notices  included no pictures with this review.
A search to find out what sort of tiles were meant
led, quite indirectly, to the following—

IMAGE- French weblog post on Truchet tiles dated May 1st, 2011

The search indicated it is unlikely that these Truchet  tiles
were the ones on exhibit.

Nevertheless, the date  of the above French weblog post,
1 May 2011, is not without interest in the context of 
today's previous post. (That post was written well before
I had seen the new AMS Notices  issue online.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Meet Max Black (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:59 pm

Background— August 30, 2006—

The Seventh Symbol:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06A/060830-Algebra.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

In the 2006 post, the above seventh symbol  110000 was
interpreted as the I Ching hexagram with topmost and
next-to-top lines solid, not broken— Hexagram 20, View .

In a different interpretation, 110000 is the binary for the decimal
number 48— representing the I Ching's Hexagram 48, The Well .

“… Max Black, the Cornell philosopher, and 
others have pointed out how ‘perhaps every science
must start with metaphor and end with algebra, and
perhaps without the metaphor there would never
have been any algebra’ ….”

– Max Black, Models and Metaphors,
Cornell U. Press, 1962, page 242, as quoted
in Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors,
by Victor Witter Turner, Cornell U. Press,
paperback, 1975, page 25

The algebra is certainly clearer than either I Ching
metaphor, but is in some respects less interesting.

For a post that combines both the above I Ching
metaphors, View  and Well  , see Dec. 14, 2007.

In memory of scholar Elinor Ostrom,
who died today—

"Time for you to see the field."
Bagger Vance

Dance Theology

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 3:00 pm

Background: Geometry of the Dance (May 9)
and Midnight in Oslo (May 10).

Peter Pesic has described the action of the
symmetric group S4 on a tetrahedron as a dance

IMAGE- 'The geometry of the dance' is that of a tetrahedron, according to Peter Pesic

Compare and contrast:

The following figure may be seen as a tetrahedron,
viewed from above

IMAGE- The 'Shield of the Trinity' may be viewed as a tetrahedron, as in Peter Pesic's 'Geometry of the Dance.'

See also Masterman and Child’s Play.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Field

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:56 am

    "Time for you to see the field." —Bagger Vance

IMAGE- The Galois field GF(8) in binary and in algebraic notations

This post was suggested by a link from a post
 in this journal seven years ago yesterday—

Is the language of thought
 any more than a dream?

— Rimbaud


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chinese Epiphany

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 4:38 am

References here yesterday to Epiphany 
and to Chinese logic suggest two observations—

First, a political interpretation of the number "64.89" 
from Monday's Shanghai stock market index
yielded the date  6/4 in 1989—

IMAGE- Google search on '64.89 Shanghai'

Second, an interpretation of 64.89 as the number  64 in 1989
(on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6)—

Note of January 6, 1989 showing 
the 64 hexagrams in the von Franz style

No connection of the number  64 with the date  6/4 is implied.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Child’s Play

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 2:56 pm


“A set having three members is a single thing
wholly constituted by its members but distinct from them.
After this, the theological doctrine of the Trinity as
‘three in one’ should be child’s play.”

– Max Black, Caveats and Critiques: Philosophical Essays
in Language, Logic, and Art
, Cornell U. Press, 1975

IMAGE- The Trinity of Max Black (a 3-set, with its eight subsets arranged in a Hasse diagram that is also a cube)

Related material—

The Trinity Cube

IMAGE- The Trinity Cube (three interpenetrating planes that split the eightfold cube into its eight subcubes)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Matrix Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:20 pm

IMAGE- Charlize Theron as Ravenna with raven in poster for 'Snow White and the Huntsman'

Poster from Walpurgisnacht 2012

Raven’s Progressive Matrices problem:

IMAGE- Raven's Progressive Matrices problem based on triangular quarter- and half-diamonds

Click the problem for a related story.

For some related geometry, see Elements Diamond.
See also a post (Dream Time, May 3, 2010)
about geometry and an earlier Walpurgisnacht.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 am


The "New Books" link in today's Arts & Letters Daily leads to a review of Andrew Delbanco's College: What it Was, Is, and Should Be . From that review—

Some, like Delbanco, remind us what the word ‘professor’ once meant: ‘A person who professes a faith, as in the Puritan churches, where the profession was made before the congregation as a kind of public initiation.’

