
Friday, April 12, 2024

The Presbyterian Exorcist . . . Continues.

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:02 pm

See as well Lester Crystal in Wikipedia.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Presbyterian Exorcist

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:26 am

(Backstory— Presbyterian in this journal)

Princeton University Press on a book it will publish in March—

Circles Disturbed  brings together important thinkers in mathematics, history, and philosophy to explore the relationship between mathematics and narrative. The book's title recalls the last words of the great Greek mathematician Archimedes before he was slain by a Roman soldier–"Don't disturb my circles"–words that seem to refer to two radically different concerns: that of the practical person living in the concrete world of reality, and that of the theoretician lost in a world of abstraction. Stories and theorems are, in a sense, the natural languages of these two worlds–stories representing the way we act and interact, and theorems giving us pure thought, distilled from the hustle and bustle of reality. Yet, though the voices of stories and theorems seem totally different, they share profound connections and similarities.

Exercise— Discuss the above paragraph's vulgarity.

Discuss also the more robust vulgarity of Marvel Entertainment

Context— "Marvel" in this journal, and The Cosmic Cube.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Former-Day Saint

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:03 am

"Birthday, death-day — what day is not both?" — Updike

The actor who played "Illya Kuryakin" reportedly died yesterday —

" David Keith McCallum Jr. was born on Sept. 19, 1933, into
a musical family in Glasgow. His father was the first violinist
for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London; his mother,
Dorothy Dorman, was a cellist. He would later tell interviewers
that his Scotch Presbyterian upbringing had left him emotionally

'We Scots, we tend to be awfully tight inside,' he told TV Guide
in 1965. 'It has hurt me as an actor to be so — so naturally restricted.' "

— Leslie Kaufman in The New York Times

This  journal on McCallum's 90th birthday — Sept. 19, 2023 —

"You take the high road and . . . ."

Sunday, March 3, 2019

In Memoriam

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:10 pm

"…the legitimate role of religion…."

And of architecture —

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Sense of Identity

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:01 pm

Peter Schjeldahl on Wallace Stevens in the current New Yorker

"Stevens was born in 1879 in Reading, Pennsylvania,
the second of five children. His father, from humble
beginnings, was a successful lawyer, his mother a
former schoolteacher. Each night, she read a chapter
of the Bible to the children, who attended schools
attached to both Presbyterian and Lutheran churches,
where the music left an indelible impression on Stevens.
Both sides of the family were Pennsylvania Dutch,
an identity that meant little to him when he was young
but a great deal later on, perhaps to shore up a precarious
sense of identity."

See also this  journal on Christmas Day, 2010


It's a start. For more advanced remarks from the same date, see Mere Geometry.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Review for Kelli O’Hara’s Birthday

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:31 pm

In memory of a Toledo Presbyterian who reportedly
died at 96 on April 11, 2016 — Log24 on that day.

A post reproduced here on April 11

See also some lyrics from the following day:

"Try the grey stuff, it's delicious
Don't believe me? Ask the dishes"

— Disney's "Beauty and the Beast"

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 10:00 am

This journal last Sunday —

For a more traditional sermon from last Sunday 
at Nassau Presbyterian Church, Princeton NJ,
see "God for Dummies."

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Eyes on the Prize

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

From 1972:

IMAGE- Eyes of girl in 'Rainbow Bridge: Part 5 of 6' video

From 2014:

IMAGE- Commentary by 'Wolven' on Scarlett Johansson's 'Lucy' trailer, April 3, 2014

“Since when did you start writing Chinese?” — Lucy  trailer
See also the Saturday night 11:30 post.

Wolven’s Lucy  midrash is from April 3.  See also this  journal on that date.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Better Late…

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 4:00 pm

Last Sunday’s sermon from Princeton’s Nassau Presbyterian
Church is now online. It reveals the answer to the “One Thing”
riddle posted at the church site Sunday:

IMAGE- Sermon topic 'One Thing Do I Know'

The online sermon has been retitled “One Thing I Do Know.”
A related search yields a relevant example of the original
Yoda-like word order:

IMAGE- 'One thing do I know' in a religious book from 1843

From the online sermon —

“What comes into view is the bombarding cynicism,
the barrage of mistrust and questions, and the
flat out trial of the man born blind. The
interrogation coming not because of the miracle
that gave the man sight….”

Related material — “Then a miracle occurs.”

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Princeton’s Sermon

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 am

IMAGE- Sermon topic 'One Thing Do I Know'

Click image for the backstory.

The sermon itself is not yet on line.

Perhaps the following will help.

IMAGE- Search for 'One thing do I know'

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

A Presbyterian meditation —

A scene from the film of the above book —

“Looking carefully at Golay’s code is like staring into the sun.”

Richard Evan Schwartz

For more of the story, see Golay in this journal.

Completing the Supersquare

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:00 am

Presbyterian elder Reubin Askew was called “Jesus Christ Supersquare”
after completing his first year as governor of Florida—

IMAGE- Reubin Askew was called 'Jesus Christ Supersquare' after completing his first year as governor of Florida.

Now Askew has completed his life.

See also other instances of “Super” in this journal.

Update of 10:30 AM March 13 —

For those who like puzzles, here is yet another
instance of “Super,” this one related to the pattern
in last evening’s post Obiter Dictum —

IMAGE- Rubik 'Supercube' with nine triangular half-squares on each face

Monday, March 10, 2014

God’s Architecture

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:19 pm

Part I:

The sermon, “God’s Architecture,” at Nassau Presbyterian
Church in Princeton on Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014.  (This is the
“sermon” link in last Sunday’s 11 AM ET Log24 post.)

An excerpt:

“I wonder what God sees when God looks at our church.
Bear with me here because I’d like to do a little architectural
redesign. I look up at our sanctuary ceiling and I see buttons.
In those large round lights, I see buttons. I wonder what would
happen if we unbutton the ceiling, Then I wonder if we were to
unzip the ceiling, pull back the rooftop, and God were to look in
from above – What does God see? What pattern, what design,
what shape takes place?” — Rev. Lauren J. McFeaters

Related material —  All About Eve: 

A. The Adam and Eve sketch from the March 8 “Saturday Night Live”

B. “Katniss, get away from that tree!” —

C. Deconstructing God in last evening’s online New York Times .

Part II:

Heavensbee!” in the above video, as well as Cartier’s Groundhog Day
and Say It With Flowers.

