An instance of T. S. Eliot's poetic "still point" is the
center of a 3x3x3 Galois cube made up of 27 subcubes …
Not Rubik's puzzle, whose center is a mere mechanical contrivance.
Associated with that Galois cube is the set of
13 symmetry axes of its central subcube.
The figure above is not unrelated to the so-called "free will theorem."
Mathematician Peter J. Cameron's recent quotation of St. Bernard*
on free will and grace, while not impressive as a philosophical
statement, is at least preferable to the TV sitcom "Will and Grace."
See also the notion of free will in other posts tagged "Congregated Light."
Some context: Tom Wolfe, below, on the word "clerisy." It seems that the
word applies to many academics besides those in areas named by Wolfe.
* Vide —
"De gratia et Libero arbitrio, chaps. 1 and 14."