
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Date at the Death Cafe

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:48 pm

The New York TImes  reports this evening that
"Jon Underwood, Founder of Death Cafe Movement,"
died suddenly at 44 on June 27. 

This  journal on that date linked to a post titled "The Mystic Hexastigm."

A related remark on the complete 6-point   from Sunday, April 28, 2013

(See, in Veblen and Young's 1910 Vol. I, exercise 11,
page 53: "A plane section of a 6-point in space can  
be considered as 3 triangles perspective in pairs
from 3 collinear points with corresponding sides
meeting in 3 collinear points." This is the large  
Desargues configuration. See Classical Geometry
in Light of Galois Geometry

This  post was suggested, in part, by the philosophical ruminations
of Rosalind Krauss in her 2011 book Under Blue Cup . See 
Sunday's post  Perspective and Its Transections . (Any resemblance
to Freud's title Civilization and Its Discontents  is purely coincidental.)

Dialogue from Plato’s Cave

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:15 am

At  scifi.stackexchange.com

Why was the Cosmic Cube named the Tesseract 
in the Marvel movie series? Is there any specific reason 
for the name change? According to me, Cosmic Cube
seems a nice and cooler name.

— Asked March 14, 2013, by Dhwaneet Bhatt
At least it wasn't called 'The AllSpark.' 
It's not out of the realm of possibility. 

— Solemnity, March 14, 2013

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