
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photo Opportunity

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:29 am

"I need a photo opportunity…" —Paul Simon

Click to enlarge.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Coxeter and the Relativity Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

In the Beginning…

"As is well known, the Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet."
– Borges, "The Aleph" (1945)

From some 1949 remarks of Weyl—

"The relativity problem is one of central significance throughout geometry and algebra and has been recognized as such by the mathematicians at an early time."

Hermann Weyl, "Relativity Theory as a Stimulus in Mathematical Research," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society , Vol. 93, No. 7, Theory of Relativity in Contemporary Science: Papers Read at the Celebration of the Seventieth Birthday of Professor Albert Einstein in Princeton, March 19, 1949  (Dec. 30, 1949), pp. 535-541

Weyl in 1946—:

"This is the relativity problem: to fix objectively a class of equivalent coordinatizations and to ascertain the group of transformations S mediating between them."

— Hermann Weyl, The Classical Groups , Princeton University Press, 1946, p. 16

Coxeter in 1950 described the elements of the Galois field GF(9) as powers of a primitive root and as ordered pairs of the field of residue-classes modulo 3—

"… the successive powers of  the primitive root λ or 10 are

λ = 10,  λ2 = 21,  λ3 = 22,  λ4 = 02,
λ5 = 20,  λ6 = 12,  λ7 = 11,  λ8 = 01.

These are the proper coordinate symbols….

(See Fig. 10, where the points are represented in the Euclidean plane as if the coordinate residue 2 were the ordinary number -1. This representation naturally obscures the collinearity of such points as λ4, λ5, λ7.)"


Coxeter's Figure 10 yields...


The Aleph

The details:

(Click to enlarge)


Coxeter's phrase "in the Euclidean plane" obscures the noncontinuous nature of the transformations that are automorphisms of the above linear 2-space over GF(3).

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 7:35 pm

From the current Wikipedia article "Symmetry (physics)"—

"In physics, symmetry includes all features of a physical system that exhibit the property of symmetry—that is, under certain transformations, aspects of these systems are 'unchanged', according to a particular observation. A symmetry of a physical system is a physical or mathematical feature of the system (observed or intrinsic) that is 'preserved' under some change.

A family of particular transformations may be continuous  (such as rotation of a circle) or discrete  (e.g., reflection of a bilaterally symmetric figure, or rotation of a regular polygon). Continuous and discrete transformations give rise to corresponding types of symmetries. Continuous symmetries can be described by Lie groups while discrete symmetries are described by finite groups (see Symmetry group)."….

"A discrete symmetry is a symmetry that describes non-continuous changes in a system. For example, a square possesses discrete rotational symmetry, as only rotations by multiples of right angles will preserve the square's original appearance."

Note the confusion here between continuous (or discontinuous) transformations  and "continuous" (or "discontinuous," i.e. "discrete") groups .

This confusion may impede efforts to think clearly about some pure mathematics related to current physics— in particular, about the geometry of spaces made up of individual units ("points") that are not joined together in a continuous manifold.

For an attempt to forestall such confusion, see Noncontinuous Groups.

For related material, see Erlanger and Galois as well as the opening paragraphs of Diamond Theory

Symmetry is often described as invariance under a group of transformations. An unspoken assumption about symmetry in Euclidean 3-space is that the transformations involved are continuous.

Diamond theory rejects this assumption, and in so doing reveals that Euclidean symmetry may itself  be invariant under rather interesting groups of non-continuous (and a-symmetric) transformations. (These might be called noncontinuous  groups, as opposed to so-called discontinuous  (or discrete ) symmetry groups. See Weyl's Symmetry .)

For example, the affine group A on the 4-space over the 2-element field has a natural noncontinuous and asymmetric but symmetry-preserving action on the elements of a 4×4 array. (Details)

(Version first archived on March 27, 2002)

Update of Sunday, February 19, 2012—

The abuse of language by the anonymous authors
of the above Wikipedia article occurs also in more
reputable sources. For instance—

IMAGE- Brading and Castellani, 'Symmetries in Physics'- Four main sections include 'Continuous Symmetries' and 'Discrete Symmetries.'

Some transformations referred to by Brading and Castellani
and their editees as "discrete symmetries" are, in fact, as
linear transformations of continuous spaces, themselves
continuous  transformations.

This unfortunate abuse of language is at least made explicit
in a 2003 text, Mathematical Perspectives on Theoretical
(Nirmala Prakash, Imperial College Press)—

"… associated[*] with any given symmetry there always exists
a continuous or a discrete group of transformations….
A symmetry whose associated group is continuous (discrete)
is called a continuous  (discrete ) symmetry ." — Pp. 235, 236

[* Associated how?]


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 8:48 am

Pentagram design agency on the new Windows 8 logo

"… the logo re-imagines the familiar four-color symbol
as a modern geometric shape"—


Sam Moreau, Principal Director of User Experience for Windows,

On Redesigning the Windows Logo

"To see what is in front of one's nose
needs a constant struggle."
George Orwell

That is the feeling we had when Paula Scher
(from the renowned Pentagram design agency)
showed us her sketches for the new Windows logo.

Related material:


Friday, February 17, 2012

Pregeometry and Finite Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:35 pm

Today's previous post, on the Feb. 2012 Scientific American
article "Is Space Digital?", suggested a review of a notion
that the theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler called
pregeometry .

From a paper on that topic—

"… the idea that geometry should constitute
'the magic building material of the universe'
had to collapse on behalf of what Wheeler
has called pregeometry  (see Misner et al. 1973,
pp. 1203-1212; Wheeler 1980), a somewhat
indefinite term which expresses “a combination
of hope and need, of philosophy and physics
and mathematics and logic” (Misner et al. 1973,
p. 1203)."

— Jacques Demaret, Michael Heller, and
Dominique Lambert, "Local and Global Properties
of the World," preprint of paper published in
Foundations of Science  2 (1): 137-176

Misner, C. W., Thorne, K. S. and Wheeler, J. A.
1973, Gravitation , W.H. Freeman and Company:
San Francisco.

Wheeler, J.A. 1980, "Pregeometry: Motivations
and Prospects," in: Quantum Theory and Gravitation ,
ed. A.R. Marlow, Academic Press: New York, pp. 1-11.

Some related material from pure mathematics—


Click image for further details.

Physics vs. Geometry

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:25 pm


The February 2012 issue of Scientific American 
has a cover article titled "Is Space Digital?".


The article discusses whether physical space
"is made of chunks. Blocks. Bits."

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.


The word "space" in pure mathematics
(as opposed to physics) applies to
a great variety of structures.

Some are continuous, some are not.

For some purely mathematical structures
that are not  continuous, (i.e., are made of
"chunks, blocks, bits") see finitegeometry.org/sc
in particular, the pages on Finite Geometry and Physical Space
and on Noncontinuous Groups.