Part III:

Humans’  architecture, as described (for instance) by architecture
theorist Anne Tyng, who reportedly died at 91 on Dec. 27, 2011.
See as well Past Tense and a post from the date of Tyng’s death.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:00 am

On Theta Characteristics
IMAGE- Saavedra-Rivano, 'Finite Geometries in the Theory of Theta Characteristics' (1976)

— From Zentralblatt-math.org.  8 PM ET update:  See also a related search.

IMAGE- Saavedra-Rivano, Ph.D. U. de Paris 1972, advisor Grothendieck

Some may prefer a more politically correct— and simpler— sermon.

Background for the simpler sermon: Quilt Geometry.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seeger Obits

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:12 am

Seeger reportedly died yesterday — Monday, Jan. 27, 2014.

Source: The Porterville (California) Recorder

Posted: Monday, January 27, 2014, 11:25 pm (CA time)

Associated Press 

Pete Seeger, the banjo-picking troubadour who sang for migrant workers, college students and star-struck presidents in a career that introduced generations of Americans to their folk music heritage, died Monday at the age of 94.

Seeger's grandson, Kitama Cahill-Jackson, said his grandfather died peacefully in his sleep around 9:30 p.m. at New York Presbyterian Hospital, where he had been for six days. Family members were with him.

"He was chopping wood 10 days ago," Cahill-Jackson recalled.

From his New York Times  obituary —

"Planning to be a journalist, Mr. Seeger attended Harvard,
where he founded a radical newspaper and joined the
Young Communist League."

From yesterday morning's Log24 rosemary link —

"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Midnight Exorcism

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 am

The summoning of the spirit of Bertrand Russell
yesterday by Peter J. Cameron at his weblog
suggests a review of this  weblog’s posts of
Christmas Eve, December 24-25, 2013.

(Recall that Robert D. Carmichael, who, in a book
linked to at midnight last Christmas Eve discusses
some “magic” mathematical structures,
reportedly was trained as a Presbyterian minister.
See also The Presbyterian Exorcist.)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Children of Light*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:28 am

IMAGE- Nassau Presbyterian scripture for May 13, 2012- 1 John 5:1-5.

An earlier verse in 1 John—

1 John 1:5 "This then is the message
which we have heard of him,
and declare unto you, that God is light,
and in him is no darkness at all."

Catechism from a different cult—

"Who are you, anyway?" 

— Question at 00:41 of 15:01,
Rainbow Bridge (Part 5 of 9) at YouTube

See also the video accompanying artist Josefine Lyche's version
of the 2×2 case of the diamond theorem.

* Title of a Robert Stone novel

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:28 pm

Mormon Mitt Romney at the Baptist school Liberty University today:

"The task set before you four years ago
  is now completed in full."

I do not know what that task was. In this journal four years ago,
the task was lottery hermeneutics… a subject I doubt is taught
at Liberty University.

The New York lottery numbers from Sunday, May 11, 2008,
in a May 12 post four years ago could be interpreted as
pointing to the date 3/13— 

Say, 3/13, 2006— a date on which this journal quoted some
remarks on the biblical phrase "the fullness of time."

Those remarks were neither Baptist nor
Mormon, but rather Presbyterian.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For Saint Peter

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:30 am

… and Arthur Koestler

The theme of the January 2010 issue of the
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
was “Mathematics and the Arts.”


Related material:

Adam and God (Sistine Chapel), with Jungian Self-Symbol and Ojo de Dios (The Diamond Puzzle)


See also two posts from the day Peter Jennings died—

Presbyterian Justice and Religious Symbolism at Harvard.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday July 10, 2008

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

From the current
issue of TIME:

Mark Twain on cover of  TIME, issue dated July 14, 2008

“Religions are hardy. ‘Many a time
we have gotten all ready for the
funeral’ of one faith or another,
‘and found it postponed again,
on account of
the weather or something.'”

— Mark Twain

Twain was raised
as a Presbyterian
(the Calvinist tradition).

This year’s Twain award
for humor went to
George Carlin,
raised in
the Catholic tradition.

On learning he had won
the Twain award,
Carlin said,
“Thank you, Mr. Twain.
Have your people
call my people.”

Today’s Birthdays:

Born July 10, 1509 —

John Calvin portrait

John Calvin

His people: see

The Authority of Narrative.

Born July 10, 1984 —

Maria Julia Mantilla website screenshot

Maria Julia Mantilla

Her people: see 

Catholic Tastes.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday June 28, 2008

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm
The God Factor

NY Lottery June 23, 2008: Mid-day 322, Evening 000

The following poem of Emily Dickinson is quoted here in memory of John Watson Foster Dulles, a scholar of Brazilian history who died at 95 on June 23.  He was the eldest son of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, a nephew of Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles, brother of Roman Catholic Cardinal Avery Dulles, and a grandson of Presbyterian minister Allen Macy Dulles, author of The True Church.

I asked no other thing,   
No other was denied.   
I offered Being for it;   
The mighty merchant smiled.   
Brazil? He twirled a button,           
Without a glance my way:   
"But, madam, is there nothing else   
That we can show to-day?"

"He twirled a button…."

Plato's diamond figure from the 'Meno'

The above figure
of Plato
(see 3/22)
was suggested by
Lacan's diamond
Lacan's lozenge - said by some to symbolize Derrida's 'differance'
(losange or poinçon)
as a symbol —
according to Frida Saal
of Derrida's
which is, in turn,
"that which enables and
results from Being itself"
—  according to
Professor John Lye

I prefer Plato and Dulles
to Lacan and Lye.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday February 1, 2008

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 5:01 am
Kindergarten Theology

On the late James Edwin Loder,
a Presbyterian minister and
a professor of Christian education
at Princeton Theological Seminary,
co-author of The Knight’s Move (1992):

“At his memorial service his daughter Tami told the story of ‘little Jimmy,’ whose kindergarten teacher recognized a special quality of mind that set him apart. ‘Every day we read a story, and after the story is over, Jimmy gets up and wants to tell us what the story means.'” — Dana R. Wright

For a related story about
knight moves and kindergarten,
see Knight Moves: The Relativity
Theory of Kindergarten Blocks
and Log24, Jan. 16, 17, and 18.

