
Thursday, September 29, 2022

The 4×6 Problem*

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 4:03 pm

The exercise posted here on Sept. 11, 2022, suggests a 
more precisely stated problem . . .

The 24 coordinate-positions of the 4096 length-24 words of the 
extended binary Golay code G24 can be arranged in a 4×6 array
in, of course, 24! ways.

Some of these ways are more geometrically natural than others.
See, for instance, the Miracle Octad Generator of R. T. Curtis.
What is the size of the largest subcode C of G24 that can be 
arranged in a 4×6 array in such a way that the set  of words of C 
is invariant under the symmetry group of the rectangle itself, i.e. the
four-group of the identity along with horizontal and vertical reflections
and 180-degree rotation.

Recent Log24 posts tagged Bitspace describe the structure of
an 8-dimensional (256-word) code in a 4×6 array that has such
symmetry, but it is not yet clear whether that "cube-motif" code
is a Golay subcode. (Its octads are Golay, but possibly not all its
dodecads; the octads do not quite generate the entire code.) 
Magma may have an answer, but I have had little experience in
its use.

* Footnote of 30 September 2022.  The 4×6 problem is a
special case of a more general symmetric embedding problem.
Given a linear code C and a mapping of C to parts of a geometric
object A with symmetry group G, what is the largest subcode of C
invariant under G? What is the largest such subcode under all
such mappings from C to A?

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