(Oneworld Publications, Jan. 3, 2011)
Compare and contrast with an illustration
from "Time Fold," a webpage of Oct. 10, 2003 —
See also the Squarespace logo:
(Oneworld Publications, Jan. 3, 2011)
Compare and contrast with an illustration
from "Time Fold," a webpage of Oct. 10, 2003 —
See also the Squarespace logo:
The Folding
Cynthia Zarin in The New Yorker , issue dated April 12, 2004—
“Time, for L’Engle, is accordion-pleated. She elaborated,
‘When you bring a sheet off the line, you can’t handle it
until it’s folded, and in a sense, I think, the universe can’t
exist until it’s folded — or it’s a story without a book.’”
The geometry of the 4×4 square array is that of the
3-dimensional projective Galois space PG(3,2).
This space occurs, notably, in the Miracle Octad Generator (MOG)
of R. T. Curtis (submitted to Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. on
15 June 1974). Curtis did not, however, describe its geometric
properties. For these, see the Cullinane diamond theorem.
Some history:
Curtis seems to have obtained the 4×4 space by permuting,
then “folding” 1×8 binary sequences into 4×2 binary arrays.
The original 1×8 sequences came from the method of Turyn
(1967) described by van Lint in his book Coding Theory
(Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 201 , first edition
published in 1971). Two 4×2 arrays form each 4×4 square array
within the MOG. This construction did not suggest any discussion
of the geometric properties of the square arrays.
[Rewritten for clarity on Sept. 3, 2014.]
or: Catullus vs. Ovid
(Today's previous post, "Coxeter vs. Fano,"
might also have been titled "Toronto vs. Rome.")
ut te postremo donarem munere mortis
Image by Christopher Thomas at Wikipedia —
Unfolding of a hypercube and of a cube —
The metaphor for metamorphosis no keys unlock.
— Steven H. Cullinane, "Endgame"
The current New Yorker has a translation of
the above line of Catullus by poet Anne Carson.
According to poets.org, Carson "attended St. Michael's College
at the University of Toronto and, despite leaving twice,
received her B.A. in 1974, her M.A. in 1975 and her Ph.D. in 1981."
Carson's translation is given in a review of her new book Nox.
The title, "The Unfolding," of the current review echoes an earlier
New Yorker piece on another poet, Madeleine L'Engle—
Cynthia Zarin in The New Yorker, issue dated April 12, 2004–
“Time, for L’Engle, is accordion-pleated. She elaborated,
‘When you bring a sheet off the line, you can’t handle it
until it’s folded, and in a sense, I think, the universe can’t
exist until it’s folded– or it’s a story without a book.’”
(See also the "harrow up" + Hamlet link in yesterday's 6:29 AM post.)
The Folding
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5 —
"I could a tale unfold whose lightest word
Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,
Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,
Thy knotted and combined locks to part
And each particular hair to stand on end,
Like quills upon the fretful porpentine:
But this eternal blazon must not be
To ears of flesh and blood. List, list, O, list!"
This recalls the title of a piece in this week's New Yorker:"The Book of Lists:
Susan Sontag’s early journals." (See Log24 on Thursday, Dec. 18.)
In the rather grim holiday spirit of that piece, here are some journal notes for Sontag, whom we may imagine as the ghost of Hanukkah past.
There are at least two ways of folding a list (or tale) to fit a rectangular frame.The normal way, used in typesetting English prose and poetry, starts at the top, runs from left to right, jumps down a line, then again runs left to right, and so on until the passage is done or the bottom right corner of the frame is reached.
The boustrophedonic way again goes from top to bottom, with the first line running from left to right, the next from right to left, the next from left to right, and so on, with the lines' directions alternating.
The word "boustrophedon" is from the Greek words describing the turning, at the end of each row, of an ox plowing (or "harrowing") a field.
The Tale of
the Eternal Blazon
by Washington Irving
"Blazon meant originally a shield, and then the heraldic bearings on a shield.
Later it was applied to the art of describing or depicting heraldic bearings
in the proper manner; and finally the term came to signify ostentatious display
and also description or record by words or other means. In Hamlet, Act I. Sc. 5,
the Ghost, while talking with Prince Hamlet, says:
'But this eternal blazon
must not be
To ears of flesh and blood.'
Eternal blazon signifies revelation or description of things pertaining to eternity."
— Irving's Sketch Book, p. 461
By Washington Irving and Mary Elizabeth Litchfield, Ginn & Company, 1901
Related material:
Folding (and harrowing up)
some eternal blazons —
These are the foldings
described above.
They are two of the 322,560
natural ways to fit
the list (or tale)
"1, 2, 3, … 15, 16"
into a 4×4 frame.
For further details, see
The Diamond 16 Puzzle.
Moral of the tale:
Cynthia Zarin in The New Yorker, issue dated April 12, 2004–
"Time, for L'Engle, is accordion-pleated. She elaborated, 'When you bring a sheet off the line, you can't handle it until it's folded, and in a sense, I think, the universe can't exist until it's folded– or it's a story without a book.'"
ART WARS continued…
“The senses deform, the mind forms. Work to perfect the mind. There is no certitude but in what the mind conceives.”
— Georges Braque, Reflections on Painting, 1917
Those who wish to follow Braque’s advice may try the following exercise from a book first published in 1937:
Hint: See the above picture of
Braque and the construction of
a tesseract.
— Cynthia Zarin on Madeleine L’Engle,
“The Storyteller,” in The New Yorker,
issue dated April 12, 2004
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