
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Religious Game

Filed under: General — Tags: , , , — m759 @ 9:23 am

The 132 hexads  in yesterday's "Small Shapes" post suggest a look at . . .

From a biography of Aviezri Fraenkel in the above
2001 issue of The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

"As a scientist, Aviezri is interested in,
studies, creates and is involved in mathematics.
As a religious man, Aviezri is interested in,
studies, creates and is involved in Jewish knowledge
and heritage.

In 1962, during his stay in Minneapolis, while thinking
and discussing with a friend how computers could help
to advance Judaic studies, Aviezri conceived a very
original idea based on information retrieval, which
eventually became the unique Responsa Project,
known and used by the entire Jewish world."

I do not know what I  was doing on the above publication date —
May 18, 2000 — but the following note from earlier that year
seems relevant to more-recent remarks here.

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