
Friday, June 14, 2013

Amy’s Shadow

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:18 pm

Why knows what evil lurks…? — The Shadow

Backstory: "Amy Adams" + Shadow in this journal.

Related material —

Amy Adams as Lois Lane:

In the new Amy Adams version, Superman's Smallville mom
is played by Diane  Lane.

Lane also played George Reeves's sugar mommy
in the 2006 film Hollywoodland .

Ben Affleck and Diane Lane at the 2006 Venice Film Festival
premiere of  Hollywoodland :

See, too, today's previous post, and Amy Adams as Lacey Yeager
in the yet-to-be-made film version of An Object of Beauty .

Object of Beauty

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 2:01 am

This journal on July 5, 2007 —

The Eightfold Cube and its Inner Structure

“It is not clear why MySpace China will be successful."

— The Chinese magazine Caijing  in 2007, quoted in
Asia Sentinel  on July 12, 2011

This  journal on that same date,  July 12, 2011 —


See also the eightfold cube and kindergarten blocks
at finitegeometry.org/sc.

Friedrich Froebel, Froebel's Chief Writings on Education ,
Part II, "The Kindergarten," Ch. III, "The Third Play":

"The little ones, who always long for novelty and change,
love this simple plaything in its unvarying form and in its
constant number, even as they love their fairy tales with
the ever-recurring dwarfs…."

This journal, Group Actions, Nov. 14, 2012:

"Those who insist on vulgarizing their mathematics
may regard linear and affine group actions on the eight
cubes as the dance of  Snow White (representing (0,0,0))
and the Seven Dwarfs—


Edwin M. Knowles Fine China Company, 1991

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