
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Eric Temple Bell on Solomon’s Seal

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:18 am
From pp. 322 ff. of The Development of Mathematics, 
by Eric Temple Bell, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1945, at

Rising to a considerably higher level of difficulty, we may 
instance what the physicist Maxwell called “Solomon’s seal in 
space of three dimensions,” the twenty-seven real or imaginary 
straight lines which lie wholly on the general cubic surface, 
and the forty-five triple tangent planes to the surface, all so 
curiously related to the twenty-eight bitangents of the general 
plane quartic curve. If ever there was a fascinating snarl of 
interlaced theories, Solomon’s seal is one. Synthetic and analytic 
geometry, the Galois theory of equations, the trisection of 
hyperelliptic functions, the algebra of invariants and covariants, 
geometric-algebraic algorithms specially devised to render the 
tangled configurations of Solomon’s seal more intuitive, the 
theory of finite groups — all were applied during the second half 
of the nineteenth century by scores of geometers who sought to 
break the seal. 

Some of the most ingenious geometers and algebraists in 
history returned again and again to this highly special topic. 
The result of their labors is a theory even richer and more 
elaborately developed than Klein’s (1884) of the icosahedron. 
Yet it was said by competent geometers in 1945 that a serious 
student need never have heard of the twenty-seven lines, the 
forty-five triple tangent planes, and the twenty-eight bitangents 
in order to be an accomplished and productive geometer; and 
it was a fact that few in the younger generation of creative 


geometers had more than a hazy notion that such a thing as 
tiie Solomon’s seal of the nineteenth century ever existed. 

Those rvho could recall from personal experience the last 
glow of living appreciation that lighted this obsolescent master- 
piece of geometry and others in the same fading tradition looked 
back with regret on the dying past, and wished that mathe- 
matical progress were not always so ruthless as it is. They also 
sympathized with those who still found the modern geometry 
of the triangle and the circle worth cultivating. For the differ- 
ence between the geometry of the twenty-seven lines and that of, 
say, Tucker, Lemoine, and Brocard circles, is one of degree, 
not of kind. The geometers of the twentieth century long since 
piously removed all these treasures to the museum of geometry, 
where the dust of history quickly dimmed their luster. 

For those who may be interested in the unstable esthetics 
rather than the vitality of geometry, we cite a concise modern 
account1 (exclusive of the connection with hyperclliptic func- 
tions) of Solomon’s seal. The twenty-seven lines were discovered 
in 1849 by Cayley and G. Salmon2 (1819-1904, Ireland); the 
application of transcendental methods originated in Jordan’s 
work (1869-70) on groups and algebraic equations. Finally, 
in the 1870’s L. Cremona (1830-1903), founder of the Italian 
school of geometers, observed a simple connection between 
the twenty-one distinct straight lines which lie on a cubic 
surface with a node and the ‘cat’s cradle’ configuration of 
fifteen straight lines obtained by joining six points on a conic 
in all possible ways. The ‘mystic hexagram’ of Pascal and its 
dual (1806) in C. J. Brianchon’s (1783-1864, French) theorem 
were thus related to Solomon’s seal; and the seventeenth 
century met the nineteenth in the simple, uniform deduc- 
tion of the geometry of the plane configuration from that of 
a corresponding configuration in space by the method of 

The technique here had an element of generality that was to 
prove extremely powerful in the discovery and proof of cor- 
related theorems by projection from space of a given number of 
dimensions onto a space of lower dimensions. Before Cremona 
applied this technique to the complete Pascal hexagon, his 
countryman G. Veronese had investigated the Pascal configura- 
tion at great length by the methods of plane geometry, as had 
also several others, including Steiner, Cayley, Salmon, and 
Kirkman. All of these men were geometers of great talent; 


Cremona’s flash of intuition illuminated the massed details of 
all his predecessors and disclosed their simple connections. 