I am not now, nor have I ever been, a professor.

I did, however, once profess the following:

(Click to enlarge.)

IMAGE- Letter to the editor, Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 10 No. 1, 1988

This 1988 letter advocated viewing pure  mathematics as one of the liberal arts. Twenty-four years later, that position still seems worth defending.

Arithmetic (i.e., number theory) and geometry are, by the way, two of the seven traditional  liberal arts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Shining of May 29

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 1:00 pm

(Continued from May 29, 2002)

May 29, 1832—


Évariste Galois, Lettre de Galois à M. Auguste Chevalier

Après cela, il se trouvera, j'espère, des gens qui trouveront leur profit à déchiffrer tout ce gâchis.

(Later there will be, I hope, some people who will find it to their advantage to decipher all this mess.)

Martin Gardner on the above letter—

"Galois had written several articles on group theory, and was merely annotating and correcting those earlier published papers."

The Last Recreations , by Martin Gardner, published by Springer in 2007, page 156.

Commentary from Dec. 2011 on Gardner's word "published" —

(Click to enlarge.)

IMAGE- Peter M. Neumann, 'Galois and His Groups,' EMS Newsletter, Dec. 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fundamental Dichotomy

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:30 am

Jamie James in The Music of the Spheres
(Springer paperback, 1995),  page 28

Pythagoras constructed a table of opposites
from which he was able to derive every concept
needed for a philosophy of the phenomenal world.
As reconstructed by Aristotle in his Metaphysics,
the table contains ten dualities….



Of these dualities, the first is the most important;
all the others may be seen as different aspects
of this fundamental dichotomy.

For further information, search on peiron + apeiron  or
consult, say, Ancient Greek Philosophy , by Vijay Tankha.

The limited-unlimited contrast is not unrelated to the
contrasts between

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finite Jest

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:00 pm

IMAGE- History of Mathematics in a Nutshell

The books pictured above are From Discrete to Continuous ,
by Katherine Neal, and Geometrical Landscapes , by Amir Alexander.


“Harriot has given no indication of how to resolve
such problems, but he has pasted in in English,
at the bottom of his page, these three enigmatic

‘Much ado about nothing.
Great warres and no blowes.
Who is the foole now?’

Harriot’s sardonic vein of humour, and the subtlety of
his logical reasoning still have to receive their full due.”

— “Minimum and Maximum, Finite and Infinite:
Bruno and the Northumberland Circle,” by Hilary Gatti,
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes ,
Vol. 48 (1985), pp. 144-163

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Live from New York, It’s…

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 pm

Shift Happens!

Another shift — Geometry as Discrete .

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 3:33 pm

Hard Science Fiction weekend at Dragon Press Bookstore

Saturday May 26:
11am-noon Playing with the net up:
Hard Science Fiction in the era of
short attention spans, crowd-sourcing,
and rapid obsolescence
( Greg Benford, James Cambias, Kathryn Cramer)
3pm-4:30 Technological optimism and pessimism;
utopia and dystopia; happy endings & sad endings:
what do these oppositions have to do with one another?
Are they all the same thing? How are they different
from one another? Group discussion.

My own interests in this area include…

(Click image for some context)

IMAGE- 'The Stars My Destination' (with cover slightly changed)

    The above was adapted from a 1996 cover

IMAGE- PyrE on the 1996 Vintage Books cover of 'The Stars My Destination'

 Vintage Books, July 1996. Cover: Evan Gaffney.

For the significance of the flames, 
see PyrE in the book. For the significance
of the cube in the altered cover, see
The 2×2×2 Cube and The Diamond Archetype.

Harriot’s Cubes

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:28 pm

See also Finite Geometry and Physical Space.

Related material from MacTutor

Harriot and binary numbers

The paper by J. W. Shirley, Binary numeration before Leibniz, Amer. J. Physics 19 (8) (1951), 452-454, contains an interesting look at some mathematics which appears in the hand written papers of Thomas Harriot [1560-1621]. Using the photographs of the two original Harriot manuscript pages reproduced in Shirley’s paper, we explain how Harriot was doing arithmetic with binary numbers.

