The removed Wikipedia passage —
"In 2017, Stewart coauthored a computer science preprint about the use
of neural net techniques in the making of her short film Come Swim,[82]
which led to her achieving the Erdős–Bacon number of 7.[83]
82. Joshi, Bhautik; Stewart, Kristen; Shapiro, David (2017).
'Bringing Impressionism to Life with Neural Style Transfer
in Come Swim'. arXiv:1701.04928 [cs.CV].
83. 'Natalie Portman Answer | RASHI, RAMBAM and
RAMALAMADINGDONG'. Archived from the original
on May 3, 2023. Retrieved May 3, 2023. "
Background, and the preprint as officially published —
Fiction related to Kristen Stewart's reported Erdős–Bacon number, 7 —