The geometry of these structures may or may not eventually
be relevant to the "21st-century physics" discussed
in the February Scientific American.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Truth and Fiction

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:02 pm


Midnight in the Garden

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 am

(Continued from February 10.)

A passage suggested by the T.S. Eliot epigraphs in
Parallelisms of Compete Designs , by a weblog post
of Peter J. Cameron yesterday, and by this journal's
"Within You Without You" posts—

— Joseph Campbell, The Inner Reaches of Outer Space:
     Metaphor as Myth and as Religion ,
New World Library,
     Second Edition, St. Bridget's Day 2002, page 106

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Job for St. Valentine

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:01 am

Maureen Dowd's NY Times  column today is on exorcism.

Related material— This morning's update at the end of 
yesterday morning's Valentine's Day post Notable Transitions.

See also another post for St. Valentine — The Ninth Configuration.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Ninth Configuration

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 2:01 pm

The showmanship of Nicki Minaj at Sunday's
Grammy Awards suggested the above title, 
that of a novel by the author of The Exorcist .

The Ninth Configuration 

The ninth* in a list of configurations—

"There is a (2d-1)d  configuration
  known as the Cox configuration."

MathWorld article on "Configuration"

For further details on the Cox 326 configuration's Levi graph,
a model of the 64 vertices of the six-dimensional hypercube γ6  ,
see Coxeter, "Self-Dual Configurations and Regular Graphs,"
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.  Vol. 56, pages 413-455, 1950.
This contains a discussion of Kummer's 166 as it 
relates to  γ6  , another form of the 4×4×4 Galois cube.

See also Solomon's Cube.

* Or tenth, if the fleeting reference to 113 configurations is counted as the seventh—
  and then the ninth  would be a 153 and some related material would be Inscapes.

Notable Transitions

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:37 am

This morning's New York Times  gives a folklorist's
view of The Great Gatsby

"Daisy Buchanan, he argued in a 1960 article,
is a Jazz Age incarnation of the beautiful,
seductive Fairy Queen of Celtic lore."

— Margalit Fox, obituary of Tristram P. Coffin,
     who died at 89 on January 31st, 2012

See also…

Two screenshots in memory of fashion and fine-art photographer
Lillian Bassman, who died yesterday at 94—

IMAGE- Model Coco Rocha with poster of the film 'Hanna'

Update of 10:10 AM EST Wed., Feb. 15, 2012… 

In memory of Dory Previn, a song for "Hanna" and "Lord of the Rings" star Cate Blanchett.

Previn died yesterday, on Valentine's Day.  Perhaps an inspiration for a lyric by  Leonard Cohen?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Why Now?

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:01 pm

From the 2011 film "Hanna"—

Marissa: Why now, Erik? 
Erik: Kids grow up. 

From the 50th Anniversary Edition
(January 31, 2012) of A Wrinkle in Time

(Click to enlarge.)

IMAGE- Charles Wallace and Calvin O'Keefe discuss sports.

Ms. Lincoln

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:44 pm

Suggested by a USA Today  story on last night's Grammy ratings,
by the showmanship of Nicki Minaj, and by…

IMAGE- NY Times obit for 'Ms. Lincoln'

"Lincoln was one of many singers influenced by Billie Holiday." Wikipedia

Related material—

"Apart from that, Ms. Lincoln…"

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

See Cullinane College and The Lovely Bones.

Rhetorical Answer

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:30 am


The sun was burning down….

There was a trembling in the air as the unnamed colors
and landforms took on definition, a clarity of outline and extent….

This is where we sat through his hushed hour, a torchlit sky,
the closeness of hills barely visible at high white noon.

— DeLillo, Don, Point Omega 

Midi là-haut, Midi sans mouvement 
En soi se pense et convient à soi-même… 
Tête complète et parfait diadème, 
Je suis en toi le secret changement.

— Valéry, Paul,  "Le Cimetière Marin"

… Todo lo sé por el lucero puro
que brilla en la diadema de la Muerte.

— Darío, Rubén, "Los Tres Reyes Magos"

Rhetorical Question

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am

IMAGE- NY Times Sunday Review- 'The Great Courses' ad and 'Who's King Of Pop Now?'

Click for more.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 5:24 pm

"News and Traffic. Sports and Weather. These were his acid terms
for the life he’d left behind, more than two years of living with
the tight minds that made the war. It was all background noise,
he said, waving a hand. He liked to wave a hand in dismissal."

— DeLillo, Don (2010-02-02), Point Omega 

Send in the Clowns.   (Click to enlarge.)


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 3:17 pm

See Notes for a Haiku.

Related material—

A novel published on Groundhog Day, 2010—

IMAGE- 'Point Omega' by DeLillo

— as well as Conceptual Art, Josefine Lyche's
"Grids, You Say?" and The Speed of Thought.

Friday, February 10, 2012

24 Hour Psycho

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:59 pm

From "Kill Bill: Vol. 1"—

The Bride: [Japanese] I need Japanese steel. 

Related material —

Yodogawa, 1982 (see yesterday evening's Psycho) and…

See also this afternoon's 5:01 post.


Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:01 pm
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


 m759 @ 9:16 PM

"Should we arbitrate life and death
at a round table or a square one?"

 Wislawa Szymborska

See also the two previous posts,
Disturbing Archimedes and Tesseract.

Related material—

See also At the Still Point (a post in memory of film editor Sally Menke).

Garden of Good and Evil

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:00 pm


Related material: The Thing Itself and Tombstone.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:59 pm


See …

  1. The Doors of Perception,
  2. The Diamond Theorem,
  3. Walsh Function Symmetry, and
  4. Yodogawa, 1982.

Related literary material—

Enda's Game  and Tesseract .

ART WARS continued

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:06 pm

On the Complexity of Combat—

(Click to enlarge.)

The above article (see original pdf), clearly of more 
theoretical than practical interest, uses the concept
of "symmetropy" developed by some Japanese

For some background from finite geometry, see
Symmetry of Walsh Functions. For related posts
in this journal, see Smallest Perfect Universe.

Update of 7:00 PM EST Feb. 9, 2012—

Background on Walsh-function symmetry in 1982—

(Click image to enlarge. See also original pdf.)

Note the somewhat confusing resemblance to
a four-color decomposition theorem
used in the proof of the diamond theorem

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beach Boy

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:59 pm

(Continued from March 28, 2006, and February 6, 2012)


Sylvia Beach and James Joyce at Shakespeare and Company

See also Walking into Eternity.

Old Sport

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:11 pm

From yesterday's Random Walk

IMAGE- Wallace Stevens, Collected Poems, page 474- 'An Ordinary Evening in New Haven,' Canto XIII

IMAGE- NY lottery midday Wed., Feb. 8, 2012- 474, 1922

"Oh, hello, old sport."

