
Friday, November 24, 2017


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:00 pm

From this evening's online New York Times : 

"Eric Salzman, a composer and music critic who
championed a new art form, music theater,
that was neither opera nor stage musical, died
on Nov. 12 at his home in Brooklyn. He was 84."

. . . .

"The first American Music Theater Festival 
took place in the summer of 1984.

Among that first festival’s featured works was 
'Strike Up the Band!,' Mr. Salzman’s 'reconstructed
and adapted' version of a satirical musical
with a score by George and Ira Gershwin
that had not been staged in 50 years. The director
of that production, Frank Corsaro, died 
the day before Mr. Salzman did."

Synchronology check :

"The day before" above was November 11, 2017.

Links from this  journal  on November 11

A Log24 search for Michael Sudduth and an 
October 28, 2017, Facebook post by Sudduth.

Detail of Sudduth's Nov. 11 Facebook home page

Click the above for an enlarged view of the Sudduth profile picture.

Related material :

Harold Schonberg, 1977 review of Corsaro production of Busoni's 'Dr. Faust'


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