
Friday, March 21, 2003

Friday March 21, 2003

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 9:29 am


Readings for Bach's Birthday

Larry J. Solomon:

Symmetry as a Compositional Determinant,
Chapter VIII: New Transformations

In Solomon's work, a sequence of notes is represented as a set of positions within a Latin square:

Transformations of the Latin square correspond to transformations of the musical notes.  For related material, see The Glass Bead Game, by Hermann Hesse, and Charles Cameron's sites on the Game.

Steven H. Cullinane:

Orthogonal Latin Squares as Skew Lines, and

Map Systems

Dorothy Sayers:

"The function of imaginative speech is not to prove, but to create–to discover new similarities, and to arrange them to form new entities, to build new self-consistent worlds out of the universe of undifferentiated mind-stuff." (Christian Letters to a Post-Christian World, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969, p. xiii)

— Quoted by Timothy A. Smith, "Intentionality and Meaningfulness in Bach's Cyclical Works"

Edward Sapir:

"…linguistics has also that profoundly serene and satisfying quality which inheres in mathematics and in music and which may be described as the creation out of simple elements of a self-contained universe of forms.  Linguistics has neither the sweep nor the instrumental power of mathematics, nor has it the universal aesthetic appeal of music.  But under its crabbed, technical, appearance there lies hidden the same classical spirit, the same freedom in restraint, which animates mathematics and music at their purest."

 "The Grammarian and his Language,"
American Mercury 1:149-155, 1924

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