
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday October 8, 2009

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 10:30 am

Knight Moves

Deborah Solomon, New York Times Magazine, Sunday, June 27, 1999:

“While modern art began as an assault on the academy, post-modern art might be described as a return to the academy. Instead of the old academy of rules, now we have the Academy of Cool, schools that treat avant-garde rebellion as a learned occupation.”

Christopher Knight, LA Times art critic, on Solomon:

“Back in the day, Solomon interviewed Knight for a Times Magazine story on Los Angeles art schools. ‘Having been a journalist (at that time) for almost two decades, I also did my homework,’ Knight writes [in a letter to the New York Press]. ‘I prepared a couple of quotable quotes on the subject, which might encapsulate larger ideas.’ One of Knight’s pearls of wisdom, ‘Modern art began as an assault on the academy, but post-modern art might be described as a return to the academy,’ excited Solomon so much that, according to Knight, she printed it as her own observation in her final piece, which bore no mention of the Knight interview. In the final story, a seriously bitter Knight writes, ‘It was not a quote; my words had become her words.'” —Gawker, Oct. 11, 2007

A reference to Solomon’s piece appeared in this journal in 2003.

See also yesterday’s entry, today’s 9 AM entry, and (for the Academy) an example of knight’s move thinking.

Thursday October 8, 2009

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:00 am
In memory
of Irving Penn:


Chessboard (Detail)

Christopher Knight
on a current exhibit
of Penn’s work:

“In American Vogue,
strict grids of nine pictures
establish an egalitarian
framework; the design
anticipates Minimalist art
by a decade.”

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