
Sunday, December 2, 2012


Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 4:30 pm

From the Los Angeles Times  yesterday

"Chess player Elena Akhmilovskaya Donaldson sits
in deep concentration at the U.S. chess championship
in Seattle in 2002. (Greg Gilbert / Seattle Times / 
January 5, 2002)"

Linda Shaw, Seattle Times :

"Elena Akhmilovskaya Donaldson, who was once the world's
second-ranked women's chess player and eloped in 1988
with the captain of the U.S. chess team when they were both
playing at a tournament in Greece, has died. She was 55.

Donaldson, who earned the title of international women's
grandmaster, died Nov. 18 in her adopted hometown of Seattle…."

more »

From the Log24 post "Sermon" on the date of Donaldson's death,
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012—

"You must allow us to play every conceivable combination of chess."
— Marie-Louise von Franz in Number and Time

An October 2011 post titled  Realism in Plato's Cave displays
the following image:

Cover illustration: Durer's 'Knight, Death, and the Devil'

Cover illustration: Knight, Death, and the Devil,
by Albrecht Dürer

George Steiner and myself  in Closing the Circle, a Log24 post
of Sept. 4, 2009: 

“Allegoric associations of death with chess are perennial….”

"Yes, they are."

For related remarks on knight moves and the devil, see
today's previous two posts, Knight's Labyrinth and The Rite.

The Rite

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 10:00 am

From About.com —
Click image for larger, clearer original —

"A fully lit Advent wreath with a central Christmas candle
on a home altar, in front of icons of Saint Stephen, Saint Michael,
and Our Lady of Czestochowa. (Photo © Scott P. Richert)"

Related material— Baal in The Rite , and today's previous post.

Knight’s Labyrinth

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 9:29 am

A magic— indeed, diabolic— square:

IMAGE- 5x5 magic- in fact, diabolic- square

For the construction, see a book
by W. W. Rouse Ball, founding president
of a Cambridge University magic society.

For some related religious remarks,
see Raiders of the Lost Matrix.

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