The Great Gatsby


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

(Continued from Dec. 5, 2002)

IMAGE- NY Times: 'For Romney, Night Goes from Bad to Worse,' by Ashley Parker and Michael D. Shear

From Bad…


Braucht´s noch Text?

To Verse—


manche meinen
lechts und rinks
kann man nicht
werch ein illtum!

by Ernst Jandl


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am

The Eighth  Seal

IMAGE- Regensburg Mass of Pope Benedict XVI

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zip Enter Get a Quote

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:48 am

IMAGE- Top of NY Times obits page, morning of Feb. 7th, 2012, with ad saying ZIP [ENTER] GET A QUOTE

Okay… http://m759.net/wordpress/?p=16365.

See also last night's  11:48 post and Erin Burnett in "Glad Rags."

Random Walk

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:48 am

New York Lottery, evening of 
Monday, February 6th, 2012:
558 and 0608.

See also posts  558 and 0608.

IMAGE- An Ordinary Evening in New Haven, Canto XIII, by Wallace Stevens


Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:31 am

Continued from Saturday, February 4th, 2012.

Click images for further details.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Straight Talk

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:48 pm

Tonight's TV, in brief—


At 10, Smash. At 11, Erin Burnett OutFront (repeat).

Beach Boy

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:18 pm
Cached from artnet.com
Artist   Daniel Simon
Title   Yves Montand et Catherine Deneuve
dans Le Sauvage, Bahamas
Medium   gelatin silver print
Size   11.8 x 15.7 in. / 30 x 40 cm.
Year   1975 –
Edition   1/10
Misc.   Signed, Stamped
Sale Of   Ader: Monday, October 20, 2008
[Lot 140]
Paris – Célébrités II
Estimate   300 – 400 EUR (USD 403 – 537)
Sold For   *
* Complete data is available for subscribers.

In memory of a dealer in artists' ephemera, 
Steven Leiber, who died on January 28, 2012
a link to a post from the date of Leiber's death—

The Sweet Smell of Avon.

See also Me and My Shadow, a post from
the date the above photo was offered for sale.

Related ephemeral art— a post titled, with irony,
Introduction to Harmonic Analysis.

Related non -ephemeral art—
Mathematical Imagery.

Savage Logic

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quaternion Day

m759 @ 12:00 PM

Brightness at Noon continued

i2 = j2 = k2 = ijk = -1

– Sir William Rowan Hamilton,
Oct. 16, 1843

See also this journal on 1/09, 2010.

This post was suggested by the date
of a user comment in Wikipedia.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 5:15 pm

(Continued from January 11, 2012)

Noon and…

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Finality indeed.

Sermon Highlight

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 am

From last night—

Kristen Wiig as Kristen Del Rey

"Here was finality indeed,
 and cleavage!" — Malcolm Lowry

Sunday Morning

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:31 am

CBS Sunday Morning 's piece on
the number pi  today suggested…

Hexagram 20, Contemplation/View,
from the website Rightreading.com

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:00 pm
   Click to enlarge

See also Theology as Grammar.

Ein Satz

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:00 pm


4 × 5 =  ̲2̲0̲  .


Related material—

The link "Ten is a Hen"
in today's 10 AM post, and
Carl Schoettler on Barbara Wilson's
novel Gaudi Afternoon

"She's told a detective story without violence,
murder, mayhem, massacre, or even explicit sex
although there are a couple of sly double entendres.
She pays an homage to Dashiell Hammett
when Cassandra tells the gay saxophonist
 she's Brigid O'Shaughnessy.
Brigid O'Shaughnessy, of course, is the woman
Sam Spade won't play the sap for
in 'The Maltese Falcon.'"

Judy Davis, shown above in
"One Against the Wind," was the star
of the film version of Wilson's novel.

Cock Tale (continued)

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 am

The late Ben Gazzara as Jackie Treehorn
in "The Big Lebowski"—

Jackie Treehorn Presents

Ten is a Hen .

Der Einsatz

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am

See the title phrase and Ice 9 in this journal.

Office Visit

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:03 am

From the screenplay of "The Number 23"—


Agatha climbs a dark staircase. Layers of dust

testify to years of neglect.


Agatha finds ROOM 318. A rusting door plaque reads,


For related material, see "Leary + Cuernavaca" and "Prime Cut."

Happy belated 2/3 birthday to Walter Sparrow.

Related material— Two other occurrences of "318" in this journal—
in another horror story, "The Sweet Smell of Avon,"
and in a quote from the Feast of St. Nicholas, 2010

"When Novelists Become Cubists," by Andre Furlani—

"A symbol comes into being when an artist sees that
it is the only way to get all the meaning in.
Genius always proceeds by faith" (312).

The unparaphrasable architectonic text
"differs from other narrative in that the meaning
shapes into a web, or globe, rather than along a line" (318).

[The references are to page numbers in
 Guy Davenport's The Geography of the Imagination .]

Friday, February 3, 2012


Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:35 pm

A phrase from today's noon post—

"Le souvenir de ce célèbre orateur"—

a souvenir

— and a song.

Unusual Suspects

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"… 'Mes chers frères, n'oubliez jamais,
  quand vous entendrez vanter le progrès des lumières,
  que la plus belle des ruses du diable
  est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas!'

     Le souvenir de ce célèbre orateur
nous conduisit naturellement vers le sujet des académies,
et mon étrange convive m'affirma qu'il ne dédaignait pas,
en beaucoup de cas, d'inspirer la plume, la parole et la conscience
des pédagogues, et qu'il assistait presque toujours en personne,
quoique invisible, à toutes les séances académiques." 

— Baudelaire, "Le Joueur Généreux"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rien de Rien*

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:45 pm

Click to enlarge:

In memory of the longtime co-editor of Series A  of the
Journal of Combinatorial Theory , who died on January 12th,
2012, here is a link to a Log24 post of that date.

* For the title, see January 19th.

Die Nichtung

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"It seems that Hilbert had no taste for philosophers….
Hans Rademacher told this reviewer that, after Heidegger
once lectured in Göttingen, Hilbert gleefully repeated
to everyone the phrase "Das Nichts nichtet die Nichtung ."

— Gian-Carlo Rota, Discrete Thoughts , 2nd ed., p. 233

Die Lichtung

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:30 am

See January 4th, 2012.

(This link resulted from an application of Heidegger's
philosophy of "the opening" and "the shining" (Die Lichtung ).)

See also The Shining of May 29.

Update of 12:19 AM Feb. 3, 2012—
The undated (but cached by Google on January 4th, 2012)
unsigned post from a deleted weblog linked to above as
"an application" is also available in a version that is signed
(but still undated).

