
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Social Number Mysticism

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 3:47 pm

(A sequel to Social Geometry)

Number mysticism I prefer, from a post of Nov. 15 last year —

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tortoise Variations

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:42 am

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Fanciful version —

Less fanciful versions . . . 

Unmagic Squares

Consecutive positive integers:

1   2   3
4   5   6
7   8   9

Consecutive nonnegative integers:

0   1   2
3   4   5
6   7   8

Consecutive nonnegative integers
written in base 3:

00  01  02
10  11  12
20  21  22

This last square may be viewed as
coordinates, in the 3-element Galois
field GF(3), of the ninefold square.

Note that the ninefold square so viewed
embodies the 12 lines of the two-dimensional
affine space over GF(3)

As does, similarly, the ancient Chinese
"magic" square known as the "Lo Shu."

These squares are therefore equivalent under
affine transformations.

This method generalizes.

— Steven H. Cullinane, Nov. 20, 2021


The Lo Shu as a Finite Space

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Ex Fano Apollinis

Filed under: General — Tags: , , , , — m759 @ 9:41 am

Margaret Atwood on Lewis Hyde's 
Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art

"Trickster is among other things the gatekeeper who opens the door into the next world; those who mistake him for a psychopath never even know such a door exists." (159)

What is "the next world"? It might be the Underworld….

The pleasures of fabulation, the charming and playful lie– this line of thought leads Hyde to the last link in his subtitle, the connection of the trickster to art. Hyde reminds us that the wall between the artist and that American favourite son, the con-artist, can be a thin one indeed; that craft and crafty rub shoulders; and that the words artifice, artifact, articulation  and art  all come from the same ancient root, a word meaning "to join," "to fit," and "to make." (254)  If it’s a seamless whole you want, pray to Apollo, who sets the limits within which such a work can exist.  Tricksters, however, stand where the door swings open on its hinges and the horizon expands: they operate where things are joined together, and thus can also come apart.

"As a Chinese jar . . . ."
     — Four Quartets


Rosalind Krauss
in "Grids," 1979:

"If we open any tract– Plastic Art and Pure Plastic Art  or The Non-Objective World , for instance– we will find that Mondrian and Malevich are not discussing canvas or pigment or graphite or any other form of matter.  They are talking about Being or Mind or Spirit.  From their point of view, the grid is a staircase to the Universal, and they are not interested in what happens below in the Concrete.

Or, to take a more up-to-date example…."

"He was looking at the nine engravings and at the circle,
checking strange correspondences between them."
– The Club Dumas , 1993

"And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason."
– Robert Plant, 1971

The nine engravings of The Club Dumas
(filmed as "The Ninth Gate") are perhaps more
an example of the concrete than of the universal.

An example of the universal— or, according to Krauss,
a "staircase" to the universal— is the ninefold square:

The image “http://www.log24.com/theory/images/grid3x3.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"This is the garden of Apollo,
  the field of Reason…."
– John Outram, architect    

The "Katz" of the August 7 post Art Angles
is a product of Princeton's
Department of Art and Archaeology.




The Lo Shu as a Finite Space


IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

IMAGE- The 3x3 ('ninefold') square as Chinese 'Holy Field'

"This pattern is a square divided into nine equal parts.
It has been called the 'Holy Field' division and
was used throughout Chinese history for many
different purposes, most of which were connected
with things religious, political, or philosophical."

– The Magic Square: Cities in Ancient China,
by Alfred Schinz, Edition Axel Menges, 1996, p. 71

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Here, There, and Chicago

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:07 pm

The above phrase "the intersection of storytelling and visual arts"
suggests a review . . .

Storytelling —

Visual arts —

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

IMAGE- The 3x3 ('ninefold') square as Chinese 'Holy Field'

"This pattern is a square divided into nine equal parts.
It has been called the 'Holy Field' division and
was used throughout Chinese history for many
different purposes, most of which were connected
with things religious, political, or philosophical."

– The Magic Square: Cities in Ancient China,
by Alfred Schinz, Edition Axel Menges, 1996, p. 71

A Midrash for Michener —

IMAGE- Marie-Louise von Franz on the 'field' that represents 'the structural outlines of the collective unconscious'

For a connection of the above "Holy Field"
with pure mathematics, see Coxeter's Aleph.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Callahan Turtle

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:54 pm

By Stephen King

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Permutahedron Dream

Filed under: General — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 3:21 pm

The geometric object of the title appears in a post mentioning Bourgain 
in this journal.  Bourgain appears also in today's online New York Times —


Bourgain reportedly died on December 22.

