
Sunday, May 12, 2024

In Memoriam: Roger Corman (April 5, 1926 – May 9, 2024)

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:30 am

Related reading . . .

Related entertainment: Rosetta Stone and . . .

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hollywood Epistemology

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 1:54 pm

New teaser trailer . . .

Earlier teaser trailer . . . October 7, 2023 . . .

This  journal on the above 2023 trailer date . . .

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Labyrinth Clue

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 2:14 am

The cocktail remarks in yesterday's New York Times
suggest a song lyric . . .

"There's plenty of dives to be something you're not . . . ." 
— Roseanne Cash, Seven-Year Ache.

From this date, October 7th, seven years ago

The Paz quote below is from the last chapter
of his book, titled "The Dialectic of Solitude."

Update of Saturday, October 8, seven years ago:

I do not recommend taking very seriously the work of Latin American leftists (or American academics) who like to use the word "dialectic."

A related phrase does, however, have a certain mystic or poetic charm, as pointed out by Wikipedia —

"Unity of opposites is the central category of dialectics,
and it is viewed sometimes as a metaphysical concept,
a philosophical concept or a scientific concept."

A graphic companion to the "unity of opposites" notion —

From Savage Logic

Sunday, March 15, 2009  5:24 PM

The Origin of Change

A note on the figure
from this morning's sermon:

Diamond Theory version of 'The Square Inch Space' with yin-yang symbol for comparison

"Two things of opposite natures seem to depend
On one another, as a man depends 
On a woman, day on night, the imagined 
On the real. This is the origin of change. 
Winter and spring, cold copulars, embrace 
And forth the particulars of rapture come."

— Wallace Stevens,   
"Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction,"
Canto IV of "It Must Change"

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