The Opening

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 3:33 am

From ShiftLock in this journal—

"Philosophy knows nothing of the opening."
— Heidegger

See also a post of September 25, 2009,
and a film whose opening was on that date.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: , , , , , — m759 @ 9:16 pm

"Should we arbitrate life and death
at a round table or a square one?"

Wislawa Szymborska

See also the two previous posts,
Disturbing Archimedes and Tesseract.


IMAGE- Nobel-Prize-winning poet dies on St. Bridget's Day, 2012

Disturbing Archimedes

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:01 pm

Princeton University Press on a book it will publish in March—

Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of
Mathematics and Narrative

"… brings together important thinkers in mathematics,
history, and philosophy to explore the relationship
between mathematics and narrative.
  The book's title recalls the last words of the great
Greek mathematician Archimedes before he was
slain by a Roman soldier— 'Don't disturb my circles' …."

Related material—

Archimedes's Vicious Circle

IMAGE- Archimedes's measurement of the area of a circle (by sharply pointed triangles)

IMAGE- The Mouth of Truth in 'Roman Holiday'

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:21 pm

"… a finite set with  elements
is sometimes called an n-set …."

Tesseract formed from a 4-set—

IMAGE- Tesseract.

The same 16 subsets or points can
be arranged in a 4×4 array that has,
when the array's opposite edges are
joined together, the same adjacencies
as those of the above tesseract.

"There is  such a thing as a 4-set."
— Saying adapted from a novel   

Update of August 12, 2012:

Figures like the above, with adjacent vertices differing in only one coordinate,
appear in a 1950 paper of H. S. M. Coxeter—

Monday, January 30, 2012

Enda’s Game*

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 7:00 pm

The following passage by Tolkien was suggested by a copy of next Sunday's New York Times Book Review  that arrived in the mail today. (See Orson Scott Card's remarks on page 26— "Uncle Orson"— and the Review 's concluding essay "Grand Allusion.")

"Lastly, tengwesta  [system or code of signs] has also become an impediment. It is in Incarnates clearer and more precise than their direct reception of thought. By it also they can communicate easily with others, when no strength is added to their thought: as, for example, when strangers first meet. And, as we have seen, the use of 'language' soon becomes habitual, so that the practice of ósanwe  (interchange of thought) is neglected and becomes more difficult. Thus we see that the Incarnate tend more and more to use or to endeavour to use ósanwe  only in great need and urgency, and especially when lambe  is unavailing. As when the voice cannot be heard, which comes most often because of distance. For distance in itself offers no impediment whatever to ósanwe . But those who by affinity might well use ósanwe  will use lambe  when in proximity, by habit or preference. Yet we may mark also how the 'affine' may more quickly understand the lambe  that they use between them, and indeed all that they would say is not put into words. With fewer words they come swifter to a better understanding. There can be no doubt that here ósanwe  is also often taking place; for the will to converse in lambe  is a will to communicate thought, and lays the minds open. It may be, of course, that the two that converse know already part of the matter and the thought of the other upon it, so that only allusions dark to the stranger need be made; but this is not always so. The affine** will reach an understanding more swiftly than strangers upon matters that neither have before discussed, and they will more quickly perceive the import of words that, however numerous, well-chosen, and precise, must remain inadequate."

* "If a poem catches a student's interest at all, he or she should damned well be able to look up an unfamiliar word in the dictionary…."

   — Elizabeth Bishop, quoted in the essay "Grand Allusion" mentioned above. For a brief dictionary of most of the unfamiliar words in this post's title and in the above passage, see Vinyar Tengwar  39 (July 1998). This is copyrighted but freely available on the Web.

** The word "affine" has connotations not intended by Tolkien. See that word in this journal. See also page 5 of next Sunday's Times Book Review , which contains a full-page ad for the 50th anniversary edition of A Wrinkle in Time . "There is  such a thing as a tesseract."

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 6:00 pm

Weblog posts of two prominent mathematicians today discussed
what appears to be a revolution inspired by the business practices
of some commercial publishers of mathematics.

See Gowers and Cameron.

My own concern is more with the so-called "Non-Euclidean Revolution"
described by Richard Trudeau in a book of that title (Birkhäuser, 1987).

A 1976 document relevant to the concerns in the Trudeau book—

Though not as well known as another document discussing
"self-evident" truths, Cameron's remarks are also of some
philosophical interest.

They apply to finite  geometry, a topic unknown to Euclid,
but nevertheless of considerable significance for the foundations  
of mathematics.

"The hand of the creative artist, laid upon the major premise,
 rocks the foundations of the world." — Dorothy Sayers

Sunday School

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 am

Beach with Palms

The following images were suggested by the
"other things" link in yesterday's "287501346" post.

From June 10, 2008

Two frames from the Jodie Foster film "Contact"—

See Storyline and Time Fold.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Sweet Smell of Avon

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:48 am

IMAGE- NY Times on 'Narrowing the Definition of Autism'

The twin topics of autism and of narrowing definitions
suggested the following remarks.

The mystical number "318" in the pilot episode
of Kiefer Sutherland's new series about autism, "Touch,"
is so small that it can easily apply (as the pilot
illustrated) to many different things: a date, a
time, a bus number, an address, etc.

The last 3/18 Log24 post— Defining Configurations
led, after a false start and some further research,
to the writing of the webpage Configurations and Squares.

An image from that page—

IMAGE- Coxeter 3x3 array with rows labeled 287/501/346.

Interpreting this, in an autistic manner, as the number
287501346 lets us search for more specific items
than those labeled simply 318.

The search yields, among other things, an offer of
Night Magic Cologne  (unsold)—

IMAGE- Online offer of Avon Night Magic Cologne- 'The mystery and magic of the night is yours.'

For further mystery and magic, see, from the date
the Night Magic offer closed— May 8, 2010— "A Better Story."
See also the next day's followup, "The Ninth Gate."

Friday, January 27, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:00 pm

See also the links at the end of this morning's post.


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:21 pm


Notices of the American Mathematical Society

See also Rosetta Stone in this  journal.

Mathematics and Narrative (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 1:44 am

Princeton University Press on a book it will publish in March—

Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of Mathematics and Narrative

"Circles Disturbed  brings together important thinkers in mathematics, history, and philosophy to explore the relationship between mathematics and narrative. The book's title recalls the last words of the great Greek mathematician Archimedes before he was slain by a Roman soldier— 'Don't disturb my circles'— words that seem to refer to two radically different concerns: that of the practical person living in the concrete world of reality, and that of the theoretician lost in a world of abstraction. Stories and theorems are, in a sense, the natural languages of these two worlds–stories representing the way we act and interact, and theorems giving us pure thought, distilled from the hustle and bustle of reality. Yet, though the voices of stories and theorems seem totally different, they share profound connections and similarities."

Timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — Norway, March 1942

"The Red Skull finds the Tesseract, a cube of strange power,
said to be the jewel of Odin’s treasure room, in Tonsberg Norway.
 (Captain America: The First Avenger)"

Tesseracts Disturbed — (Click to enlarge)

Detail of Tesseracts Disturbed —

Narrative of the detail—

See Tesseract in this journal and Norway, May 2010

The Oslo Version and Annals of Conceptual Art.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave…"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Change Illustrated

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:59 pm

"Something is happening to our town."

— Mayor of Pleasantville

Related material— Alicia Keys's birthday,
the ending of Midnight in Paris , and Rocket Billie.

See also a Sinatra song uploaded on this date
(Paul Newman's birthday) last year.

Found in Space

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:00 pm

"You have a clear and lively voice."
           — Midnight in Paris

Related material— Today's previous post.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:57 am

NYT > Obituaries Dick Tufeld, Robot Voice in TV’s ‘Lost in Space,’ Dies at 85
    Wed Jan 25, 2012 23:42 from NYT Obituaries  By Bruce Weber

   "Mr. Tufeld possessed one of Hollywood’s most often-heard
   disembodied voices, especially from the 1950s through the 1970s."

In memoriam— A link from the date of Tufeld's death

After Midnight

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:16 am

IMAGE- NYT obits shortly after midnight on Jan. 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Larger City

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:09 am

By Penelope Lively
229 pages. Viking. $26.95.

Review by Michiko Kakutani
in The New York Times ,
online Jan. 23, 2012

As a historian, Henry acknowledges that he has “a soft spot for what is known as the Cleopatra’s nose theory of history— the proposal that had the nose of Cleopatra been an inch longer, the fortunes of Rome would have been different.” It’s a bit of a reductio ad absurdum, he admits, but nonetheless “a reference to random causality that makes a lot of sense when we think about the erratic sequence of events that we call history.”

What Ms. Lively has done in this captivating volume is to use all her copious storytelling gifts to show how a similar kind of random causality rules individual lives, how one unlucky event can set off unexpected chain reactions, how the so-called butterfly effect— whereby the flapping of a tiny butterfly’s wings can supposedly lead to a huge storm elsewhere in the world— ripples through the ebb and flow of daily life.

Rhetorical question—

"Why walk when you can fly?"
— Mary Chapin Carpenter

Rhetorical answer—

Two excerpts from a webpage on random walks

A drunk man will find his way home,
but a drunk bird may get lost forever.

— Shizuo Kakutani

Now we move to a larger city

IMAGE- 'Now we move to a larger city...' illustrated by 4x4 grid with dots signifying extension of the grid

State of a Nation

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:19 am

Happy birthday to…

Alicia Keys in 'Superwoman' video

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Infinity Point

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:20 pm

From Labyrinth of the Line (March 2, 2011)—

"… construct the Golay code by taking the 24 points
to be the points of the projective line F23 ∪ {}…."

— Robert A. Wilson

A simpler projective line— a Galois geometry
model of the line F2 ∪ {}—

Image- The Three-Point Line: A Finite Projective Geometry

Here we may consider  to be modeled*
by the third square above— the Galois window .

* Update of about 1 AM Jan. 25, 2012—
  This infinity-modeling is of course a poetic conceit,
  not to be taken too seriously. For a serious 
  discussion of points at infinity and finite fields,
  see (for instance) Daniel Bump's "The Group GL(2)."

The Screwing

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 7:59 am

"Debates about canonicity have been raging in my field
(literary studies) for as long as the field has been
around. Who's in? Who's out? How do we decide?"

— Stephen Ramsay, "The Hermeneutics of Screwing Around"

An example of canonicity in geometry—

"There are eight heptads of 7 mutually azygetic screws, each consisting of the screws having a fixed subscript (from 0 to 7) in common. The transformations of LF(4,2) correspond in a one-to-one manner with the even permutations on these heptads, and this establishes the isomorphism of LF(4,2) and A8. The 35 lines in S3 correspond uniquely to the separations of the eight heptads into two complementary sets of 4…."

 — J.S. Frame, 1955 review of a 1954 paper by W.L. Edge,
"The Geometry of the Linear Fractional Group LF(4,2)"

Thanks for the Ramsay link are due to Stanley Fish
(last evening's online New York Times ).

For further details, see The Galois Tesseract.

Monday, January 23, 2012

How It Works

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 7:59 pm


J. H. Conway in 1971 discussed the role of an elementary abelian group
of order 16 in the Mathieu group M24. His approach at that time was
purely algebraic, not geometric—

IMAGE- J. H. Conway in 1971 discussed the role of the elementary abelian group of order 16 in the Mathieu group M24. His approach then was purely algebraic, not geometric.

For earlier (and later) discussions of the geometry  (not the algebra )
of that order-16 group (i.e., the group of translations of the affine space
of 4 dimensions over the 2-element field), see The Galois Tesseract.

How Stuff Works

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:48 pm

"Design is how it works." —Steve Jobs

Website logo—

IMAGE- Website logo- 'How Stuff Works: We figure it out so you don't have to'

Screenshot from How Stuff Works—

IMAGE- Christ in the Last Judgment, from 'How Stuff Works'

IMAGE- 'Apple's Mind-Bogglingly Greedy and Evil License Agreement'

(Click image for details.)

From "A Device Worthy of a Gothic Novel,"
Chapter XVI of The Club Dumas,
by Arturo Perez-Reverte (1993),
Vintage International, April 1998….
the basis of the 1999 Roman Polanski film
The Ninth Gate

Aren't you going to give me a document to sign?"
"A document?"
"Yes. It used to be called a pact. Now it would be a contract
with lots of small print, wouldn't it? 'In the event of litigation,
the parties are to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of…'
That's a funny thing. I wonder which court covers this."


Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:01 am

"Yo sé de un laberinto griego que es una línea única, recta."
 —Borges, "La Muerte y la Brújula"

"I know of one Greek labyrinth which is a single straight line."
—Borges, "Death and the Compass"

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 8:09 pm

From life's box of chocolates

Happy birthday to Piper Laurie.

* Those who prefer their
souvenirs without sentiment
may consult the quaternions.

Year of the Dragon

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 3:33 pm

In China, the Year of the Dragon
has now begun. See Holy Field
in this journal.

Pound Sign

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:00 pm

See Metamagical Themas


— as well as the pound sign, alias hash .


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm



"The Cardinal seemed a little preoccupied today."

The New Yorker , May 13, 2002

Card Trick

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 am

An image suggested by a book at
Princeton University Press—


Click image for details.

See also a somewhat deeper book from Princeton.


