
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday March 21, 2009

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 11:30 pm
Interpreter's Booth

Tonight's online New York Times:

NY Times  online March 21, 2009: Pope in Angola tells clergy to work against belief in witchcraft

Click to enlarge.

Mary Karr,
"Facing Altars:
    Poetry and Prayer"–

"There is a body
on the cross
  in my church."

Sean Penn gives Nicole Kidman his card in 'The Interpreter'

Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman
in "The Interpreter."

Click to enlarge.

"My card."

"Is Heart of Darkness the story of Kurtz or the story of Marlow’s experience of Kurtz?  Was Marlow invented as a rhetorical device for heightening the meaning of Kurtz’s moral collapse, or was Kurtz invented in order to provide Marlow with the centre of his experience in the Congo?  Again a seamless web, and we tell ourselves that the old-fashioned question 'Who is the protagonist?' is a meaningless one."

Wayne C. Booth, p. 346 in
The Rhetoric of Fiction
as quoted by Paul Wake in
"The Storyteller in Chance"

Saturday March 21, 2009

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:25 am

Counters in Rows

"Music, mathematics, and chess are in vital respects dynamic acts of location. Symbolic counters are arranged in significant rows. Solutions, be they of a discord, of an algebraic equation, or of a positional impasse, are achieved by a regrouping, by a sequential reordering of individual units and unit-clusters (notes, integers, rooks or pawns)."

— George Steiner
   (See March 10, "Language Game.")

For example:

Model of the 21-point projective plane consisting of the 1- and 2- subsets of a 6-set

Click to enlarge.


Notes on Finite Geometry
(Section on 6-set structures)

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