Leibniz [1646-1716] is credited with the invention [1679-1703] of binary arithmetic, that is arithmetic using base 2. Laplace wrote:-

Leibniz saw in his binary arithmetic the image of Creation. … He imagined the Unity represented God, and Zero the void; that the Supreme Being drew all beings from the void, just as unity and zero express all numbers in his system of numeration. This conception was so pleasing to Leibniz that he communicated it to the Jesuit, Grimaldi, president of the Chinese tribunal for mathematics, in the hope that this emblem of creation would convert the Emperor of China, who was very fond of the sciences …

However, Leibniz was certainly not the first person to think of doing arithmetic using numbers to base 2. Many years earlier Harriot had experimented with the idea of different number bases….

For a discussion of Harriot on the discrete-vs.-continuous question,
see Katherine Neal, From Discrete to Continuous: The Broadening
of Number Concepts in Early Modern England  (Springer, 2002),
pages 69-71.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Included Middle

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:01 pm


"In logic, the law of excluded middle (or the principle of excluded middle) is the third of the so-called three classic laws of thought. It states that for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is.

The law is also known as the law (or principleof the excluded third (or of the excluded middle), or, in Latinprincipium tertii exclusi. Yet another Latin designation for this law is tertium non datur: 'no third (possibility) is given.'"

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right"

 — Songwriter who died on January 4, 2011.

Online NY Times  on the date of the songwriter's death—

"A version of this review appeared in print
on January 4, 2011, on page C6 of the New York edition." 


"The philosopher Hubert Dreyfus and his former student
Sean Dorrance Kelly have a story to tell, and it is not
a pretty tale for us moderns. Ours is an age of nihilism,
they say, meaning not so much that we have nothing
in which to believe, but that we don’t know how to choose
among the various things to which we might commit
ourselves. Looking down from their perches at Berkeley
and Harvard, they see the 'human indecision that
plagues us all.'"

For an application of the excluded-middle law, see
Non-Euclidean Blocks and Deep Play.

Violators of the law may have trouble* distinguishing
between "Euclidean" and "non-Euclidean" phenomena
because their definition of the latter is too narrow,
based only on examples that are historically well known.

See the Non-Euclidean Blocks  footnote.

* Followers  of the excluded-middle law will avoid such
trouble by noting that "non-Euclidean" should mean
simply "not  Euclidean in some  way "— not  necessarily
in a way contradicting Euclid's parallel postulate.

But see Wikipedia's defense of the standard, illogical,
usage of the phrase "non-Euclidean."


Tertium Datur

Froebel's Third Gift

"Here I am, stuck in the middle with you."

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wittgenstein’s Kindergarten

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:25 pm

A web search for the author Cameron McEwen  mentioned
in today's noon post was unsuccessful, but it did yield an
essay, quite possibly by a different  Cameron McEwen, on

The Digital Wittgenstein:

"The fundamental difference between analog
and digital systems may be understood as
underlying philosophical discourse since the Greeks."

The University of Bergen identifies the Wittgenstein 
McEwen as associated with InteLex  of Charlottesville.

The title of this post may serve to point out an analogy*
between the InteLex McEwen's analog-digital contrast
and the Euclidean-Galois contrast discussed previously
in this journal.

The latter contrast is exemplified in Pilate Goes to Kindergarten.

* An analogy, as it were, between  analogies.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 8:00 pm

"The  group of 8" is a phrase from politics, not mathematics.
Of the five groups of order 8 (see today's noon post),

the one pictured* in the center, Z2 × Z2 × Z2 , is of particular
interest. See The Eightfold Cube. For a connection of this 
group of 8 to the last of the five pictured at noon, the
quaternion group, see Finite Geometry and Physical Space.

* The picture is of the group's cycle graph.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mathematics, Logic, and Faith

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 4:44 pm

From the NY Times  philosophy column "The Stone" 
yesterday at 5 PM—

Timothy Williamson, Wykeham Professor of Logic at Oxford,
claims that all the theorems of mathematics

"… are ultimately derived from a few simple axioms
by chains of logical reasoning, some of them
hundreds of pages long…."