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:00 am

Kindergarten Theology

(Log24, St. Bridget's Day, 2008)

The Presbyterian Exorcist

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:26 am

(Backstory— Presbyterian in this journal)

Princeton University Press on a book it will publish in March—

Circles Disturbed  brings together important thinkers in mathematics, history, and philosophy to explore the relationship between mathematics and narrative. The book's title recalls the last words of the great Greek mathematician Archimedes before he was slain by a Roman soldier–"Don't disturb my circles"–words that seem to refer to two radically different concerns: that of the practical person living in the concrete world of reality, and that of the theoretician lost in a world of abstraction. Stories and theorems are, in a sense, the natural languages of these two worlds–stories representing the way we act and interact, and theorems giving us pure thought, distilled from the hustle and bustle of reality. Yet, though the voices of stories and theorems seem totally different, they share profound connections and similarities.

Exercise— Discuss the above paragraph's vulgarity.

Discuss also the more robust vulgarity of Marvel Entertainment

Context— "Marvel" in this journal, and The Cosmic Cube.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Oxford Murders

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:09 am


Blame It on Trajan

Wikipedia on the 2008 film The Oxford Murders

IMAGE- Tall column of images from Log24, headed by permutahedron pictures

Christmas Eve image search
suggested by Stevens's phrase
"diamond globe."

(Larger version: 2 MB)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cock Tale

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:00 pm

(Continued from November 12, 2005 and June 7, 2011)

IMAGE- 1970 photo used in New Yorker of Jan. 23, 2012, with added photo credit information from a Philippe Sollers website

Related material— "Labyrinth," a fiction
by the late Roberto Bolaño
in the current New Yorker 

"There's no photo credit."

The Nothing That Is

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 pm

"The 'one' with whom the reader has identified himself
has now become 'the listener, who listens in the snow';
he has become the snow man, and he knows winter
with a mind of winter, knows it in its strictest reality,
stripped of all imagination and human feeling.
But at that point when he sees the winter scene
reduced to absolute fact, as the object not of the mind,
but of the perfect perceptual eye that sees
'nothing that is not there,' then the scene,
devoid of  its imaginative correspondences,
has become 'the nothing that is.'"

Robert Pack, Wallace Stevens:
An Approach to His Poetry and Thought
New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1958.


IMAGE- The Ninefold Square at Ninevine.net


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, November 12, 2005

— m759 @ 8:00 PM


A Singer 7-Cycle

“… problems are the poetry of chess.
   They demand from the composer
   the same virtues that characterize
   all worthwhile art:
   originality, invention, 
   harmony, conciseness,
   complexity, and
   splendid insincerity.”

   —Vladimir Nabokov

Soul Souvenirs

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:00 pm

"If the fault is with the soul, the sovereigns
Of the soul must likewise be at fault, and first.
If the fault is with the souvenirs, yet these
Are the soul itself. And the whole of the soul, Swenson,
As every man in Sweden will concede,
Still hankers after lions, or, to shift,
Still hankers after sovereign images."

— Wallace Stevens

"Friday night and the lights are low"

See also American Music Award.

Brightness at Noon

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm


See "harmonic analysis" in Mathematical Imagery and elsewhere in this journal.

Poetry and Thought*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:30 am

* Title courtesy of George Steiner.
   For the "thought" part, see Plato's diamond
   in last night's Mathematical Imagery.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mathematical Imagery

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:28 pm

Bourgain and Tao

From the Crafoord Prize website

Related meta -mathematical image from Diamond Theory

Mathematical  image related to combinatorics—

See also permutahedron in this journal.


Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:08 pm

Those impressed by George Steiner's remark on Hegel in the previous post may consult…

(Click to enlarge.)

(The Christian Examiner.  Volume LXXX. New Series, Volume I.  January, March, May, 1866.
New York: James Miller, Publisher, 522, Broadway.  Boston: Walker, Fuller, & Co.

By C. C. Everett, pp. 196-207.

A review of…

The Secret of Hegel, being the Hegelian System in Origin, Principle, Form, and Matter.
By James Hutchinson Sterling. In two volumes.
London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green. 1865. 8vo, 2 vols.)

On Hegel, from the review—

"He starts not from the beginning, but from the heart, of the world.
There never was a time when this pure Being— which, in its
undivided absoluteness, is indistinguishable from nothing;
as pure, unbroken light is indistinguishable from darkness—

was by itself alone; but this absolute Being is yet the foundation
and the groundwork of whatever is."

For more on Hegel's logic, see Marxists.org.

See also Steiner on chess and Lenin in The New Yorker
(September 7, 1968, page 133).


Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:02 pm

Perception vs. Inception


"Where philosophy and literature mesh, where they are litigious toward one another in form or matter, these echoes of origin can be heard. The poetic genius of abstract thought is lit, is made audible. Argument, even analytic, has its drumbeat. It is made ode. What voices the closing movements of Hegel’s Phenomenology  better than Edith Piaf’s non de non , a twofold negation which Hegel would have prized?

This essay is an attempt to listen more closely."

— George Steiner, The Poetry of Thought 


Edith Piaf's rien de rien . See also Is Nothing Sacred?

Square Triangles

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:26 pm

MathWorld.Wolfram.com has an article titled "Square-Triangle Theorem."

An article of my own, whose HTML title was previously "Triangles are Square," has been retitled accordingly.

What Rough Beast

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:28 am


"On the Internet, nobody knows…"

Related material— Story Theory and the Number of the Beast

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

For Esther

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:23 am



Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 8:48 pm

In memory of Bach interpreter
Gustav Leonhardt



Khora as Synchronicity

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:01 am

A search for khora  + tao  yields a paper on Derrida—



A check of the above date— Nov. 18, 2010— yields…

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frontiers of Speculation

 m759 @ 8:02 AM

Peter Woit has a post on Scientific American 's new Garrett Lisi article, "A Geometric Theory of Everything."

The Scientific American  subtitle is "Deep down, the particles and forces of the universe are a manifestation of exquisite geometry."

See also Rhetoric (Nov. 4, 2010) and Exquisite Geometries (May 19, 2009).

Related material on the temptation of physics
for a pure mathematician—

This morning's post on khora  and Cardinal Manning, and,
from Hawking's birthday this year, Big Apple.

Within this  post, by leading us to the apple,
Derrida as usual plays the role of Serpent.

Manning and Khora

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:26 am

A weblog post from Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012—

"Today is the 120th anniversary of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning's death."

A Reluctant Sinner  (Thanks to Andrew Cusack for the link.)

If Manning is a saint, then Saturday was his feast day.

Some background— Manning in this journal.

See also Saturday's Derrida at Villanova. The link there to
previous posts on that topic leads to a post on Derrida's promotion
of his neologism différance as a version of Plato's khôra.