An image from this journal on that date

Related poetic meditations —

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:40 pm

An exercise in bulk apperception.

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A Small Space

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:00 pm

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Plan 9 Continues

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 9:00 pm

See also Holy Field in this journal.

Some related mathematics —

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Analysis of the Lo Shu structure —

Structure of the 3×3 magic square:

4  9  2
3  5  7    decreased by 1 is
8  1  6

3  8  1
2  4  6
7  0  5

In base 3 —

10  22  01
02  11  20
21  00  12

As orthogonal Latin squares
(a well-known construction) —

1  2  0     0  2  1
0  1  2     2  1  0
2  0  1     1  0  2 .

— Steven H. Cullinane,
October 17, 2017

Friday, May 30, 2014

Combinatorial Matrix Classes

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 7:59 pm

A book by this title, Richard A. Brualdi’s  Combinatorial Matrix Classes ,
was published by Cambridge University Press in 2006:

For some related remarks, see The Counter (March 13, 2011).

My own work deals with combinatorial properties of matrices
of 0’s and 1’s, but in the context of Galois  (i.e., finite) fields,
not the real or complex fields. Despite the generality of
their titles, Combinatorial Matrix Theory  and Combinatorial
Matrix Classes  do not deal with Galois  matrices.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 2:00 pm

In memory of Charles Rosen:

IMAGE- Herbert John Ryser, 'Combinatorial Mathematics' (1963), page 1

Related material:

The Magic Square in Doctor Faustus  (October 10th, 2012)

Elementary Finite Geometry (August 1st, 2012)

The Space of Horizons (August 7th, 2012)

Chromatic Plenitude (Rosen on Schoenberg)

IMAGE- Charles Rosen on 'a final demarcation of form'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Counter

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:00 am

"…as we saw, there are two different Latin squares of order 4…."
— Peter J. Cameron, "The Shrikhande Graph," August 26, 2010

Cameron counts Latin squares as the same if they are isotopic .
Some further context for Cameron's remark—

Cover Illustration Number 1 (1976):


Cover Illustration Number 2 (1991):


   The Shrikhande Graph



This post was prompted by two remarks…

1.  In a different weblog, also on August 26, 2010—

    The Accidental Mathematician— "The Girl Who Played with Fermat's Theorem."

"The worst thing about the series is the mathematical interludes in The Girl Who Played With Fire….

Salander is fascinated by a theorem on perfect numbers—
one can verify it for as many numbers as one wishes, and it never fails!—
and then advances through 'Archimedes, Newton, Martin Gardner,*
and a dozen other classical mathematicians,' all the way to Fermat’s last theorem."

2.  "The fact that the pattern retains its symmetry when you permute the rows and columns
     is very well known to combinatorial theorists who work with matrices."
     [My italics; note resemblance to the Brualdi-Ryser title above.]

     –Martin Gardner in 1976 on the diamond theorem

* Compare Eric Temple Bell (as quoted at the MacTutor history of mathematics site)—

    "Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, these three, are in a class by themselves
     among the great mathematicians, and it is not for ordinary mortals
     to attempt to range them in order of merit."

     This is from the chapter on Gauss in Men of Mathematics .

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday August 18, 2008

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 9:00 am
The Revelation Game

(See also Jung’s birthday.)

Google logo, Aug. 18, 2008: Dragon playing Olympic ping pong

Lotteries on
August 17,
(No revelation)
New York
(No belief)
No belief,
no revelation



4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

(See below.)

without belief



in Toronto

Belief without


on Grace

(See below.)

Belief and



and Art

No belief, no revelation:
An encounter with “492”–

“What is combinatorial mathematics? Combinatorial mathematics, also referred to as combinatorial analysis or combinatorics, is a mathematical discipline that began in ancient times. According to legend the Chinese Emperor Yu (c. 2200 B.C.) observed the magic square

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

on the shell of a divine turtle….”

— H.J. Ryser, Combinatorial Mathematics, Mathematical Association of America, Carus Mathematical Monographs 14 (1963)

Belief without revelation:
Theology and human experience,
and the experience of “272”–

From Christian Tradition Today,
by Jeffrey C. K. Goh
(Peeters Publishers, 2004), p. 438:

“Insisting that theological statements are not simply deduced from human experience, Rahner nevertheless stresses the experience of grace as the ‘real, fundamental reality of Christianity itself.’ 272

272  ‘Grace’ is a key category in Rahner’s theology.  He has expended a great deal of energy on this topic, earning himself the title, amongst others, of a ‘theologian of the graced search for meaning.’ See G. B. Kelly (ed.), Karl Rahner, in The Making of Modern Theology series (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992).”

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