For your consideration:
See as well this journal on "Hardy + Depth."
For some mathematical background, see Deep + Hardy.
Related entertainment —
Related non-entertainment —
"… this notion of ‘depth’ is an elusive one
even for a mathematician who can recognize it…."
— G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology
Part I: An Inch Deep
Part II: An Inch Wide
See a search for "square inch space" in this journal.
See also recent posts with the tag depth.
Inscribed hexagon (1984)
The well-known fact that a regular hexagon
may be inscribed in a cube was the basis
in 1984 for two ways of coloring the faces
of a cube that serve to illustrate some graphic
aspects of embodied Galois geometry—
Inscribed hexagon (2013)
A redefinition of the term "symmetry plane"
also uses the well-known inscription
of a regular hexagon in the cube—
Related material
"Here is another way to present the deep question 1984 raises…."
— "The Quest for Permanent Novelty," by Michael W. Clune,
The Chronicle of Higher Education , Feb. 11, 2013
“What we do may be small, but it has a certain character of permanence.”
— G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology
Quotations on Realism
The story of the diamond mine continues
(see Coordinated Steps and Organizing the Mine Workers)—
From The Search for Invariants (June 20, 2011):
The conclusion of Maja Lovrenov's
"The Role of Invariance in Cassirer’s Interpretation of the Theory of Relativity"—
"… physical theories prove to be theories of invariants
with regard to certain groups of transformations and
it is exactly the invariance that secures the objectivity
of a physical theory."
— SYNTHESIS PHILOSOPHICA 42 (2/2006), pp. 233–241
Related material from Sunday's New York Times travel section—
"Religions are hardy."
— TIME magazine,
issue dated July 14
"I confess I do not believe in time."
— Vladimir Nabokov
"I can hardly do better than
go back to the Greeks."
— G. H. Hardy
Figure 1:
The Greeks
Figure 2:
The Irrational
Mathematics and Narrative:
A Two-Part Invention
Here are today's
numbers from the
Keystone State:
The second sentence, in bold type, was added on 8/21 by yours truly. No deep learning or original thought was required to make this important improvement in the article; the sentence was simply copied from the then-current version of the article on Grigori Perelman (who has, it seems, proved the geometrization conjecture).
This may serve as an example of the "mathematics" part of the above phrase "Mathematics and Narrative" — a phrase which served, with associated links, as the Log24 entry for 8/21.
7/23 — Narrative:
This quotation appeared in the Log24 entry for 7/23, "Dance of the Numbers." What Dyson calls a "story" or "drama" is in fact mathematics. (Dyson calls the "steps" in the story "works of art," so it is clear that Dyson (a former student of G. H. Hardy) is discussing mathematical steps, not paragraphs in someone's account– perhaps a work of art, perhaps not– of mathematical history.) I personally regard the rhetorical trick of calling the steps leading to a mathematical result a "story" as contemptible vulgarization, but Dyson, as someone whose work (pdf) led to the particular result he is discussing, is entitled to dramatize it as he pleases.
For related material on mathematics, narrative, and vulgarization, click here.
The art of interpretation (applied above to a lottery) is relevant to narrative and perhaps also, in some sense, to the arts of mathematical research and exposition (if not to mathematics itself). This art is called hermeneutics.
For more on the subject, see the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Hans-Georg Gadamer, "the decisive figure in the development of twentieth-century hermeneutics."
"Foreword" in Gian-Carlo Rota,
Indiscrete Thoughts,
Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag,
1996, xiii-xvii, and
"Gadamer's Theory of Hermeneutics" in
The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer,
edited by Lewis E. Hahn,
The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. 24,
Chicago: Open Court Publishers,
1997, 223-34.
Campion’s Day
Today is the feast of the Catholic saint Edmund Campion. Campion, a Jesuit with a graceful prose style, would perhaps not be too deeply offended by the fact that his surname is now best known in some circles as that of a fictional character– the “Albert Campion” of Margery Allingham‘s detective stories.
The following is from a web page devoted to Allingham’s fiction, Roger Johnson’s “Thoughts on Mr. Campion and His Family.”
The non-fictional St. Edmund Campion is of course remembered also, for instance in the names of Campion College in suburban Sydney, of Campion College at the University of Regina and of Campion Hall at the University of Oxford.
Orwell’s question, according to
an admirer of leftist Noam Chomsky:
“When so much of the BS is right out in the open,
why is it that we know so little about it?
Why don’t we see what’s right in front of our eyes?”
Oscar |
Lying, Truth-Telling, and the Social Order |
Michael Moore |
“First of all, I’d like to thank the Academy….”
— Quotation attributed to Plato
The New Yorker of March 31, 2003, discusses leftist academic Noam Chomsky. The online edition provides a web page listing pro-Chomsky links.
Chomsky’s influence is based in part on the popularity of his half-baked theories on linguistics, starting in the 1950’s with “deep structure” and “transformational,” or “generative,” grammar.
Chomsky has abandoned many of his previous ideas and currently touts what he calls The Minimalist Program.
For some background on Chomsky’s recent linguistic notions, see the expository essay “Syntactic Theory,” by Elly van Gelderen of the Arizona State University English Department. Van Gelderen lists her leftist political agenda on her “Other Interests” page. Her department may serve as an example of how leftists have converted many English departments in American universities to propaganda factories.
Some attacks on Chomsky’s scholarship:
Forty-four Reasons Why the Chomskians Are Mistaken
Chomsky’s (Mis)Understanding of Human Thinking
Anatomy of a Revolution… Chomsky in 1962
…Linguistic Theory: The Rationality of Noam Chomsky
Some attacks on Chomsky’s propaganda:
Destructive Generation excerpt
Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers
Chomsky and Plato’s Diamond
Like another purveyor of leftist nonsense, Jacques Derrida, Chomsky is fond of citing Plato as a precedent. In particular, what Chomsky calls “Plato’s problem” is discussed in Plato’s Meno. For a look at the diamond figure that plays a central role in that dialogue, see Diamond Theory. For an excellent overview of related material in Plato, see Theory of Forms.
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