See also Loder’s book
(poorly written, but of some
interest in light of the above):

The Knight's Move, by Loder and Neidhardt

Opening of The Knight’s Move —

“In a game of chess, the knight’s move is unique because it alone goes around corners. In this way, it combines the continuity of a set sequence with the discontinuity of an unpredictable turn in the middle. This meaningful combination of continuity and discontinuity in an otherwise linear set of possibilities has led some to refer to the creative act of discovery in any field of research as a ‘knight’s move’ in intelligence.

The significance of the title of this volume might stop there but for Kierkegaard’s use of the ‘knight’ image. The force of Kierkegaards’s usage might be described in relation to the chess metaphor by saying that not merely does Kierkegaard’s ‘knight of faith’ undertake a unique move within the rules of the human game, but faith transposes the whole idea of a ‘knight’s move’ into the mind of the Chess Master Himself. That is to say, chess is a game of multiple possibilities and interlocking strategies, so a chess master must combine the  continuity represented by the whole complex of the game with the unpredictable decision he must make every time it is his turn. A master chess player, then, does not merely follow the rules; in him the game becomes a construct of consciousness. The better the player the more fully the game comes into its own as a creation of human intelligence. Similarly, for Kierkegaard, the knight of faith is a unique figure in human experience. The knight shows how, by existing in faith as a creative act of Christ’s Spirit, human existence comes into its own as an expression of the mind of Christ. Thus, the ultimate form of a ‘knight’s move’ is a creative act raised to the nth power by Spiritus Creator, but it still partakes fully in the concrete pieces and patterns that comprise the nature of the human game and the game of nature.”

— James E. Loder and W. Jim Neidhardt (Helmers & Howard Publishing, 1992)

For a discussion, see Triplett’s
Thinking Critically as a Christian.”

Many would deny that such
a thing is possible; let them
read the works of T. S. Eliot.

Related material:

The Knight’s Move
discusses (badly) Hofstadter’s
“strange loop” concept; see
Not Mathematics but Theology
(Log24, July 12, 2007).

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday September 30, 2007

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:28 am
Trinity Church

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07A/070930-Trinity_Church_today.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

“Funeral services will be held
at Trinity Church, Upperville,
at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30.”

The source:

William D. Rogers, Diplomat and Attorney

Today’s previous entry had
 a different image of Rogers
with a quotation from
  Wallace Stevens’s “The Rock.”
Stevens, though raised as
a Presbyterian, was a
secular poet.

Since Rogers’s funeral
is to take place in
a Christian church,
it seems fitting to
grant equal time to
a Christian poet of
at least equal stature:

“Though you forget the way
    to the Temple,
There is one who remembers
    the way to your door:
Life you may evade,
    but Death you shall not.
You shall not deny the Stranger.”

— Thomas Stearns Eliot,
  “Choruses from ‘The Rock’

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday June 5, 2007

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:08 am
A Whirligig Tour

Symbol from a
website on
Creedal Standards”

The above symbol
appeared here
on 11/8/02.

Related material:

1. The remarks of
Bradley Whitford

at Princeton’s
Class Day yesterday:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07/070605-Whitford.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

2. An illustration from
Log 24 on 11/10/06:

Paul Robeson in
King Solomon’s


3. The Whirligig of Time

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07/070605-Whirligig.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

4. Natalie Angier, priestess of Scientism
  (5/26/07), and her new book
The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of
the Beautiful Basics of Science
(available as a special from

Better Together Buy this book with
God Is Not Great:
How Religion Poisons Everything
by Christopher Hitchens today!

The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

Buy Together Today: $31.19

Customers who bought this item
also bought

God Is Not Great:
How Religion Poisons Everything
by Christopher Hitchens

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday April 13, 2007

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:23 pm
King Friday XIII
and friend:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07/070413-FridayXVIII.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

NPR : TV Host Fred Rogers

Mr. ROGERS: And so his birthday, King Friday’s birthday, is always every Friday the 13th. And I hear from people all over the world, you know, it’s a joyous


For further details,
click here.

See also
The Presbyterian Exorcist.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday March 16, 2007

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 10:48 am
 and Politics:

Context and Consequences of 

the Hobbes-Wallis Dispute"


by Douglas M. Jesseph
Dept. of Philosophy and Religion
North Carolina State University


"We are left to conclude that there was something significant in Hobbes's philosophy that motivated Wallis to engage in the lengthy and vitriolic denunciation of all things Hobbesian.

In point of fact, Wallis made no great secret of his motivations for attacking Hobbes's geometry, and the presence of theological and political motives is well attested in a 1659 letter to Huygens. He wrote:

But regarding the very harsh diatribe against Hobbes, the necessity of the case, and not my manners, led to it. For you see, as I believe, from other of my writings how peacefully I can differ with others and bear those with whom I differ. But this was provoked by our Leviathan (as can be easily gathered fro his other writings, principally those in English), when he attacks with all his might and destroys our universities (and not only ours, but all, both old and new), and especially the clergy and all institutions and all religion. As if the Christian world knew nothing sound or nothing that was not ridiculous in philosophy or religion; and as if it has not understood religion because it does not understand philosophy, nor philosophy because it does not understand mathematics. And so it seemed necessary that now some mathematician, proceeding in the opposite direction, should show how little he understand this mathematics (from which he takes his courage). Nor should we be deterred from this by his arrogance, which we know will vomit poison and filth against us. (Wallis to Huygens, 11 January, 1659; Huygens 1888-1950,* 2: 296-7)

The threats that Hobbes supposedly posed to the universities, the clergy, and all religion are a consequence of his political and theological doctrines. Hobbes's political theory requires that the power of the civil sovereign be absolute and undivided. As a consequence, such institutions as universities and the clergy must submit to the dictates of the sovereign in all matters. This extends, ironically enough, to geometry, since Hobbes notoriously claimed that the sovereign could ban the teaching of the subject and order 'the burning of all books of Geometry' if he should judge geometric principles 'a thing contrary to [his] right of dominion, or to the interest of men that have dominion' (Leviathan (1651) 1.11, 50; English Works** 3: 91). In the area of church government, Hobbes's doctrines are a decisive rejection of the claims of Presbyterianism, which holds that questions of theological doctrine is [sic] to be decided by the elders of the church– the presbytery– without reference to the claims of the sovereign. As a Presbyterian minister, a doctor of divinity, and professor of geometry at Oxford, Wallis found abundant reason to reject this political theory."

