
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Script Idea for Harlan Kane:
The Timeless Meets Time

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 2:44 pm

"kalosmi lokaksaya krt pravrddho"

Also on July 13, 2023 . . .

From the Publications webpage of Dan Gordon

Math Databases on the Cheap,
lightning talk at LuCaNT, July 2023.

Background from 2022 —

Gordon's informative webpage on mathematical repositories:

Not so cheap

See also ICERM in this  journal on November 14, 2012.

Friday, August 30, 2024


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:40 am

From August 17

Also from August 17, a dies natalis

I prefer the "three D's" of Debbie Does Dallas.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fearful Symmetry

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 6:43 pm

Peter Woit this afternoon on "The Terrifying Power of Mathematics" —

" the quantum field theory of fields satisfying the Dirac equation.
Here there’s a standard apparatus of how to calculate given in
every quantum field theory textbook. These standard calculations
involving Dirac gamma-matrices fit well with Feynman’s 'physicists
finding they have the correct equations without understanding them
have been so terrified they give up trying to understand them'."

For a definition of these matrices, see . . .

Weisstein, Eric W. "Dirac Matrices."
From MathWorld — A Wolfram Web Resource.

"The Dirac matrices are a class of 4×4 matrices which arise
in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different
symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as
gamma matrices or Dirac gamma matrices."

For related religious remarks, see "Physics for Poets"
( Log24, April 20, 2022 ).

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:59 pm

'In the wide realm of the world
there are ancient forms,
incorruptible and eternal forms —
any one of them might be
the symbol that I sought."

— "The Writing of the God," by Jorge Luis Borges

"The governor showed him a cell
whose floor, walls, and vaulted ceiling
were covered by a drawing (in barbaric colors
that time, before obliterating, had refined)
of an infinite tiger. It was a tiger composed of
many tigers, in the most dizzying of ways;
it was crisscrossed with tigers, striped with tigers,
and contained seas and Himalayas and armies
that resembled other tigers."

— "The Zahir," by Jorge Luis Borges

Related art:


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Design Logic

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 7:48 pm

From this journal on November 21, 2011 . . .

Joseph T. Clark, S. J., Conventional Logic and Modern Logic:
A Prelude to Transition
  (Philosophical Studies of the American
Catholic Philosophical Association, III) Woodstock, Maryland:
Woodstock College Press, 1952—

Alonzo Church, "Logic: formal, symbolic, traditional," Dictionary of Philosophy  (New York: Philosophical Library, 1942), pp. 170-182. The contents of this ambitious Dictionary are most uneven. Random reference to its pages is dangerous. But this contribution is among its best. It is condensed. But not dense. A patient and attentive study will pay big dividends in comprehension. Church knows the field and knows how to depict it. A most valuable reference.

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