Williamson gives as an example recent (1986-1995)
work on Fermat's conjecture.

He does not, however, cite any axioms or "chains of
logical reasoning" in support of his claim that 
a proof of Fermat's conjecture can be so derived.

Here is a chain of reasoning that forms a crucial part
of recent arguments for the truth of Fermat's conjecture—

K. A. Ribet, "On modular representations of Gal(Q̄/Q)
arising from modular forms
," Invent. Math. 100 (1990), 431-476.

Whether this chain of reasoning is in fact logical  is no easy question.
It is not the sort of argument easily reduced to a series of purely
logical symbol-strings that could be checked by a computer.

Few mathematicians, even now, can follow each step
in the longer chain of reasoning that led to a June 1993 claim
that Fermat's conjecture is true. 

Williamson is not a mathematician, and his view of
Fermat's conjecture as a proven fact is clearly based
not on logic, but on faith.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Midnight in Oslo (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:29 am

Last evening's Geometry of the Dance discussed
a book on the Norwegian mathematician
Niels Henrik Abel. The post dealt with the group
S4 of 24 permutations of a 4-element set.

                                                    "In that open field
If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close,
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music…."

— The dance in Four Quartets

For a summer midnight related to the group S4,
see Midnight in Oslo from last August.

"At the still point…." — T. S. Eliot

"…a dance results." — Marie-Louise von Franz

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Geometry of the Dance

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 pm

Peter Pesic uses a dance metaphor to explain
finite group theory, with permutations of four elements
represented by symmetries of a tetrahedron—

IMAGE- 'The geometry of the dance' is that of a tetrahedron, according to Peter Pesic

For a different approach to the dance metaphor, see
the dance in Four Quartets and Poetry's Bones.

                                             In that open field
If you do not come too close, if you do not come too close,
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music
Of the weak pipe and the little drum
And see them dancing around the bonfire
The association of man and woman
In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie—
A dignified and commodiois sacrament.
Two and two, necessarye coniunction….

Monday, May 7, 2012

More on Triality

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 4:20 pm

John Baez wrote in 1996 ("Week 91") that

"I've never quite seen anyone come right out
and admit that triality arises from the
permutations of the unit vectors i, j, and k
in 3d Euclidean space."

Baez seems to come close to doing this with a
somewhat different i , j , and kHurwitz
— in his 2005 book review
quoted here yesterday.

See also the Log24 post of Jan. 4 on quaternions,
and the following figures. The actions on cubes
in the lower figure may be viewed as illustrating
(rather indirectly) the relationship of the quaternion
group's 24 automorphisms to the 24 rotational
symmetries of the cube.

IMAGE- Actions of the unit quaternions in finite geometry, on a ninefold square and on an eightfold cube

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Triality continued

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 3:33 pm

This post continues the April 9 post
commemorating Élie Cartan's birthday.

That post mentioned triality .
Here is John Baez reviewing
On Quaternions and Octonions:
Their Geometry, Arithmetic, and Symmetry

by John H. Conway and Derek A. Smith
(A.K. Peters, Ltd., 2003)—

IMAGE- John Baez on quaternions and triality

"In this context, triality manifests itself
as the symmetry that cyclically permutes
the Hurwitz integers  i , j ,  and k ."

Related material— Quaternion Acts in this journal
as well as Finite Geometry and Physical Space.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Collected Notes, 1978-1986

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 7:30 pm

Now online

Notes on Groups and Geometry,
1978-1986, by Steven H. Cullinane

PDF, 3.4 MB.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Everybody Comes to Rick’s

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 am


Bogart and Lorre in 'Casablanca' with chessboard and cocktail

The key is the cocktail that begins the proceedings.”

– Brian Harley, Mate in Two Moves

See also yesterday's Endgame , as well as Play and Interplay
from April 28…  and, as a key, the following passage from
an earlier April 28 post

Euclidean geometry has long been applied
to physics; Galois geometry has not.
The cited webpage describes the interplay
of both  sorts of geometry— Euclidean
and Galois, continuous and discrete—
within physical space— if not within
the space of physics .

