For the Harvard Psychedelics Club
For your consideration: "Nightmare Alley" Oscar nominations —
Costume design, production design, cinematography, Best Picture.
See as well the introduction by Nick Tosches to the novel .
A touch I personally like: Over the end credits, Hoagy Carmichael's
"Stardust" plays. From related remarks (here abridged) by poet
David Lehman on November 22, 2015 (the feast of St. Cecilia) —
"Every year on this day I think unfailingly of three things:
— that today is Hoagy Carnichael's birthday ….
— that if time were elastic I would write a series of
popular history novels ….
— that paranoid conspiracy theories … are based on
our fundamental inability to understand events.
From this journal on November 22, 2015 —
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