See the 2005 post Structure and a Log24 search for Bumblebee.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Steinfeld as Rose the Hat
Above, Hailee Steinfeld in a fanciful portrayal
of poet Emily Dickinson.
Language Games: Reflection
The conclusion of an elegy for George Steiner
in th Times Literary Supplement issue dated
March 13, 2020 —
"What distinguishes humans from other animals, Johann Gottfried Herder
suggested in his essay On the Origin of Language (1772), is not so much
their capacity for language as their capacity for arriving at general reflection
(Besonnenheit ) through language. Few thinkers of the postwar era can be
said to have pursued this reflection with as much range and rigour as George
Ben Hutchinson is Professor of European Literature at the University of Kent
and Director of the Paris School of Arts and Culture. His most recent book is
Comparative Literature: A very short introduction, 2018 ."
See as well . . .
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Hunger Game for a “Pop Culture Star”
"A hunger to be more serious"
— Arts & Letters Daily on the late
George Steiner, who reportedly
died on February 3, 2020
The New York Times on a Sunday death —
A Midrash —
Serious —