* Huygens, Christiaan. 1888-1950. Les oeuvres complètes de Chrisiaan Huygens. Ed. La Société Hollandaise des Sciences. 22 vols. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

** Hobbes, Thomas. [1839-45] 1966. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, now First Collected and Edited by Sir William Molesworth. Edited by William Molesworth. 11 vols. Reprint. Aalen, Germany: Scientia Verlag.


Related material:

"But what is it?"
Calvin demanded.
"We know that it's evil,
but what is it?"

"Yyouu hhave ssaidd itt!"
Mrs. Which's voice rang out.
"Itt iss Eevill. Itt iss thee
Ppowers of Ddarrkknesss!"

A Wrinkle in Time

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix07/070316-AMScover.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"After A Wrinkle in Time was finally published, it was pointed out to me that the villain, a naked disembodied brain, was called 'It' because It stands for Intellectual truth as opposed to a truth which involves the whole of us, heart as well as mind.  That acronym had never occurred to me.  I chose the name It intuitively, because an IT does not have a heart or soul.  And I did not understand consciously at the time of writing that the intellect, when it is not informed by the heart, is evil."


See also
"Darkness Visible"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday November 16, 2006

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm
“Let all thy words be counted.”
Dante, Inf., canto X.

G. Robert Crowningshield,
a developer of the

International Diamond
Grading System

According to a
press release,
died on
November 8.

See Grave Matters,
an entry of that date,
and its links to
Geometry’s Tombstones,
Birth, Death, and Symmetry
Religious Symbolism
at Princeton

Dante, Inferno, Canto X, 37-39:

E l’animose man del duca e pronte
mi spinser tra le sepulture a lui,
dicendo: “Le parole tue sien conte.”

And the bold and ready hands
    of my Leader
pushed me between the tombs to him,
saying: “Let thy words be fitting”.

“Make your words count,”
 Virgil instructs Dante:
“Speak aptly, make what you say
 appropriate to the situation.”

Perhaps Crowningshield’s
Leader will be…

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06B/061116-Niemoller.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Niemoller is noted for his role in
the movement that led to the
Barmen Declaration, discussed in
Presbyterian Creedal Standards
linked to in the above-cited
Religious Symbolism
at Princeton

(…that lay in the house
that Jack built).

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06B/Jack.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday November 10, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:31 pm


On this date:

In 1871, journalist-explorer Henry M. Stanley found Scottish missionary David Livingstone, who had not been heard from for years, near Lake Tanganyika in central Africa.

— AP “Today in History,” Nov. 10

Related material:

The history
of Princeton’s
Witherspoon Street
Presbyterian Church

1 Peter 2, on the
“living stone.”
NIV Bible

“Counter-change is
sometimes known as
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul.”
 — Helen Kelley Patchwork

Paul Robeson in
King Solomon’s


See also Wednesday’s
Grave Matters.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Sunday November 5, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:00 pm
The Hermeneutics
of Chance

“… as Genevieve W. Foster has shown in her Jungian analysis, the eyes, the rose, and the star are equivalent to the ‘Grail’ of The Waste Land.”

—  Grover Smith, T.S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays: A Study in Sources and Meaning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956

The Grail also appears in legend as a stone–

From a Nov. 6, 2006, entry in the New Zealand weblog Arcadian Functor:

“Many modern Grail stories have a root in the early romances of von Eschenbach….

They live from a Stone whose essence is most pure. If you have never heard of it I shall name it for you here. It is called Lapsit exillis.

A search on “lapsit exillis” leads to “Cubic Stones from the Sky“…

These stones are often seen as the Holy Grail….

PA lottery Nov. 5, 2006: Midday 804 Evening 008

For 804, see
   8/04 —
The Presbyterian Exorcist
(in part a tribute to
Wallace Stevens).

For 008 and a
“cubic stone,”
Christmas 2005.

A poetic connection between the star
  of “The Hollow Men” and Christmas
is furnished by the remarks of
Wallace Stevens linked to in
the previous entry from
  the word “information.”

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday September 18, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm
Movie Date

Taking Christ to the Movies,
by Anna Megill, Princeton ’06

Related material:

Prepare for the Weirdness.”
— Hunter S. Thompson
(see entry of Sept. 17,
At Midnight),

The Presbyterian Exorcist,

NBC’s “Crazy Christians” Show
(or, “Taking Christ to Studio 60“)
10 PM ET tonight on NBC.

Friday, August 4, 2006

Friday August 4, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 4:01 am

The Presbyterian Exorcist

In memory of

Charles W. Dunn, Harvard Professor of Celtic Languages and Literatures Emeritus, who died July 24, 2006, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston at the age of 90.  Dunn was master of Quincy House from 1966 to 1981.

“‘He brought a taste of Scotland to the House, initiating an annual rite of exorcism in September to cleanse the place of evil spirits, during which a Scots bagpiper led a march of residents around the courtyard and Charles intoned an incantation while waving a large baton, banishing ghosts and other harbingers of ill will. His leadership was at its best during magnificent evenings in the Master’s lodging when he taught guests Scottish country dances. Students were fond of him, and he of them.’

Born in Arbuthnott, Scotland, the son of a Presbyterian minister, Dunn began his schooling in Aberdeen and Edinburgh….”

