
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Remarks on a Cartoon Graveyard

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:45 am

For Crimson Jill

The graveyard of the title is from a song by Paul Simon.

Jessica Guynn, USA TODAY
9:48 a.m. EST February 24, 2016

"By popular demand, Facebook is going beyond the ubiquitous thumbs-up button with a new shorthand to express your thoughts and feelings.

Acknowledging that 'like' isn't the right sentiment for every occasion, the giant social network is offering new options. Reactions, five emoting emojis, are rolling out to Facebook's more than 1.5 billion users around the globe starting Wednesday.

With a click of a button, you can choose from new emotions when commenting on a status update. Hold the 'like' button on mobile or hover over the like button on desktop and five animated emoji pop up. Tap on love, haha, wow, sad or angry to express your reaction. …"

The "remarks" of the title —

The "Crimson Jill" link above leads to a Harvard Gazette
article dated March 24, 2015. A meditation from the 
Church of Synchronology appeared here  on that date.

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