
Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Filed under: General — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 12:55 pm

From Martin Heidegger's
Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning) , 
Translated by Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly,
Indiana University Press, 1999 (first published in German
in 1989 as Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)  but
written in 1936-1938 

"The 'between' [das Zwischen ] is the simple 'bursting open'
that enowns be-ing to a being, which up until then is held back
from what is ownmost to it and is not yet to be named a being.
This 'bursting open' is the clearing for the sheltered. But the
'bursting open' does not disperse. and the clearing is not a mere

The 'between' [das Zwischen ] which bursts open gathers
what it removes into the open of its strifing and refusing
belongingness, moves unto the ab-ground , out of which everything
(god, man, world, earth) recoils in swaying into itself and thus leaves
to be-ing the unique decidedness of en-ownment."

— 270, "The Essential Sway of Be-ing" (p. 341)

"Enownment and enstrifing, historical grounding and decision,
uniqueness and the onefold, what has the character of
the between [Zwischenhafte ] and the cleavage [Geklüft ] —
they never name the essential sway of be-ing as properties
but rather in each case the whole essential swaying* of its essential

— 270, "The Essential Sway of Be-ing" (p. 342)

* For "swaying" as "unfolding," see (for instance)
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  and
also George Kovacs, Thinking and Be-ing in Heidegger's
Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) ,
Zeta Books, 2015.

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