The "Change Arises" phrase in the previous post suggests a sort of
architectural plan and elevation for the structure of the I Ching —
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Paradigms of Geometry
Friday, June 7, 2024
The Seventh Square (Revisited)
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Friday, May 6, 2022
Interality and the Bead Game
WIkipedia on the URL suffix ".io" —
"In computer science, "IO" or "I/O" is commonly used
as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the
.io domain desirable for services that want to be
associated with technology. .io domains are often used
for open source projects, application programming
interfaces ("APIs"), startup companies, browser games,
and other online services."
An association with the Bead Game from a post of April 7, 2018 —
Glasperlenspiel passage quoted here in Summa Mythologica —
“"I suddenly realized that in the language, or at any rate A less poetic meditation on the above 4x4x4 design cube —
"I saw that in the alternation between front and back, See also a related remark by Lévi-Strauss in 1955:
"…three different readings become possible: |
The recent use by a startup company of the URL "" suggests
a fourth reading for the 1955 list of Lévi-Strauss — in and out —
i.e., inner and outer group automorphisms — from a 2011 post
on the birthday of T. S. Eliot :
A transformation:
Click on the picture for details.
Friday, April 29, 2022
Code Bleu
From The New York Times on May 5, 2011 —
"… What Paris says to me is love story, awash with painters,
shots of the Seine, Champagne. Thank God I have a
can’t-miss notion to sell you. I call it ‘Midnight in Paris.’ ”
“Romantic title,” I had to admit. “Is there a script?”
“Actually, there’s nothing on paper yet, but I can spitball
the main points,” he said, slipping on his tap shoes.
“Maybe some other time,” I said, mindful of Cubbage’s
unbroken string of theatrical Hiroshimas.
— Woody Allen
The above passage is in memory of a French film director
who, like the reporter in yesterday's post Primary Colors,
reportedly died on April 21, 2022.
See also Aitchison at Hiroshima and Easter for Aitchison.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Friday, January 8, 2021
Groups Act
"Somehow, a message had been lost on me. Groups act .
The elements of a group do not have to just sit there,
abstract and implacable; they can do things, they can
'produce changes.' In particular, groups arise
naturally as the symmetries of a set with structure."
— Thomas W. Tucker, review of Lyndon's Groups and Geometry
in The American Mathematical Monthly , Vol. 94, No. 4
(April 1987), pp. 392-394.
"The concept of group actions is very useful in the study of
isomorphisms of combinatorial structures."
— Olli Pottonen, "Classification of Steiner Quadruple Systems"
(Master's thesis, Helsinki, 2005, p. 48).
“In a sense, we would see that change arises from
the structure of the object.”
— Nima Arkani-Hamed, quoted in "A Jewel at the Heart of
Quantum Physics," by Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine ,
Sept. 17, 2013.
See as well "Change Arises" in this journal.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Change Arises: Mathematical Examples
From old posts tagged Change Arises —
From Christmas 2005:
For the eightfold cube
For an rather more Click on image for details. |
The phrase "change arises" is from Arkani-Hamed in 2013, describing
calculations in physics related to properties of the positive Grassmannian —
A related recent illustration from Quanta Magazine —
The above illustration of seven cells is not unrelated to
the eightfold-cube model of the seven projective points in
the Fano plane.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Change Arises
See posts so tagged.
"Change arises from the structure of the object." — Arkani-Hamed
Related material from 1936 —
Related material from 1905, with the "object" a 4×4 array —
Related material from 1976, with the "object"
a 4×6 array — See Curtis.
Related material from 2018, with the "object"
a cuboctahedron — See Aitchison.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
January 2018 AMS Notices
Update of 9:29 PM ET Dec. 20, 2017 —
See in particular, in the above Notices , the article
"Algebraic Structures on Polytopes," by Federico Ardila,
within the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meeting Lecture Sampler.
Related reading:
arXiv:1711.09102v1 [hep-th] 24 Nov 2017,
"Scattering Forms and the Positive Geometry of
Kinematics, Color and the Worldsheet," by
Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yuntao Bai, Song He, Gongwang Yan
(Submitted to the arXiv on 24 Nov. 2017).
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Change Arises
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Kindergarten Geometry
A screenshot of the new page on the eightfold cube at Froebel Decade:
Click screenshot to enlarge.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Waiting for Ogdoad
Continued from October 30 (Devil’s Night), 2013.
“In a sense, we would see that change
arises from the structure of the object.”
— Theoretical physicist quoted in a
Simons Foundation article of Sept. 17, 2013
This suggests a review of mathematics and the
“Classic of Change ,” the I Ching .
The physicist quoted above was discussing a rather
complicated object. His words apply to a much simpler
object, an embodiment of the eight trigrams underlying
the I Ching as the corners of a cube.
See also…
(Click for clearer image.)
The Cullinane image above illustrates the seven points of
the Fano plane as seven of the eight I Ching trigrams and as
seven natural ways of slicing the cube.
For a different approach to the mathematics of cube slices,
related to Gauss’s composition law for binary quadratic forms,
see the Bhargava cube in a post of April 9, 2012.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
"What we do may be small, but it has
a certain character of permanence."
— G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology
The diamond theorem group, published without acknowledgment
of its source by the Mathematical Association of America in 2011—
Sunday, April 1, 2012
The Palpatine Dimension
A physics quote relayed at Peter Woit's weblog today—
"The relation between 4D N=4 SYM and the 6D (2, 0) theory
is just like that between Darth Vader and the Emperor.
You see Darth Vader and you think 'Isn’t he just great?
How can anyone be greater than that? No way.'
Then you meet the Emperor."
Some related material from this weblog—
(See Big Apple and Columbia Film Theory)
The Meno Embedding:
Some related material from the Web—
See also uses of the word triality in mathematics. For instance…
A discussion of triality by Edward Witten—
Triality is in some sense the last of the exceptional isomorphisms,
and the role of triality for n = 6 thus makes it plausible that n = 6
is the maximum dimension for superconformal symmetry,
though I will not give a proof here.
— "Conformal Field Theory in Four and Six Dimensions"
and a discussion by Peter J. Cameron—
There are exactly two non-isomorphic ways
to partition the 4-subsets of a 9-set
into nine copies of AG(3,2).
Both admit 2-transitive groups.
— "The Klein Quadric and Triality"
Exercise: Is Witten's triality related to Cameron's?
(For some historical background, see the triality link from above
and Cameron's Klein Correspondence and Triality.)
Cameron applies his triality to the pure geometry of a 9-set.
For a 9-set viewed in the context of physics, see A Beginning—
From MIT Commencement Day, 2011— A symbol related to Apollo, to nine, and to "nothing"— A minimalist favicon—
This miniature 3×3 square— |
Happy April 1.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday July 21, 2008
"Hmm, next paper… maybe
'An Unusually Complicated
Theory of Something.'"
From Friedrich Froebel,
who invented kindergarten:
Click on image for details.
An Unusually
Complicated Theory:
From Christmas 2005:
Click on image for details.
For the eightfold cube
as it relates to Klein's
simple group, see
"A Reflection Group
of Order 168."
For an even more
complicated theory of
Klein's simple group, see
Click on image for details.