
Monday, November 8, 2010

Study of O

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 7:20 pm

Today's previous entry discussed a musical offering by Coltrane, with a link to some spiritual background on a mathematician from India who died on October 16, 1983. Here is a pictorial  offering, more in the spirit of Bach than of Coltrane, from the day of that death—


Click on the image for some context.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Interality Studies

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:26 pm

You, Xi-lin; Zhang, Peter. "Interality in Heidegger." 
The Free Library , April 1, 2015.  
. . . .

The term "interology" is meant as an interventional alternative to traditional Western ontology. The idea is to help shift people's attention and preoccupation from subjects, objects, and entities to the interzones, intervals, voids, constitutive grounds, relational fields, interpellative assemblages, rhizomes, and nothingness that lie between, outside, or beyond the so-called subjects, objects, and entities; from being to nothing, interbeing, and becoming; from self-identicalness to relationality, chance encounters, and new possibilities of life; from "to be" to "and … and … and …" (to borrow Deleuze's language); from the actual to the virtual; and so on. As such, the term wills nothing short of a paradigm shift. Unlike other "logoi," which have their "objects of study," interology studies interality, which is a non-object, a no-thing that in-forms and constitutes the objects and things studied by other logoi.
. . . .

Some remarks from this  journal on April 1, 2015 —

Manifest O


— m759 @ 4:44 AM April 1, 2015

The title was suggested by

The "O" of the title stands for the octahedral  group.

See the following, from http://finitegeometry.org/sc/map.html —

83-06-21 An invariance of symmetry The diamond theorem on a 4x4x4 cube, and a sketch of the proof.
83-10-01 Portrait of O  A table of the octahedral group O using the 24 patterns from the 2×2 case of the diamond theorem.
83-10-16 Study of O  A different way of looking at the octahedral group, using cubes that illustrate the 2x2x2 case of the diamond theorem.
84-09-15 Diamonds and whirls Block designs of a different sort — graphic figures on cubes. See also the University of Exeter page on the octahedral group O.

The above site, finitegeometry.org/sc, illustrates how the symmetry
of various visual patterns is explained by what Zhang calls "interality."

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Mystery of O

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"The domain of O has been explored by philosophers and mystics
under titles like the Absolute, Ultimate Reality or Ultimate Truth,
the Ground of Being, God or the godhead. O is the world of Plato’s
ideal forms, Kant’s things-in-themselves, Bion’s pre-conceptions,
Klein’s inborn phantasies and Jung’s archetypes."

— Barbara Stevens Sullivan on page 38 of her book
The Mystery of Analytical Work: Weavings from Jung and Bion ,
Routledge first edition, 2010

See also Bion in The Search for Charles Wallace, and

'Study of O' by Steven H. Cullinane, Oct. 16, 1983

Click on the image for some context.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Manifest O

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 4:44 am

The title was suggested by

The "O" of the title stands for the octahedral  group.

See the following, from http://finitegeometry.org/sc/map.html —

83-06-21 An invariance of symmetry The diamond theorem on a 4x4x4 cube, and a sketch of the proof.
83-10-01 Portrait of O  A table of the octahedral group O using the 24 patterns from the 2×2 case of the diamond theorem.
83-10-16 Study of O  A different way of looking at the octahedral group, using cubes that illustrate the 2x2x2 case of the diamond theorem.
84-09-15 Diamonds and whirls Block designs of a different sort — graphic figures on cubes. See also the University of Exeter page on the octahedral group O.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Mirror’s Faces*

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:00 pm

See the previous post, the remarks of Roger Kimball
on Frank Stella's lecture at Harvard on Oct. 12, 1983,
and "Study of O" in this journal, with my own images
of space from October 1983.

* The title refers to a 1996 film.
   Happy birthday to Jeff Bridges.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thursday November 11, 2004

Filed under: General — m759 @ 4:04 pm


From the profile of
psifenix at livejournal.com:

"Perhaps I shall embrace Islam.
Its standards for poetry
seem very high."

— Susan Voight in the novel
Freedom & Necessity,
by Emma Bull and Steven Brust

From psifenix
at livejournal.com
on Oct. 3, 2004:

"S4 is the one true God,
and C2×C2 is
His [normal] prophet."


"Group theory is so beautiful. If I ever get the chance to go back in time or mess with an agrarian civilization, I'm going to try to get them to worship finite groups of small order. Why? Symmetry is nice, and you can turn groups into pretty pictures, too… Each group could represent an attribute of god, and the nonabelian attributes would be the scary and wrathful ones. The prime cyclic groups could symbolize the cycles of life and death. And the trivial group would be the origin of all things!

I'm on crack, but that's okay!"



"You can turn groups
   into pretty pictures" —

IMAGE- 'Study of O' and 'Portrait of O' (the octahedral group)

Shown above are two ways of
picturing the octahedral group O,
also known as
the symmetric group S4.

For further details, see
Diamond Theory.

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