Harvard University Gazette online, Aug. 2, 2006

Related material:

In Memory of Wallace Stevens,
Presbyterian Saint

(also from Aug. 2, 2006),
and Deaconess.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Wednesday August 2, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:23 pm

In memory of Wallace Stevens,
Presbyterian saint,
whose feast is today

Agon of the Critics:
Christian vs. Jew

The following are extracts from recent reviews of On Late Style, a book by Edward Said.

John Updike on Adorno and Said:

“‘The Tempest,’ like Beethoven’s late compositions, refuses, in Adorno’s phrase, to ‘reconcile in a single image what is not reconciled.’ Said wrote, ‘What I find valuable in Adorno is this notion of tension, of highlighting and dramatizing what I call irreconcilabilities.'”

Edward Rothstein on late style:

“Late style, Said suggests, expresses a sense of being out of place and time: it is a rejection of what is being offered. But listen to Beethoven or Strauss or Gould: the music is more like a discovery of place. That place is different from where one started; it may not even be what was once expected or desired. But it is there, in resignation and fulfillment, that late works take their stand, where even exile meets its end.”

The Jew wins.

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Thursday July 6, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:25 pm

State and Church

Today’s birthdays:

George W. Bush and
Sylvester Stallone, born on
the same day 60 years ago.

Two birthday quotations from Kathleen Parker:

“Verily, I say unto you – Whatever.”

“No, wait, how about this: ‘Yo, Christ Buddy!‘”

Orlando Sentinel
   column written for release July 1, 2006

Parker’s column, on recent Presbyterian interpretations of the Holy Trinity, is titled

“I believe in Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe.”

What about Shemp?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday April 11, 2006

Filed under: General — m759 @ 3:33 pm

Part I,

The Circle is Unbroken,
May 2003:

“If you can bounce high,
bounce for her too….”
 – F. Scott Fitzgerald,
epigraph to
The Great Gatsby

Magazine purchased at
newsstand May 14, 2003:

A Whiff of Camelot
as ‘West Wing’
Ends an Era

– New York Times,
 May 14, 2003

Song title from the
June Carter Cash
album “Press On“:

“Gatsby’s Restaurant”

From The Great Gatsby,
Chapter Four:

“Highballs?” asked the head waiter.
“This is a nice restaurant here,”
said Mr. Wolfsheim, looking at the
Presbyterian nymphs on the ceiling.

Presbyterian Nymph:

Mimi Beardsley, JFK playmate,
in the news on May 15, 2003 

On JFK’s plane trips:
“Whenever the President traveled,
members of the press staff
traveled as well.
You always have a press secretary
and a couple of girls traveling….
 Mimi, who obviously couldn’t perform
 any function at all, made all the trips!”

Apparently there was some function…

“Don’t forget the coffee!”
– Punchline from the film
  “Good Will Hunting.”
Part II:

Today’s birthday:
Joel Grey

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06/060411-Grey1.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Grey in “Conundrum,”
the final episode of Dallas

Related material:

Log24 on March 20, 2006

The image �http://www.log24.com/log/pix05B/051019-TwoSides.jpg� cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

— and the 5 previous entries.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Sunday August 7, 2005

Filed under: General — m759 @ 7:20 am
Presbyterian Justice

News from today’s New York Times:

The Rev. Dr. Theodore Alexander Gill Sr., a Presbyterian theologian, a philosophy teacher, and an influential provost emeritus of John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, died at 85 on June 10 in Princeton.  In retirement from John Jay, The Rev. Dr. Gill was theologian in residence at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton.

In memory of The Rev. Dr. Gill:

Religious Symbolism at Princeton
    (on Nassau Presbyterian Church),
    (on number theory at Princeton),
For the Mad Musicians of Princeton,
     (on Schroeder and Bernstein),
Movie Date and its preceding entries
   (on Princeton’s St. John von Neumann),
Why Me?
   (for Princeton theologian Elaine Pagels),
Notes on Literary and Philosophical Puzzles
   (Princeton’s John Nash as Ya Ya Fontana), and
Go Tigers!
   (for the Princeton Evangelical Fellowship).

For a more conventional memorial, see

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix05B/050807-SFTS-Logo.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

the obituary from

San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Saturday June 11, 2005

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:25 pm


Some academics may feel that a denunciation of an essay by one of their fellow academics as "evil" (see this morning's entry The Last Word) goes too far.

Here is a followup to that entry.

From the Riviera Presbyterian Church, a sermon quoting Madeleine L’Engle's classic A Wrinkle in Time:

For a moment there was the darkness of space, then another planet. The outlines of this planet were not clean and clear. It seemed to be covered with a smoky haze. Through the haze Meg thought she could make out the familiar outlines of continents like pictures in her Social Studies books. "Is it because of our atmosphere that we can't see properly?" she asked anxiously. "No, Meg, yyou know thattt itt iss nnott tthee attmosspheeere," Mrs. Which said. "Yyou mmusstt bee brrave."

"It's the Thing!" Charles Wallace cried. "It's the Dark Thing we saw… when we were riding on Mrs. Whatsit's back!" "Did it just come?" Meg asked in agony, unable to take her eyes from the sickness of the shadow which darkened the beauty of the earth. Mrs. Whatsit sighed. "No, Meg. It hasn't just come. It has been there for a great many years. That is why your planet is such a troubled one." "I hate it!" Charles Wallace cried passionately. "I hate the Dark Thing!" Mrs. Whatsit nodded. "Yes, Charles dear. We all do." "But what is it?" Calvin demanded. "We know that it's evil, but what is it?" "Yyouu hhave ssaidd itt!" Mrs. Which's voice rang out. "Itt iss Eevill. Itt iss thee Ppowers of Ddarrkknessss!" "But what's going to happen?" Meg's voice trembled. "Oh, please, Mrs. Which, tell us what's going to happen!" "We will continue tto ffight!" Something in Mrs. Which's voice made all three of the children stand straighter, throwing back their shoulders with determination, looking at the glimmer that was Mrs. Which with pride and confidence. "And we're not alone, you know, children," came Mrs. Whatsit, the comforter. "All through the universe it's being fought, all through the cosmos… and some of our very best fighters have come right from your own planet, and it's a little planet, dears, out on the edge of a little galaxy." 

