
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Annals of Symbology:
For a New York Times Pilot Fish*

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:39 pm

From other posts now tagged Dark Symbol

The apparent symbols for "times" and "plus"
in the above screenshot are, of course, icons for
browser functions. Readers who prefer the
fanciful  may regard them instead as symbols for
"a gateway to another realm," that of number theory.

* See Hemingway on pilot fish and an Instagram post
from Boxing Day, 2016.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Old News

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

From IndieWire on November 11, 2016 —

"Bleecker Street has announced it has acquired
U.S. and select territory rights to 'The Man Who
Invented Christmas
,' to be directed by Bharat
Nalluri. The film will start shooting next month
and is targeting a holiday 2017 release date."

This  journal on November 11, 2016 —

On Christmas 2015, Log24 featured
the Bleecker Street favicon

in the post 'Dark Symbol.'

Here is the dark symbol again —

The apparent symbols for "times" and "plus"
in the above screenshot are, of course, icons for
browser functions. Readers who prefer the
fanciful  may regard them instead as symbols for
"a gateway to another realm," that of number theory.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Last Christmas*

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:30 pm

From "Bright Symbol," a post of 12 AM
on December 25, 2015 —

From "Dark Symbol," a post of 12 PM
on December 25, 2015 —

* Title suggested by a song released by Epic Records in 1984.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Dark Symbol

Related material:

The previous post (Bright Symbol) and
a post from Wednesday,
December 23, 2015, that links to posts
on Boolean algebra vs. Galois geometry.

"An analogy between mathematics and religion is apposite."

— Harvard Magazine  review by Avner Ash of
Mathematics without Apologies
(Princeton University Press, January 18, 2015)

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