Monday, April 30, 2012

Decomposition– Part III

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 5:27 pm

(Continued from Part I and Part II.)

The paper excerpted below supplies some badly needed technical
background for the Wikipedia article on functional decomposition.

IMAGE- Excerpt from 'Unified Approach to Functional Decompositions of Switching Functions,' by Marek A. Perkowski et al., 1995

The preprint above gives the precise definitions and technical references
that are completely absent from Wikipedia's Functional decomposition.

For some related material on 4×4 arrays like those in the above figure
see Decomposition Part I and Geometry of the 4×4 Square.

Decomposition (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 10:00 am

Compare and contrast

1. The following excerpt from Wikipedia

IMAGE- Excerpt from 'Functional decomposition' article at Wikipedia

2. A webpage subtitled "Function Decomposition Over a Finite Field."

Related material—

Decomposition and Jews Telling Stories.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 10:48 am

A Log24 post, "Bridal Birthday," one year ago today linked to
"The Discrete and the Continuous," a brief essay by David Deutsch.

From that essay—

"The idea of quantization—
the discreteness of physical quantities
turned out to be immensely fruitful."

Deutsch's "idea of quantization" also appears in
the April 12 Log24 post Mythopoetic

"Is Space Digital?" 

— Cover storyScientific American 
     magazine, February 2012

"The idea that space may be digital
  is a fringe idea of a fringe idea
  of a speculative subfield of a subfield."

— Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder 
     at her weblog on Feb. 5, 2012

"A quantization of space/time
 is a holy grail for many theorists…."

— Peter Woit in a comment 
      at his weblog on April 12, 2012

It seems some clarification is in order.

Hossenfelder's "The idea that space may be digital"
and Woit's "a quantization of space/time" may not
refer to the same thing.

Scientific American  on the concept of digital space—

"Space may not be smooth and continuous.
Instead it may be digital, composed of tiny bits."

Wikipedia on the concept of quantization—

Causal setsloop quantum gravitystring theory,
black hole thermodynamics all predict
quantized spacetime….

For a purely mathematical  approach to the
continuous-vs.-discrete issue, see
Finite Geometry and Physical Space.

The physics there is somewhat tongue-in-cheek,
but the geometry is serious.The issue there is not
continuous-vs.-discrete physics , but rather
Euclidean-vs.-Galois geometry .

Both sorts of geometry are of course valid.
Euclidean geometry has long been applied to 
physics; Galois geometry has not. The cited
webpage describes the interplay of both  sorts
of geometry— Euclidean and Galois, continuous
and discrete— within physical space— if not
within the space of physics.

Friday, April 27, 2012

An April 27–

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:09 am

IMAGE- The 3x3x3 Galois cube
The 3×3×3 Galois Cube

Backstory— The Talented, from April 26 last year,
and Atlas Shrugged, from April 27 last year.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

An Elusive Notion

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:09 pm

"… this notion of ‘depth’ is an elusive one
even for a mathematician who can recognize it…."

— G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology

In Geometry and the Imagination , Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen
describe the Brianchon-Pascal configuration of 9 points
and 9 lines, with 3 points on each line and 3 lines through
each point, as being "the most important configuration of all geometry."

The Brianchon-Pascal configuration is also known as the Pappus configuration

Some background …

"The Theorem of Pappus: A Bridge Between Algebra and Geometry"
Elena Anne Marchisotto
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 109, No. 6 (Jun. – Jul., 2002), pp. 497-516

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Finding a Form

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 11:30 pm

In "Contact," Dr. Arroway  is shown the key to the Primer

In this journal, fictional symbologist Robert Langdon is shown a cube

Symbologist Robert Langdon views a corner of Solomon's Cube

"Confusion is nothing new." — Song lyric

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Adam in Eden

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 9:00 pm

…. and John Golding, an authority on Cubism who "courted abstraction"—

"Adam in Eden was the father of Descartes." — Wallace Stevens

Fictional symbologist Robert Langdon and a cube

Symbologist Robert Langdon views a corner of Solomon's Cube

From a Log24 post, "Eightfold Cube Revisited,"
on the date of Golding's death—

Dynkin diagram D4 for triality

A related quotation—

"… quaternions provide a useful paradigm
  for studying the phenomenon of 'triality.'"

