The following was suggested by the Sermon
of October 30 (the day preceding Devil's Night)
and by yesterday's Beauty, Truth, Halloween.
"The German language has itself been influenced by Goethe's Faust , particularly by the first part. One example of this is the phrase 'des Pudels
See also the following readings (click to enlarge)—
Note particularly…
"The main enigma of any description of a patternless
unus mundus is to find appropriate partitions which
create relevant patterns." —Hans Primas, above
"In general, the partition of G into right cosets
can differ from its partition into left cosets. Galois
was the first to recognize the importance of when
these partitions agree. This happens when the
subgroup H is normal." — David A. Cox,
Galois Theory , Wiley, 2004, p. 510