
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Coordinated Steps

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 pm

From this morning's Sunday New York Times

"Stories were the primary way our ancestors transmitted knowledge and values. Today we seek movies, novels and 'news stories' that put the events of the day in a form that our brains evolved to find compelling and memorable. Children crave bedtime stories…."

Drew Westen, professor at Emory University

From this evening's news—

"TOKYO (Dow Jones)–The Group of Seven leading industrial nations said they are committed to taking coordinated steps…."

Who's their choreographer?

My choice would be Uncle Walt—

'The Seven Dwarfs and their Diamond Mine

See also yesterday's "Norway Summer" and the link in
this afternoon's "Reflection Group" to "A Better Story."

Reflection Group

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 1:00 pm

The European Reflection Group report of Saturday, May 8, 2010—
"Project Europe 2030: Challenges and Opportunities" (pdf, 46 pp.)—

"All our members agree on one fundamental issue:
Europe is currently at a turning point in its history."

This journal on the same date— "A Better Story"—

"…I can imagine the decisive evolutionary beginnings of humans and societies… not in an adult version, but in the playful mentality of children…. An unlikely story? Perhaps. I am looking out for a better story."

Hans G. Furth, Desire for Society: Children's Knowledge as Social Imagination, published by Springer, 1996, p. 181

"The clocks were striking thirteen." — George Orwell

See also this journal during the rest of May 2010 and "Sermon" from Sunday, February 20, 2011.

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