I prefer Manning's discussion of a closely related concept,
the scholastic philosophers' materia prima .

See Hugh R. King's 1956 paper sneering at the scholastics'
concept, and Heisenberg's much better-informed remarks
on the related concept of potentia

IMAGE- Excerpt from 'The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas' by John F. Wippel

For a related fictional account of a religious quest for "possibilities"
and "excluded middles" between "zeroes and ones," see
Ingraffia on The Crying of Lot 49 .

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mapping Problem

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:10 pm

Thursday's post Triangles Are Square posed the problem of
finding "natural" maps from the 16 subsquares of a 4×4 square
to the 16 equilateral subtriangles of an edge-4 equilateral triangle.


Here is a trial solution of the inverse problem—


(Click for larger version.)

Exercise— Devise a test for "naturality" of
such mappings and apply it to the above.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:00 am

IMAGE- Book cover symbolizing postmodern theory with a minus sign and biblical theology with a plus sign

"Accentuate the Positive."

— Clint Eastwood, soundtrack album for
"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."

Requiem Maas

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:30 am

Headline from yesterday evening's New York Times  obituaries—

Frederica Sagor Maas, Silent-Era Scriptwriter, Dies at 111.

For Maas… Past Tense (Jan. 7, 2012) and its link to Dogma.

Related material—

Last night's SNL, this morning's Entertainment Break,
and — in the context of DogmaCatholics Believe.

From an LA Times  story about Maas on January 7

"Many of the screenplays she and her husband wrote between 1938 and 1950 were never produced. Hopeless, humiliated and having little money, the couple drove to a hilltop overlooking Hollywood with the intention of committing suicide in their Plymouth. Clutching each other, they started sobbing and realized that 'none of these things mattered. We had each other,' wrote Maas…."

Entertainment Break

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:00 am


Related material– Saturday night's Derrida at Villanova and Villanueva.

Sunday School

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 am

Identity Crisis— Or, Tilting at Whirligigs 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Derrida at Villanova

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 8:00 pm

"As Derrida said at Villanova,
"We wait for something we would not like to wait for.
That is another name for death."

— Brian D. Ingraffia, "Is the Postmodern Post-Secular?,"
p. 50 in Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought ,
ed. by Merold Westphal, Indiana University Press, 1999, pp. 44-68

See also Derrida at Villanova in this journal.

The link to Ingraffia's remarks was suggested by
this evening's New York Times  obituaries—


Defining Form (continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Detail of Sylvie Donmoyer picture discussed
here on January 10


The "13" tile may refer to the 13 symmetry axes
in the 3x3x3 Galois cube, or the corresponding
13 planes through the center in that cube. (See
this morning's post and Cubist Geometries.)

Damnation Morning*

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 5:24 am


The following is adapted from a 2011 post

IMAGE- Galois vs. Rubik

* The title, that of a Fritz Leiber story, is suggested by
   the above picture of the symmetry axes of the square.
   Click "Continued" above for further details. See also
   last Wednesday's Cuber.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mysteries of Faith

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:00 pm


Wiener on Paley

… he was already recognised as the ablest of the group of young English mathematicians who have been inspired by the genius of G H Hardy and J E Littlewood. In a group notable for its brilliant technique, no one had developed this technique to a higher degree than Paley. Nevertheless he should not be though of primarily as a technician, for with this ability he combined creative power of the first order. As he himself was wont to say, technique without 'rugger tactics' will not get one far, and these rugger tactics he practised to a degree that was characteristic of his forthright and vigorous nature.

The Telegraph  today on British mystery author Reginald Hill—

"After National Service between 1955 and 1957,
he went up on a scholarship to St Catherine’s College, Oxford,
where he played rugby…."

Further details—


"Unsheathe your dagger definitions." — James Joyce

Some context— St. Catherine in this journal and her feast day last year.


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 8:28 am

Click logos for related persons.

IMAGE- Logo of St. Peter's College, Oxford

IMAGE- Logo of St. John's College, Oxford

Some related news.

Background from this journal—

Collegiality, That Hideous Strength , and The Oxford Murders .

See also…

"The heart of the book is the conveying of a meaningful understanding
of where mathematical results originated…."

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Collegiality in Action

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:30 pm


"The transcripts of the 2006 meetings, released after a standard five-year delay,
clearly show some of the nation’s pre-eminent economic minds did not fully understand
the basic mechanics of the economy that they were charged with supervising."

— Binyamin Appelbaum in the Jan. 12 online New York Times

Academics may recall other examples of comfortably ignorant collegiality.

Triangles Are Square

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 11:30 am

Coming across John H. Conway's 1991*
pinwheel  triangle decomposition this morning—


— suggested a review of a triangle decomposition result from 1984:

IMAGE- Triangle and square, each with 16 parts

Figure A

(Click the below image to enlarge.)

IMAGE- 'Triangles Are Square,' by Steven H. Cullinane (American Mathematical Monthly, 1985)

The above 1985 note immediately suggests a problem—

What mappings of a square  with c 2 congruent parts
to a triangle  with c 2 congruent parts are "natural"?**

(In Figure A above, whether the 322,560 natural transformations
of the 16-part square map in any natural way to transformations
of the 16-part triangle is not immediately apparent.)

* Communicated to Charles Radin in January 1991. The Conway
  decomposition may, of course, have been discovered much earlier.

** Update of Jan. 18, 2012— For a trial solution to the inverse
    problem, see the "Triangles are Square" page at finitegeometry.org.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


"Examples galore of this feeling must have arisen in the minds of the people who extended the Magic Cube concept to other polyhedra, other dimensions, other ways of slicing.  And once you have made or acquired a new 'cube'… you will want to know how to export a known algorithm , broken up into its fundamental operators , from a familiar cube.  What is the essence of each operator?  One senses a deep invariant lying somehow 'down underneath' it all, something that one can’t quite verbalize but that one recognizes so clearly and unmistakably in each new example, even though that example might violate some feature one had thought necessary up to that very moment.  In fact, sometimes that violation is what makes you sure you’re seeing the same thing , because it reveals slippabilities you hadn’t sensed up till that time….

… example: There is clearly only one sensible 4 × 4 × 4 Magic Cube.  It is the  answer; it simply has the right spirit ."

— Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1985, Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern  (Kindle edition, locations 11557-11572)

See also Many Dimensions in this journal and Solomon's Cube.

Language Game

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:08 am

Tension in the Common Room

IMAGE- 'Launched from Cuber' scene in 'X-Men: First Class'

In memory of population geneticist James F. Crow,
who died at 95 on January 4th.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:29 pm

"'Interpenetration'" — Stanley Fish in yesterday evening's online New York Times

"You want Frye's with that?" — A recent humanities graduate



Defining Form

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 9:00 am

(Continued from Epiphany and from yesterday.)