  — David A. Richter's webpage Zometool Triality

See also quaternions in another Log24 post
from the date of Golding's death— Easter Act.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Carroll Thanks the Academy

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 11:30 am

Gary Gutting, "Arguing About Language," in "The Stone,"
The New York Times  philosophy column, yesterday—

There's a sense in which we speak language
and a sense in which, in Mallarmé's famous phrase,
“language itself speaks.”

Famous? A Google Book Search for

"language itself speaks" Mallarmé

yields 2 results, neither helpful.

But a Google Book Search for

"language itself speaks" Heidegger

yields "about 312 results."

A related search yields the following

Paul Valéry, encountering Un Coup de Dés  in Mallarmé’s worksheets in 1897, described the text as tracing the pattern of thought itself:

It seemed to me that I was looking at the form and pattern of a thought, placed for the first time in finite space. Here space itself truly spoke, dreamed, and gave birth to temporal forms….

… there in the same void with them, like some new form of matter arranged in systems or masses or trailing lines, coexisted the Word! (Leonardo  309*)

* The page number is apparently a reference to The Collected Works of Paul Valéry: Leonardo, Poe, Mallarmé , translated by Malcolm Cowley and James R. Lawler, Princeton University Press, 1972. (As a temporal  form, "309" might be interpreted as a reference to 3/09, March 9, the date of a webpage on the Void.)

For example—

Symbologist Robert Langdon views a corner of Solomon's Cube

Deconstructing Alice
and Symbology.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Irish Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:01 am

Now (lens

Finnegans Wake , Book II,
Episode 2, page 293


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scottish Algebra

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:59 pm

Two papers suggested by Google searches tonight—



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML

by RT Curtis2001Related articles

This paper is based on a talk given at the Scottish Algebra Day 1998 in Edinburgh. ……

Curtis discusses the exceptional outer automorphism of S6
as arising from group actions of PGL(2,5).

See also Cameron and Galois on PGL(2,5)—



File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View

by PJ CAMERON1975Cited by 14Related articles

PETER J. CAMERON. It is known that, if G is a triply transitive permutation group
on a finite set X with a regular S3 the symmetric group on 3 letters, and PGL (2, 5)
the 2-dimensional projective general linear Received 24 October, 1973

Illustration from Cameron (1973)—


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:29 pm

"Is Space Digital?" 

Cover storyScientific American  magazine, February 2012

"The idea that space may be digital
  is a fringe idea of a fringe idea
  of a speculative subfield of a subfield."

— Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder
     at her weblog on Feb. 5, 2012

"A quantization of space/time
 is a holy grail for many theorists…."

— Peter Woit in a comment at his physics weblog today

See also 

* See yesterday's Steiner's Systems.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Steiner’s Systems

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Background— George Steiner in this journal
and elsewhere—

"An intensity of outward attention —
interest, curiosity, healthy obsession —
was Steiner’s version of God’s grace."

Lee Siegel in The New York Times
     March 12, 2009

(See also Aesthetics of Matter in this  journal on that date.)

Steiner in 1969  defined man as "a language animal."

Here is Steiner in 1974  on another definition—

IMAGE- George Steiner on Levi-Strauss viewing man as 'a mythopoetic primate'

Related material—

IMAGE- Daniel Gorenstein quotes Freeman Dyson on physics and the monster group

Also related — Kantor in 1981 on "exquisite finite geometries," and The Galois Tesseract.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Eightfold Cube Revisited

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

A search today (Élie Cartan's birthday) for material related to triality*

Dynkin diagram D4 for triality

yielded references to something that has been called a Bhargava cube .

Two pages from a 2006 paper by Bhargava—

Bhargava's reference [4] above for "the story of the cube" is to…

Higher Composition Laws I:
A New View on Gauss Composition,
and Quadratic Generalizations

Manjul Bhargava

The Annals of Mathematics
Second Series, Vol. 159, No. 1 (Jan., 2004), pp. 217-250
Published by: Annals of Mathematics
Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3597249

A brief account in the context of embedding problems (click to enlarge)—

For more ways of slicing a cube,
see The Eightfold Cube —

* Note (1) some remarks by Tony Smith
   related to the above Dynkin diagram
   and (2) another colorful variation on the diagram.

