
Monday, January 13, 2020

D8ing Continues

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:42 pm

For the Church of Synchronology

See as well this journal on the above lecture date:  April 4, 2018,
in other posts now also tagged D8.

Update of 11:22 PM ET Jan. 13, 2020 —

Note the Christmas Eve date, and compare and contrast with the previous post.

All About Eve

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:17 pm

Or:  Space Station 76  Continues.


See as well this journal on
Christmas  Eve, 2019.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 pm


Geometry of the I Ching (Box Style)

Box-style I Ching , January 6, 1989


Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 10:00 pm

The above title may be regarded as a poetic variant
of the title of Katherine Neville's 1988 novel The Eight .

Related material —

See also The Black Queen, a note from 2001.

Easter Fantasy

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 2:00 pm

From this journal at midnight (12 AM ET) on April 4

Related material —

From the weblog of Ready Player One  author Ernest Cline —

"Recently, a lot of people have asked me if a real person
inspired the character of James Halliday, the eccentric
billionaire video game designer in my book. Steve Jobs
and Steve Wozniak are both mentioned in the text,
because their world changing partnership inspired the
relationship between James Halliday and Ogden Morrow,
with Morrow being a charismatic tech industry leader like
Jobs, and Halliday being the computer geek genius of the
duo like Woz. But the character of James Halliday was
inspired by two other very different people.

As I told Wired magazine earlier this year, from the
beginning, I envisioned James Halliday’s personality as
a cross between Howard Hughes and Richard Garriott.
If I had to break it down mathematically, I’d estimate that
about 15% of Halliday’s character was inspired by
Howard Hughes (the crazy reclusive millionaire part), with
most of the other 85% being inspired by Richard Garriott."

Mrs.  Garriott

See as well Log24 posts tagged "Space Writer"
and the classic tune "Midnight at the Oasis."

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

D8ing the Joystick

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 11:45 pm

Or: "Show me all  the blueprints!"
— A saying attributed to Howard Hughes.

Krysten Ritter narrates a podcast that asks 'R We D8ting?'

From the Blacklist episode in the previous post, "Date," blueprints
allegedly describing the boiler room in the Denver Mint —

Note the Thrust/Translation Controller Assembly (TTCA) at upper left
and the Attitude Controller Assembly (ACA) at lower right.

A NASA publication dated April 1, 1971, illustrates the Attitude Controller —

Krysten Ritter was born more than ten years later, in 1981.

For more on Attitude Control, see Boiler Room in this journal.

Gold Bug Variations (Continued)

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , , — m759 @ 1:32 pm

See as well a search for "Gold Bug"  in this  journal.

From that search —

Richard Powers, The Gold Bug Variations , first published in 1991—

Botkin, whatever her gifts as a conversationist, is almost as old
as the rediscovery of Mendel. The other extreme in age, 
Joe Lovering, beat a time-honored path out of pure math 
into muddy population statistics. Ressler has seen the guy 
potting about in the lab, although exactly what the excitable kid 
does is anybody's guess. He looks decidedly gumfooted holding
any equipment more corporeal than a chi-square. Stuart takes
him to the Y for lunch, part of a court-your-resources campaign.
He has the sub, Lovering the congealed mac and cheese. 
Hardly are they seated when Joe whips out a napkin and begins
sketching proofs. He argues that the genetic code, as an 
algorithmic formal system, is subject to Gödel's Incompleteness
Theorem. "That would mean the symbolic language of the code 
can't be both consistent and complete. Wouldn't that be a kick 
in the head?"

Kid talk, competitive showing off, intellectual fantasy. 
But Ressler knows what Joe is driving at. He's toyed with similar 
ideas, cast in less abstruse terms. We are the by-product of the 
mechanism in there. So it must be more ingenious than us. 
Anything complex enough to create consciousness may be too 
complex for consciousness to understand. Yet the ultimate paradox
is Lovering, crouched over his table napkin, using proofs to 
demonstrate proof's limits. Lovering laughs off recursion and takes
up another tack: the key is to find some formal symmetry folded
in this four-base chaos
. Stuart distrusts this approach even more.
He picks up the tab for their two untouched lunches, thanking 
Lovering politely for the insight.

"The key is to find some formal symmetry…."

IMAGE- Valéry on ornament in 'Method of Leonardo,' with Valéry's serpent-and-key emblem

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