That enthusiasm for this highly polished masterwork of 
classical geometry is by no means extinct is evident from the 
appearance as late as 1942 of an exhaustive monograph (xi + 180 
pages) by B. Segre (Italian, England) on The nonsingular cubic 
surface. Solomon’s seal is here displayed in all its “complicated 
and many-sided symmetry” — in Cayley’s phrase — as never 
before. The exhaustive enumeration of special configurations 
provides an unsurpassed training ground or ‘boot camp’ for 
any who may wish to strengthen their intuition in space of three 
dimensions. The principle of continuity, ably seconded by the 
method of degeneration, consistently applied, unifies the multi- 
tude of details inherent in the twenty-seven lines, giving the 
luxuriant confusion an elusive coherence which was lacking 
in earlier attempts to “bind the sweet influences” of the thirty- 
six possible double sixes (or ‘double sixers,’ as they were once 
called) into five types of possible real cubic surfaces, containing 
respectively 27, 15, 7, 3, 3 real lines. A double six is two sextuples 
of skew lines such that each line of one is skew to precisely one 
corresponding line of the other. A more modern touch appears 
in the topology of these five species. Except for one of the 
three-line surfaces, all are closed, connected manifolds, while 
the other three-line is two connected pieces, of which only one 
is ovoid, and the real lines of the surface are on this second 
piece. The decompositions of the nonovoid piece into generalized 
polyhedra by the real lines of the surface are painstakingly 
classified with respect to their number of faces and other char- 
acteristics suggested by the lines. The nonovoid piece of one 
three-line surface is homeomorphic to the real projective plane, 
as also is the other three-line surface. The topological interlude 
gives way to a more classical theme in space of three dimensions, 
which analyzes the group in the complex domain of the twenty- 
seven lines geometrically, either through the intricacies of the 
thirty-six double sixes, or through the forty triads of com- 
plementary Steiner sets. A Steiner set of nine lines is three sets 
of three such that each line of one set is incident with precisely 
two lines of each other set. The geometrical significance of 
permutability of operations in the group is rather more com- 
plicated than its algebraic equivalent. The group is of order 
51840. There is an involutorial transformation in the group for 
each double six; the transformation permutes corresponding 


lines of the complementary sets of six of the double six, and 
leaves each of the remaining fifteen lines invariant. If the double 
sixes corresponding to two such transformations have four 
common lines, the transformations are permutable. If the 
transformations are not permutable, the corresponding double 
sixes have six common lines, and the remaining twelve lines 
form a third double six. Although the geometry of the situation 
may be perspicuous to those gifted with visual imagination, 
others find the underlying algebraic identities, among even so 
impressive a number of group operations as 51840, somewhat 
easier to see through. But this difference is merely one of ac- 
quired taste or natural capacity, and there is no arguing about 
it. However, it may be remembered that some of this scintillating 
pure geometry was subsequent, not antecedent, to many a 
dreary page of laborious algebra. The group of the twenty- 
seven lines alone has a somewhat forbidding literature in the 
tradition of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 
which but few longer read, much less appreciate. So long as 
geometry — of a rather antiquated kind, it may be — can clothe 
the outcome of intricate calculations in visualizable form, the 
Solomon’s seal of the nineteenth century will attract its de- 
votees, and so with other famous classics of the geometric 
imagination. But in the meantime, the continually advancing 
front of creative geometry will have moved on to unexplored 
territory of fresher and perhaps wider interest. The world some- 
times has sufficient reason to be weary of the past in mathe- 
matics as in everything else. 

See as well a figure from yesterday's Matrix Geometry post

Schläfli double-six illustration by Steven H. Cullinane, 1 Feb. 2025

Friday, October 23, 2020

Temple Bell

Filed under: General — m759 @ 6:15 pm

The title refers to a man called by John Baez
“The infamous pseudohistorian Eric Temple Bell.”

(See my post The Magpie.)

Today the American Mathematical Society (AMS) has
an obituary for Donald Babbitt (1936-2020), who
reportedly died on October 10.