"Who have some of our fighters been?" Calvin asked. "Oh, you must know them dear," Mrs. Whatsit said. Mrs. Who's spectacles shone out at them triumphantly, "And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." "Jesus!" Charles Wallace said. "Why, of course, Jesus!" "Go on, Charles, love. There were others. All your great artists. They've been lights for us to see by." "Leonardo da Vinci?" Calvin suggested tentatively. "And Michelangelo?" "And Shakespeare," Charles Wallace called out, "and Bach! And Pasteur and Madame Curie and Einstein!" Now Calvin's voice rang with confidence. "And Schweitzer and Gandhi and Buddha and Beethoven and Rembrandt and St. Francis!" "Watch!" the Medium told them. The earth with its fearful covering of dark shadow swam out of view and they moved rapidly through the Milky Way. And there was the Thing again. Suddenly there was a great burst of light through the Darkness. The light spread out and where it touched the Darkness the Darkness disappeared. The light spread until the patch of Dark Thing had vanished, and there was only a gentle shining, and through the shining came the stars, clear and pure. No shadows. No fear. Only the stars and the clear darkness of space, quite different from the fearful darkness of the Thing. "You see!" the Medium cried, smiling happily. "It can be overcome! It is being overcome all the time!"

And it is. Lift up your hearts, lift up your heads, catch the ball, practice Advent, see in the dark. You are a city set on a hill, whose light cannot be hid. said Jesus, and he believed it.



Friday, November 19, 2004

Friday November 19, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 am

Goin' to Carolina
in My Mind

From today's New York Times:

"Bobby Frank Cherry, the former Klansman whose conviction two years ago for the church bombing that killed four black girls in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963 resolved one of the most shocking cases of the civil rights era, died yesterday at the Kilby Correctional Facility near Montgomery, Ala., a prison spokesman said. He was 74."


The Footprints of God

(Log24.net, July 31, 2004):

"If Trinity is everything you say it is," she said, "then why in God's name would it be based in North Carolina?"

This I hadn't expected.  "Aren't you the top Jungian analyst in the world?"

"Well… one of them."

"Why are you based in North Carolina?"


The Fiery Cross —
A Call to Arms

"The western portions of Virginia and the Carolinas, the northern portions of Georgia and Alabama, and most of Tennessee, were settled by the hardy race of Scotch-Irish, in whose veins the Scotch blood was warm."

From the LA Times story
cited in yesterday's entry:

"Born in Charlotte, N.C., Graham grew up in a family of Scottish Presbyterians…. Since 1950,  [he has] lived in an Appalachian log home… near Asheville, N.C."

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix04B/041119-Graham72.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix04B/041119-MethFlag.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
in 1972


"The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark and the use is supervised by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church. Permission to use the Cross and Flame must be obtained from the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church – Legal Department, 1200 Davis Street, Evanston, IL 60201."  — www.bobmay.info

Today's birthday:
Poet Allen Tate

"In the riven troughs the splayed leaves
Pile up, of nature the casual sacrament
To the seasonal eternity of death."

Ode to the Confederate Dead

Monday, April 26, 2004

Monday April 26, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:01 am


From today’s New York Times:

“Philip Hamburger, a writer for The New Yorker for more than six decades whose meticulously calibrated inflections — sober, droll and everything in between — helped create and nurture the magazine’s reputation for urbanity, died on Friday [April 23, Shakespeare’s birthday] at Columbia Presbyterian Center in Manhattan. He was 89….

Although he had a light touch, reflecting his own affability, there were times when he did not seek to amuse.”

From Friday’s rather unamusing log24 entry on the philosophy of mathematical proof, a link to a site listed in the Open Directory under

Society: Philosophy: Philosophy of Logic: Truth Definitions

“See also The Story Theory of Truth.”

From the weekend edition (April 24-25) of aldaily.com, a Jew’s answer to Pilate’s question:

With a philosophy degree you can ask such difficult questions as “What is truth?”, “Can we know the good?”, and “Do you want fries with that?”… more»

Whether Hamburger’s last Friday was in any sense a “good” Friday, I do not know.

Related religious meditations….

From Holy Thursday, April 8, 2004:

The Triple Crown of Philosophy,

which links to a Hamburger song, and

from Good Friday, April 9, 2004,


an unorthodox portrait of a New Yorker as St. Peter — from Scorsese’s “The Last Temptation of Christ.”

The many connoisseurs of death who admire Mel Gibson’s latest film can skip the final meditation, from the admirable Carol Iannone:

The Last Temptation Reconsidered.

They, as someone once said, have their reward.

Thursday, April 1, 2004

Thursday April 1, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 am

Poetry Month:

Stevens as a Riviera Presbyterian

He never supposed
That he might be truth, himself, or part of it,
That the things that he rejected might be part
And the irregular turquoise, part, the perceptible blue
Grown denser, part, the eye so touched, so played
Upon by clouds, the ear so magnified
By thunder, parts, and all these things together,
Parts, and more things, parts. He never supposed divine
Things might not look divine, nor that if nothing
Was divine then all things were, the world itself,
And that if nothing was the the truth, then all
Things were the truth, the world itself was the truth.

Had he been better able to suppose:
He might sit on a sofa on a balcony
Above the Mediterranean, emerald
Becoming emeralds. He might watch the palms
Flap green ears in the heat. He might observe
A yellow wine and follow a steamer’s track
And say, “The thing I hum appears to be
The rhythm of this celestial pantomime.”

— from Wallace Stevens, “Landscape with Boat”

(See the previous entry, which mentions Stevens and Jeffers as poets with a Presbyterian background, and also an essay by Justin Quinn that compares Stevens with Jeffers in the context of the poem quoted above.)

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Wednesday March 31, 2004

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 3:33 pm

Presbyterian Poets Society

The Wrinkle in Time link in my previous entry led to a sermon for St. Andrew’s day, 2003, at the Riviera Presbyterian Church in Miami.

