
Monday, September 5, 2016

Space Case

Filed under: General — m759 @ 2:00 pm

The New York Times  yesterday evening —

Michel Butor dies at 89

Butor reportedly died on August 24.

This journal on that date —

From Butor's obituary —

"He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne
under the phenomenologist
Gaston Bachelard, writing a thesis on
mathematics and the idea of necessity."

"In 2013 the Académie Française awarded
Mr. Butor its Grand Prix for his life’s work.

Explaining his philosophy in an interview
with the critic and television producer
Georges Charbonnier in 1965, Mr. Butor said,
'Every written word is a victory over death.' "

A search for Bachelard in this journal yields remarks
related to Bachelard's Poetics of Space  and to the above
phrase by Wallace Stevens.

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