
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Serial Box

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:20 pm

Enotes.com on Herman Wouk's 1985 novel Inside, Outside 

"The 'outside' of the title is the goyish world
into which David’s profession has drawn him;
the 'inside' is the warm life of his Russian-
Jewish family on which he, as narrator, reflects
in the course of the novel."

For a different sort of 'inside' life, see this morning's post
Gesamtkunstwerk , and Nathan Shields's Feb. 8, 2011,
tribute to a serial composer "In Memoriam, Milton Babbitt."
Some other context for Shields's musical remarks —

Doctor Faustus and Dürer Square.

For a more interesting contrast of inside with outside
that has nothing to do with ethnicity, see the Feb. 10,
2014, post Mystery Box III: Inside, Outside, about
the following box:


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