I belong to no church, but have a vague recollection of being confirmed in the Presbyterian church in early adolescence.  That ceremony meant nothing to me then, and means nothing to me now.  It was the culmination of fitful attendance at Presbyterian Sunday School, which I recall, reluctantly, only as a course of training in ugliness, lies, and stupidity.

There seems, however, to be a paradox here.  The same religion I so detested seems to have inspired in others works of beauty, truth, and intelligence.

To wit, three poets, each with a Presbyterian background:

Robinson Jeffers

Wallace Stevens

Marianne Moore.

It may be that I am becoming reconciled to the religion that was urged upon me in my youth… becoming, at last, a Riviera Presbyterian.

For more details,
click on the above picture.

Saturday, August 2, 2003

Saturday August 2, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:59 pm

Late Night Grande Hotel

“I feel like Garbo in this late night Grande Hotel
 ‘Cause living alone is all I’ve ever done well”

Nanci Griffith, Song lyric

“…the thought of those dark three
Is dark, thought of the forms of dark desire.”

— Wallace Stevens,
    “The Owl in the Sarcophagus” 

“I am not as romantically entrancing as the immortal film star… but I have a rough-and-ready charm of my own.”

— Fritz Leiber, The Big Time

“But she that says good-by…
    stood tall in self
    not symbol, quick
And potent, an influence felt
    instead of seen.”
— Wallace Stevens,
“The Owl in the Sarcophagus”


Thank you, KHYI.com, for playing Nanci Griffith on this, the feast day of Presbyterian saint Wallace Stevens.  She is not Garbo or Marie Trintignant (see previous entry), but she will do.

 “Beauty is momentary in the mind —
     The fitful tracing of a portal;
     But in the flesh it is immortal.”
     — Wallace Stevens,
     Peter Quince at the Clavier

Friday, May 16, 2003

Friday May 16, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:44 pm


“If you can bounce high,
bounce for her too….”
 – F. Scott Fitzgerald, epigraph to
The Great Gatsby

Magazine purchased at
newsstand May 14, 2003:

A Whiff of Camelot
as ‘West Wing’
Ends an Era

– New York Times,
 May 14, 2003

Song title from the
June Carter Cash album “Press On“:

“Gatsby’s Restaurant”

From The Great Gatsby, Chapter Four:

“Highballs?” asked the head waiter.
“This is a nice restaurant here,”
said Mr. Wolfsheim, looking at the
Presbyterian nymphs on the ceiling.

Presbyterian Nymph:

Mimi Beardsley, JFK playmate,
in the news on May 15, 2003 

On JFK’s plane trips:
“Whenever the President traveled,
members of the press staff traveled as well.
You always have a press secretary
and a couple of girls traveling….
 Mimi, who obviously couldn’t perform
 any function at all, made all the trips!”

Apparently there was some function….

“Don’t forget the coffee!”
– Punchline from the film
  “Good Will Hunting.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Wednesday February 5, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am

Feast of Saint Marianne

On this date in 1972, poet and Presbyterian saint Marianne Moore died in New York City.

For why she was a saint, see the excellent article by Samuel Terrien,

 Marianne Moore: Poet of Secular Holiness,”

from Theology Today, Vol. 47, No. 4, January 1991, published by Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J.

Terrien quotes the following Moore poem:


is an enchanted thing….
Like Gieseking playing Scarlatti….


Tonight’s site music, though not played by Gieseking himself, is, in honor of Moore, the following work by Scarlatti from the Classical Music Archives:

Scarlatti’s Sonata in E major, andante comodo  (Longo 23 = Kirkpatrick 380 = Pestelli 483) 

To purchase a recording of Gieseking playing this work,

click here.

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Saturday January 11, 2003

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 6:24 pm


The First Days of Disco

Some cultural milestones, in the order I encountered them today:

From Dr. Mac’s Cultural Calendar:

  • “On this day in 1963, Whiskey-A-Go-Go—believed to be the first discotheque in the world—opened on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles with extraordinary hype and fanfare.”

From websites on Whit Stillman’s film, “The Last Days of Disco”:

Scene: Manhattan in the very early 1980’s.

Alice and her friend Charlotte are regulars at a fashionable disco.

Roger Ebert:

“Charlotte is forever giving poor Alice advice about what to say and how to behave; she says guys like it when a girl uses the word ‘sexy,’ and a few nights later, when a guy tells Alice he collects first editions of Scrooge McDuck comic books, she…”

Bjorn Thomson:

“… looks deep into his eyes and purrs ‘I think Scrooge McDuck is sexy!’ It is a laugh-out-loud funny line and a shrewd parody, but is also an honest statement.”

(Actually, to be honest, I encountered Thomson first and Ebert later, but the narrative sequence demands that they be rearranged.)

The combination of these cultural landmarks suggested that I find out what Scrooge McDuck was doing during the first days of disco, in January 1963.  Some research revealed that in issue #40 of “Uncle Scrooge,” with a publication date of January 1963, was a tale titled “Oddball Odyssey.”  Plot summary: “A whisper of treasure draws Scrooge to Circe.”

Further research produced an illustration:


Desiring more literary depth, I sought more information on the story of Scrooge and Circe. It turns out that this was only one of a series of encounters between Scrooge and a character called Magica de Spell.  The following is from a website titled

Duckburg Religion:

“Magica’s first appearance is in ‘The Midas Touch’ (US 36-01). She enters the Money Bin to buy a dime from Scrooge. Donald tells Scrooge that she is a sorceress, but Scrooge sells her a dime anyway. He sells her his first dime by accident, but gets it back. The fun starts when Scrooge tells her that it is the first dime he earned. She is going to make an amulet….”

with it.  Her pursuit of the dime apparently lasts through a number of Scrooge episodes.

“…in Oddball Odyssey (US 40-02). Magica discovers Circe’s secret cave. Inside the cave is a magic wand that she uses to transform Huey, Dewey and Louie to pigs, Donald to a goat (later to a tortoise), and Scrooge to a donkey. This reminds us of the treatment Circe gave Ulysses and his men. Magica does not succeed in transforming Scrooge after stealing the Dime, and Scrooge manages to break the spell (de Spell) by smashing the magic wand.”

