
Monday, September 5, 2016

Stevens at the Sorbonne

Filed under: General — m759 @ 9:00 pm

The previous post suggests a Log24 search for
Stevens + Sorbonne.  This yields

Michael Bryson in an essay on Stevens’s
Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction,”

The Quest for the Fiction of the Absolute:

Canto nine considers the movement of the poem between the particular and the general, the immanent and the transcendent: “The poem goes from the poet’s gibberish to / The gibberish of the vulgate and back again. / Does it move to and fro or is it of both / At once?” The poet, the creator-figure, the shadowy god-figure, is elided, evading us, “as in a senseless element.”  The poet seeks to find the transcendent in the immanent, the general in the particular, trying “by a peculiar speech to speak / The peculiar potency of the general.” In playing on the senses of “peculiar” as particular  and strange  or uncanny , these lines play on the mystical relation of one and many, of concrete and abstract.

"The poem goes from the poet’s gibberish to 
The gibberish of the vulgate and back again. 
Does it move to and fro or is it of both 
At once?”

— Stevens, “Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction" (1942)

Par exemple , the previous post's title:  "Space Case."

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