
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ein Kampf

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:00 pm

This is from a master's thesis of 1984.

For the source, see "Ein Kampf" in this journal.

An image from the Saturday Night Live  version —

Friday, September 9, 2016

Ein Kampf

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 pm

(Continued )

A 1984 master's thesis (PDF, 8+ MB) —

"Language, Linguistics, and Philosophy:
A Comparison of the Work of Roman Jakobson
and the Later Wittgenstein, with Some Attention
to the Philosophy of Charles Saunders Peirce,"
by Miles Spencer Kimball.

Two pages from that thesis —

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ein Kampf

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:29 pm

"Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung
unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache."

— Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations  (1953),  Section 109

Actor portraying Bobby Fischer

Related material —

"… the common bond between chess, music, and mathematics
may, finally, be the absence of language."

— George Steiner, Fields of Force: Fischer and Spassky at Reykjavik ,
     Viking hardcover, June 1974.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ein Kampf

Filed under: General — m759 @ 1:00 am

"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of our language."

"Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache."

— Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations  (1953),  Section 109

"When the battle's lost and won" — The Scottish play

Related material— Monday's Language Game.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Poe Street

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:38 pm

And now… the musical!

Update at 12:30 AM ET on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 . . .

Some background: 

"Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf  gegen die Verhexung
unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache."

— Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations  (1953),  Section 109

A Chateau Marmont story related to a death that reportedly* 
occurred on August 18, 2020


This  journal on August 18, 2020

Mr. Kampf Perceives

* Other sources, such as The New York Times , give August 16 as the
date of death. That date in this  journal also deals with art and reality.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Geometry Lesson

Filed under: G-Notes,General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 am

From "The Trials of Device" (April 24, 2017) —

Wittgenstein's pentagram and 4x4 'counting-pattern'

Pentagon with pentagram    

See also Wittgenstein in a search for "Ein Kampf " in this journal.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Design Abyss

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 1:00 pm

Hexagram 29,
The Abyss (Water)

This post was suggested by an August 6, 2010, post by the designer
(in summer or fall, 2010) of the Stack Exchange math logo (see
the previous Log24 post, Art Space Illustrated) —

http://www.8164.org/☵☲/  .

In that post, the designer quotes the Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching  to explain
his choice of Hexagram 63, Water Over Fire, as a personal icon —

"When water in a kettle hangs over fire, the two elements
stand in relation and thus generate energy (cf. the
production of steam). But the resulting tension demands
caution. If the water boils over, the fire is extinguished
and its energy is lost. If the heat is too great, the water
evaporates into the air. These elements here brought in
to relation and thus generating energy are by nature
hostile to each other. Only the most extreme caution
can prevent damage."

See also this  journal on Walpurgisnacht (April 30), 2010 —


Hexagram 29:



Hexagram 30:

"Hates California,
it's cold and it's damp.

Image--'The Fire,' by Katherine Neville

A thought from another German-speaking philosopher

"Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung
unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache."

See also The Crimson 's abyss in today's 4:35 AM post Art Space, Continued.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Die Verhexung

Filed under: General — m759 @ 10:38 pm

Backstory:  Verhexung  and Ein Kampf .

Prequel: The Verhexung  quote above is from Wittgenstein's section 109 
in Philosophical Investigations . The search result shown links to a page
containing part of the preceding  Wittgenstein section —

For another look at "crystalline purity" and language, see the previous
two posts, Logic and Fruit Loom.

Wallace Stevens, “Country Words” —

“What is it that my feeling seeks?
I know from all the things it touched
And left beside and left behind.
It wants the diamond pivot bright.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 5:04 am

“Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung
unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache.”

— Philosophical Investigations  (1953),  Section 109

An example of Verhexung  from the René Guitart article in the previous post

See also Ein Kampf .

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Concept Script

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 2:28 pm

"Historically, the idea of a concept script
derives from the Leibnizian project of developing
a so-called 'universal characteristic' 
(characteristica universalis )…."

— Dorothea Lotter, "Gottlob Frege: Language,"
     in Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Frege as quoted by Lotter —

"Arithmetical, geometrical and chemical symbols
can be regarded as realizations of the Leibnizian
conception in particular fields. The concept script
offered here adds a new one to these – indeed,
the one located in the middle, adjoining all the others."

Wittgenstein —

"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment
of our intelligence by means of our language."

"Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung
unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache."

— Philosophical Investigations  (1953), Section 109

Frege, Preface to the Begriffsschrift —

"If it is one of the tasks of philosophy
to break the domination of words over the human spirit
by laying bare the misconceptions
that through the use of language
often almost unavoidably arise
concerning the relations between concepts
and by freeing thought from that with which only
the means of expression of ordinary language,
constituted as they are, saddle it,
then my ideography, further developed for these purposes,
can become a useful tool for the philosopher."

"Wenn es eine Aufgabe der Philosophie ist,
die Herrschaft des Wortes über den menschlichen Geist
zu brechen, indem sie die Täuschungen aufdeckt,
die durch den Sprachgebrauch über die Beziehungen der Begriffe
oft fast unvermeidlich entstehen,
indem sie den Gedanken von demjenigen befreit, womit ihn allein
die Beschaffenheit des sprachlichen Ausdrucksmittels behaftet,
so wird meine Begriffsschrift, für diese Zwecke weiter ausgebildet,
den Philosophen ein brauchbares Werkzeug werden können."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Marginal Remarks

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:17 am

Today's Google Doodle is in honor of Fermat's birthday—


"I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this theorem,
 which this doodle is too small to contain."
— Google's caption

Another marginal remark, from a link target in last night's "Ein Kampf"—

"We are talking about the spatial and temporal phenomenon of language,
not about some non-spatial, non-temporal chimera [Note in margin:
Only it is possible to be interested in a phenomenon in a variety of ways]."

— Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations  (1953),  Section 108

Related material on spatial and temporal phenomena—

A Dec. 29, 2010, comment to a Dec. 26 weblog post on
"Unexpected Connections in Mathematics"—


Connoisseurs of synchronicities  in the phenomena of language may note that
these December dates mark the feasts of St. Stephen and St. Thomas Becket.

From the feast of the latter, two Log24 posts: Toy Stories and True Grid.

Those less enchanted by pop math than Google may prefer to observe
two other birthdays today— those of Robert De Niro and of Sean Penn:


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