Babbitt is the co-author of an article on Bell from the
June/July 2013 AMS Notices .

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Temple Bell

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Art suggested by a search in this journal for Bennington, by the Kurt Vonnegut
novel Timequake , and by the works of Eric Temple Bell.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Hunt for Galois October

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 10:04 am

"… Évariste was born on October 25, 1811."
— Eric Temple Bell, Men of Mathematics

Related material — 


But seriously . . .

Saturday, July 14, 2018

“Just like a-ringin’ a bell”

Filed under: General — m759 @ 8:17 pm

See Temple Bell in this journal.

Related material —

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Eric Temple Bell, 'The Development of Mathematics'

See also Solomon's  cube.

* Title suggested by a 2011 dystopian novel.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Like Decorations in a Cartoon Graveyard

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:48 pm

From Sunday evening's In Memoriam post —

The "from Princeton" remark in the previous post came  from
Princeton, but originated with a retired professor in Rochester,
NY, one Joseph Neisendorfer.

Another remark by Neisendorfer, from his weblog —

Those familiar with the chapter on Galois in the
Eric Temple Bell classic Men of Mathematics  
will know that the words quoted above by
Neisendorfer are definitely not  those of Albert Einstein.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Magpie

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:45 am

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore…."

— Edgar Allan Poe, 1845 (link added)

"The infamous pseudohistorian Eric Temple Bell
begins his book 'The Magic of Numbers' as follows:

The hero of our story is Pythagoras…."

John Baez, June 20, 2006

Related material —

See also "Temple Bell" in this  journal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Abacus Conundrum…

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:44 am



Prequel from 1961 (click image for context):

Detail that may be interpreted as the Chinese
3×3 "Holy Field" and a Chinese temple bell—

"Ting-a-ling." — Kurt Vonnegut.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday School

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 9:00 am

Galois and Abel vs. Rubik


"Abel was done to death by poverty, Galois by stupidity.
In all the history of science there is no completer example
of the triumph of crass stupidity…."

— Eric Temple Bell,  Men of Mathematics

Gray Space  (Continued)

… For The Church of Plan 9.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympics Special

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 7:20 pm

Quoted in some remarks yesterday on geometry—

IMAGE- Eric Temple Bell on 'Solomon's Seal' as a 'highly special topic'

From posts linked to this morning—

IMAGE- 'Jewel in the Crown'- MAA version of the Crown of Geometry

The Source— 

IMAGE- Coxeter as King of Geometry

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Solomon’s Seal

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , , , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

(Mathematics and Narrative, continued)


The Ring and The Stone from yesterday's post, and…

"In Medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic legends,
the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring
said to have been possessed by King Solomon…."

— Wikipedia article, Seal of Solomon


IMAGE- Eric Temple Bell on the mathematics of 'Solomon's Seal' (in his 'Development of Mathematics')

A fact related to the mathematical
"Solomon's seal" described above by Bell:

IMAGE- J.W.P. Hirschfeld on the mathematics of 'Solomon's Seal', with reference to Edge on the same topic

The reference to Edge is as follows—

[3] Edge, W. L., Quadrics over GF(2) and
their relevance for the cubic surface group
Canadian J. Maths. 11 (1959) ….

(This reference relates Hirschfeld's remarks
quoted above to the 64-point affine space
illustrated below (via the associated
63-point projective  space PG (5, 2)).

As for the narrative's Stone… 

See Solomon's Cube.

IMAGE- 'Solomon's Cube'

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:07 am

Part I: Timothy Gowers on equivalence relations

Part II: Martin Gardner on normal subgroups

Part III: Evariste Galois on normal subgroups

"In all the history of science there is no completer example
 of the triumph of crass stupidity over untamable genius…."

— Eric Temple Bell, Men of Mathematics

See also an interesting definition and Weyl on Galois.