Detail from the current American Mathematical Society homepage


Further detail, with a comparison to Dürer’s magic square—

http://www.log24.com/log/pix12/120110-Donmoyer-Still-Life-Detail.jpg http://www.log24.com/log/pix12/120110-DurerSquare.jpg

The three interpenetrating planes in the foreground of Donmoyer‘s picture
provide a clue to the structure of the the magic square array behind them.

Group the 16 elements of Donmoyer’s array into four 4-sets corresponding to the
four rows of Dürer’s square, and apply the 4-color decomposition theorem.
Note the symmetry of the set of 3 line diagrams that result.

Now consider the 4-sets 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and 13-16, and note that these
occupy the same positions in the Donmoyer square that 4-sets of
like elements occupy in the diamond-puzzle figure below—


Thus the Donmoyer array also enjoys the structural  symmetry,
invariant under 322,560 transformations, of the diamond-puzzle figure.

Just as the decomposition theorem’s interpenetrating lines  explain the structure
of a 4×4 square , the foreground’s interpenetrating planes  explain the structure
of a 2x2x2 cube .

For an application to theology, recall that interpenetration  is a technical term
in that field, and see the following post from last year—

Saturday, June 25, 2011 

Theology for Antichristmas

— m759 @ 12:00 PM

Hypostasis (philosophy)

“… the formula ‘Three Hypostases  in one Ousia
came to be everywhere accepted as an epitome
of the orthodox doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
This consensus, however, was not achieved
without some confusion….” —Wikipedia



Click for further details:



Monday, January 9, 2012

M Theory

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:59 am

Yesterday's All About Eve post featured Pope John Paul II
with his close friend and confidant Jerzy Kluger.
Their counterparts Xavier and Magneto in the recent film
"X-Men: First Class," together with Catholic doctrine on telepathy,
suggest  the following meditations.

Douglas Hofstadter on interpenetration

IMAGE- 'Interpenetration' in Douglas Hofstadter's 'I Am a Strange Loop'

— as well as Trinity in this journal.

First the punchline—

Script M (interpreted by some scanners as '771.')

Then the joke.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Big Apple

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm


    “…the nonlinear characterization of Billy Pilgrim
    emphasizes that he is not simply an established
    identity who undergoes a series of changes but
    all the different things he is at different times.”

A 2x4 array of squares

This suggests that the above structure
be viewed as illustrating not eight  parts
but rather 8! = 40,320 parts.


"The Cardinal seemed a little preoccupied today."

The New Yorker , May 13, 2002

See also a note of May 14 , 2002.

All About Eve (continued)

Filed under: General — m759 @ 4:23 am

Literary symbolism, offered without comment—

http://www.log24.com/log/pix12/120108-NYTfront305AM.jpg http://www.log24.com/log/pix12/120108-NYTobits.jpg


Log24 post of January 14, 2011


Saturday, January 7, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 7:14 pm

Today's Google Doodle for the 100th birthday of Charles Addams—


A doodle from this year's Feast of the Epiphany


A doodle based on today's previous post and on a post for Twelfth Night, 2003

IMAGE- Quilt blocks- Devil's Claws and Yankee Puzzle

IMAGE- 'I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy' musical notes

Past Tense

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:09 pm

From a post that was written for Twelfth Night

Bernhard Weiss on the philosophy of Michael Dummett—

" … debates about realism, that is, those debates that ask
whether or not one or another aspect of the world is independent
of the way we represent that aspect to ourselves. For example,
is there a realm of mathematical entities that exists fully formed
independently of our mathematical activity? Are there facts about
the past that our use of the past tense aims to capture?"

Yes and Yes.

See also The Whirligig of Time in this journal.

Number and Form

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:09 am

A link for Josefine Lyche in memory of Anne Tyng.

Fearful Cold Intelligence

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 7:00 am

"Dreams are sleep's watchful brother, of death's fraternity,
heralds, watchmen of that coming night, and our attitude
toward them may be modeled upon Hades, receiving, hospitable,
yet relentlessly deepening, attuned to the nocturne, dusky, and
with a fearful cold intelligence that gives permanent shelter
in his house to the incurable conditions of human being."

— James Hillman, conclusion of
The Dream and the Underworld  (Harper & Row, 1979)

In memory of Raymond Edward Alan Christopher Paley

IMAGE- 'Note on the Mathieu Group M12' by Marshall Hall, Jr.

Related material— Mathieu Symmetry.

Little Morning

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:01 am

IMAGE- Conclusion of Hillman's 'The Dream and the Underworld'

… que cantaba el rey David.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

An example for the Feast of the Epiphany*
IMAGE- Cathy Hull, detail from cover of Hillman's 'The Dream and the Underworld'

For one approach to defining this form, see Diamond Star.

* And for Pomona College

Defining Form

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 10:10 am

IMAGE- MLA session, 'Defining Form,' chaired by Colleen Rosenfeld of Pomona College

Some related resources from Malcolm Lowry

"…his eyes ranged the Consul's books disposed quite neatly… on high shelves around the walls: Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie , Serpent and Siva Worship in Central America , there were two long shelves of this, together with the rusty leather bindings and frayed edges of the numerous cabbalistic and alchemical books, though some of them looked fairly new, like the Goetia of the Lemegaton of Solomon the King , probably they were treasures, but the rest were a heterogeneous collection…."

Under the Volcano , Chapter VI

— and from Matilde Marcolli

Seven books on analytical psychology

See also Marcolli in this morning's previous post, The Garden Path.

For the relevance of alchemy to form, see Alchemy in this journal.

The Garden Path

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:01 am

"Not all those who have sought to decode the symbolism of the Tarot pack
have been occultists; some have been serious scholars…."

— Michael Dummett, The Game of Tarot , Ch. 20

“Eliot by his own admission took the ‘still point of the turning world’
in Burnt Norton  from the Fool in Williams’s The Greater Trumps .”

— Humphrey Carpenter, The Inklings , Ballantine Books, 1981, p. 106

From a talk on April 16, 2010, in Cuernavaca


Related material—

IMAGE- 'A Walk in the Noncommutative Garden'

See also The Martial Art of Giving Talks.

(Thanks to Lieven Le Bruyn for his Twelfth Night post on this topic.)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crown Archetype

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:09 pm

"Publisher: Crown Archetype (November 1, 2011)"

— Amazon.com on Piper Laurie's new self-portrait

See also last year's For All Hallows Day and today's previous post.

Some context:  "God's Girlfriend" in this journal
and "Shouts & Murmurs" in The New Yorker
of January 9th, 2012—


   Life is  like a box of chocolates.

ILLUSTRATION: Maximilian Bode

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