Easter Act

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 am

Acts 12:4 —  

"And when he had apprehended him,
he put him  in prison, and delivered him 
to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him;
intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people."

With six you get egg roll.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:29 pm

From Joyce's 1912 Trieste lecture on Blake:

"Michelangelo's influence is felt in all of Blake's work, and especially in some passages of prose collected in the fragments, in which he always insists on the importance of the pure, clean line that evokes and creates the figure on the background of the uncreated void."

For a related thought from Michelangelo, see Marmo Solo .

For pure, clean lines, see Galois Geometry.

As for "the uncreated void," see the Ernst Gombrich link in Marmo Solo  for "an almost medieval allegory of how man confronts the void."

For some related religious remarks suited to the Harrowing of Hell on this Holy Saturday, see August 16, 2003

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spectral Theory

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 8:00 am

“And we may see the meadow in December,
icy white and crystalline” — Johnny Mercer

“At another end of the sexual confusion spectrum….”

IMAGE- Frank Langella and Liam Neeson in 'Unknown'

The devil likes metamorphoses.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Meanwhile, back in 1950…

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:30 am

See also Solomon's Cube.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Intelligence Test

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 6:00 pm

This journal on June 18, 2008


The Wechsler Cubes story continues with a paper from December 2009…

"Learning effects were assessed for the block design (BD) task,
on the basis of variation in 2 stimulus parameters:
perceptual cohesiveness (PC) and set size uncertainty (U)." —

(Click image for some background.)

The real intelligence test is, of course, the one Wechsler flunked—
investigating the properties of designs made with sixteen
of his cubes instead of nine.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Palpatine Dimension

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:00 am

A physics quote relayed at Peter Woit's weblog today—

"The relation between 4D N=4 SYM and the 6D (2, 0) theory
is just like that between Darth Vader and the Emperor.
You see Darth Vader and you think 'Isn’t he just great?
How can anyone be greater than that? No way.'
Then you meet the Emperor."

— Arkani-Hamed

Some related material from this  weblog—

(See Big Apple and Columbia Film Theory)


The Meno Embedding:

Plato's Diamond embedded in The Matrix

Some related material from the Web—

IMAGE- The Penrose diamond and the Klein quadric

See also uses of the word triality  in mathematics. For instance…

A discussion of triality by Edward Witten

Triality is in some sense the last of the exceptional isomorphisms,
and the role of triality for n = 6  thus makes it plausible that n = 6
is the maximum dimension for superconformal symmetry,
though I will not give a proof here.

— "Conformal Field Theory in Four and Six Dimensions"

and a discussion by Peter J. Cameron

There are exactly two non-isomorphic ways
to partition the 4-subsets of a 9-set
into nine copies of AG( 3,2).
Both admit 2-transitive groups.

— "The Klein Quadric and Triality"

Exercise: Is Witten's triality related to Cameron's?
(For some historical background, see the triality  link from above
and Cameron's Klein Correspondence and Triality.)

Cameron applies his  triality to the pure geometry of a 9-set.
For a 9-set viewed in the context of physics, see A Beginning

From MIT Commencement Day, 2011—

A symbol related to Apollo, to nine, and to "nothing"

A minimalist favicon—

IMAGE- Generic 3x3 square as favicon

This miniature 3×3 square— http://log24.com/log/pix11A/110518-3x3favicon.ico — may, if one likes,
be viewed as the "nothing" present at the Creation. 
See Feb. 19, 2011, and Jim Holt on physics.

Happy April 1.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Compare and Contrast

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am

IMAGE- Escher, 'Fishes and Scales'

IMAGE- Cullinane, 'Invariance'


The Origin and Development of Erwin Panofsky's Theories of Art ,
Michael Ann Holly, doctoral thesis, Cornell University, 1981 (pdf, 10 MB)

Panofsky, Cassirer, and Perspective as Symbolic Form ,
Allister Neher, doctoral thesis, Concordia University, 2000

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