Update of 6:29 PM EDT Oct. 30, 2011—

For further details, see Herstein's phrase
"a tribute to the genius of Galois."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Koan for Larsson

Filed under: General — m759 @ 4:09 pm

"On the one-ton temple bell
 a moon-moth, folded into sleep,
 sits still." — Haiku by Buson

From the day author Stieg Larsson died—

The Nine (November 9th, 2004).

See also Pandora's Box (September 16th, 2006).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Counter

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 11:00 am

"…as we saw, there are two different Latin squares of order 4…."
— Peter J. Cameron, "The Shrikhande Graph," August 26, 2010

Cameron counts Latin squares as the same if they are isotopic .
Some further context for Cameron's remark—

Cover Illustration Number 1 (1976):


Cover Illustration Number 2 (1991):


   The Shrikhande Graph



This post was prompted by two remarks…

1.  In a different weblog, also on August 26, 2010—

    The Accidental Mathematician— "The Girl Who Played with Fermat's Theorem."

"The worst thing about the series is the mathematical interludes in The Girl Who Played With Fire….

Salander is fascinated by a theorem on perfect numbers—
one can verify it for as many numbers as one wishes, and it never fails!—
and then advances through 'Archimedes, Newton, Martin Gardner,*
and a dozen other classical mathematicians,' all the way to Fermat’s last theorem."

2.  "The fact that the pattern retains its symmetry when you permute the rows and columns
     is very well known to combinatorial theorists who work with matrices."
     [My italics; note resemblance to the Brualdi-Ryser title above.]

     –Martin Gardner in 1976 on the diamond theorem

* Compare Eric Temple Bell (as quoted at the MacTutor history of mathematics site)—

    "Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, these three, are in a class by themselves
     among the great mathematicians, and it is not for ordinary mortals
     to attempt to range them in order of merit."

     This is from the chapter on Gauss in Men of Mathematics .

Monday, December 8, 2003

Monday December 8, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 am

Happy Rohatsu

“The Buddha was enlightened on the eighth of December when he looked up at the morning star, the planet we call Venus.”

— Shodo Harada Roshi, Dharma Talk

A poem for Rohatsu:

On the one-ton temple bell
a moon-moth, folded into sleep,
sits still.

~by Taniguchi Buson
(translated by X.J. Kennedy)

Commentary on poetry of Buson:

Poetry as an open space
 for lightening of Being

“… a cleft of existence from where the time is to extend to eternity. It is a place where ‘nothing’ crosses with ‘being’ or the ‘clearing’ in Heidegger’s term, the only light place in the dark forest.”

Hiroo Saga

In other words,
From Here to Eternity.

For more on Zen, see the
entry of May 2, 2003.

For more on a Temple Bell, see the
entry of May 1, 2003.

For more on Venus, see the
entry of March 28, 2003.

For more on the morning star, see the
entry of December 8, 2002.

Thursday, May 1, 2003

Thursday May 1, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:13 pm

Rhymes with Puck

Readings for May Day, also known as Beltane.

  I. The Playboy of the Western World

 II.  Beltane

III.  A is for Art


In 1993, The Mathematical Association of America published Constance Reid’s

also known as John Taine.

This is a biography of Eric Temple Bell, a mathematician and writer on mathematics, who also wrote fiction under the name John Taine.

On page 194, Reid records a question Bell’s son asked as a child.  Passing a church and seeing a cross on the steeple, he inquired, “Why is the plus up there?”

For an answer that makes some sort of sense

  • in the context of Part II above, and
  • in the context of last month’s “Math Awareness Month” theme, mathematics and art,

consider the phrase “A is for Art,” so aptly illustrated by Olivia Newton-John in “Wrestling Pablo Picasso,”  then examine the photograph of ballerina Margaret “Puck” Petit on page 195 of Reid’s book.  Puck, as the mother of Leslie Caron (see Terpsichore’s Birthday), clearly deserves an A+.

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