This is the title of a poem by D. H. Lawrence.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
For Michaelmas
The date of the above meditations was suggested by that of the post
"Theologia Mathematica" in the weblog The World of Dr. Justice .
Church with Josefine
Today, beginning at about 11 AM ET, I checked out
the latest news from Oslo artist Josefine Lyche,
often mentioned in these posts.
Lyche's Facebook page has a new cover photo—
geometric diagrams from Order in Space , a 1969
book by Keith Critchlow.
A search for more information on Critchlow yielded
information on his friend the impressive Kathleen Raine,
who reportedly died at 95 on July 6, 2003.
See also references to that date in this journal.
From Raine's obituary in The Guardian :
"When asked how she wished people
to remember her, Kathleen Raine said
she would rather they didn't. Or that
Blake's words be said of her: 'That in
time of trouble, I kept the divine vision.' "