At this point I was reminded of the legendary (but true) appearance of Wallace Stevens’s wife on another historic dime.  This was discussed by Charles Schulz in a cartoon of Sunday, May 27, 1990:


Here Sally is saying…

Who, me?… Yes, Ma’am, right here.

This is my report on dimes and pennies…

“Wallace Stevens was a famous poet…
His wife was named Elsie…”

“Most people do not know that Elsie was the model for the 1916 ‘Liberty Head’ dime.”

“Most people also don’t know that if I had a dime for every one of these stupid reports I’ve written, I’d be a rich person.”

Finally, sitting outside the principal’s office:

I never got to the part about who posed for the Lincoln penny.

I conclude this report on a note of synchronicity:

The above research was suggested in part by a New York Times article on Ovid’s Metamorphoses I read last night.  After locating the Scrooge and Stevens items above, I went to the Times site this afternoon to remind myself of this article.  At that point synchronicity kicked in; I encountered the following obituary of a Scrooge figure from 1963… the first days of disco:

The New York Times, January 12, 2003

(So dated at the website on Jan. 11)

C. Douglas Dillon Dies at 93;
Was in Kennedy Cabinet


C. Douglas Dillon, a versatile Wall Street financier who was named secretary of the Treasury by President Kennedy and ambassador to France under President Eisenhower, and was a longtime executive of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, died Friday [Jan. 10, 2003] at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. Mr. Dillon, who lived with his wife on Jupiter Island in Hobe Sound, Fla., was 93.

Mr. Dillon was born to wealth and influence as the son of the founder of Dillon, Read & Company, an international banking house. Mr. Dillon was widely respected for his attention to detail — he had a reputation for ferreting out inconspicuous errors in reports — and his intellect, which his parents began shaping at an early age by enrolling Mr. Dillon in elite private schools.

Mr. Dillon is said to have been able to read quickly and to fully comprehend what he read by the time he was 4 years old. At the Pine Lodge School in Lakehurst, N.J., Mr. Dillon’s schoolmates included Nelson, Laurance and John Rockefeller III. Mr. Dillon later graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and sharpened his analytical powers on Wall Street.

Strapping and strong-jawed, Mr. Dillon sometimes seemed self-effacing or even shy in public, despite his long prominence in public affairs and in business. He served over the years as chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, president of Harvard University’s board of overseers…”

Et cetera, et cetera, and so forth.

(See yesterday’s two entries, “Something Wonderful,” and “Story.”)

Two reflections suggest themselves:

“I need a photo opportunity.
I want a shot at
Don’t want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard.”
— Paul Simon

Ending up in a cartoon graveyard is indeed an unhappy fate; on the other hand…

It is nice to be called “sexy.”

Added at 1:50 AM Jan. 12, 2003:

Tonight’s site music, in honor of Mr. Dillon
and of Hepburn, Holden, and Bogart in “Sabrina” —
 “Isn’t It Romantic?”


Saturday, November 9, 2002

Saturday November 9, 2002

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 4:44 am

Birthdate of Hermann Weyl


Plato’s Diamond

Result of a Google search.

Category:  Science > Math > Algebra > Group Theory 

Weyl, H.: Symmetry.
Description of the book Symmetry by Weyl, H., published by Princeton University Press. pup.princeton.edu/titles/
865.html – 7k – Nov. 8, 2002

Sponsored Link

Symmetry Puzzle
New free online puzzle illustrates
the mathematics of symmetry.

Quotation from Weyl’s Symmetry:

“Symmetry is a vast subject, significant in art and nature. Mathematics lies at its root, and it would be hard to find a better one on which to demonstrate the working of the mathematical intellect.”

In honor of Princeton University, of Sylvia Nasar (see entries of Nov, 6), of the Presbyterian Church (see entry of Nov. 8), and of Professor Weyl (whose work partly inspired the website Diamond Theory), this site’s background music is now Pink Floyd’s

“Shine On, 
   You Crazy Diamond.”

Updates of Friday, November 15, 2002:

In order to clarify the meaning of “Shine” and “Crazy” in the above, consult the following —

To accompany this detailed exegesis of Pink Floyd, click here for a reading by Marlon Brando.

For a related educational experience, see pages 126-127 of The Book of Sequels, by Henry Beard, Christopher Cerf, Sarah Durkee, and Sean Kelly (Random House paperback, 1990).

Speaking of sequels, be on the lookout for Annie Dillard’s sequel to Teaching a Stone to Talktitled Teaching a Brick to Sing.

Friday, November 8, 2002

Friday November 8, 2002

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 3:33 am

Religious Symbolism
at Princeton

In memory of Steve McQueen (“The Great Escape” and “The Thomas Crown Affair”… see preceding entry) and of Rudolf Augstein (publisher of Der Spiegel), both of whom died on November 7 (in 1980 and 2002, respectively), in memory of the following residents of

The Princeton Cemetery
of the Nassau Presbyterian Church
Established 1757

SYLVIA BEACH (1887-1962), whose father was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, founded Shakespeare & Company, a Paris bookshop which became a focus for struggling expatriate writers. In 1922 she published James Joyce’s Ulysses when others considered it obscene, and she defiantly closed her shop in 1941 in protest against the Nazi occupation.

KURT GÖDEL (1906-1978), a world-class mathematician famous for a vast array of major contributions to logic, was a longtime professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, founded in 1930. He was a corecipient of the Einstein Award in 1951.

JOHN (HENRY) O’HARA (1905-1970) was a voluminous and much-honored writer. His novels, Appointment in Samarra (1934) and Ten North Frederick (1955), and his collection of short stories, Pal Joey (1940), are among his best-known works.

and of the long and powerful association of Princeton University with the Presbyterian Church, as well as the theological perspective of Carl Jung in Man and His Symbols, I offer the following “windmill,” taken from the Presbyterian Creedal Standards website, as a memorial:

The background music Les Moulins de Mon Coeur, selected yesterday morning in memory of Steve McQueen, continues to be appropriate.

“A is for Anna.”
— James Joyce

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