
Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday December 1, 2008

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 8:48 pm
A Version of
Heaven's Gate

in memory of
G. H. Hardy,
who died on
this date in 1947

C. P. Snow on Hardy:

"He was living in some of the best intellectual company in the world– G.E. Moore, Whitehead, Bertrand Russell, Trevelyan, the high Trinity society which was shortly to find its artistic complement in Bloomsbury."

For a rather different artistic complement, see the previous entry.

See also
The Seventh Symbol:

Hexagram 20, a square frame, in the Cullinane box-style I Ching

Monday December 1, 2008

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm
Pictures at
an Exhibition

Day Without Art:

Day Without Art logo: X'd-out frame

and therefore…


Art logo: frame not X'd out

From Braque's birthday, 2006:

"The senses deform, the mind forms. Work to perfect the mind. There is no certitude but in what the mind conceives."

— Georges Braque,
   Reflections on Painting, 1917

Those who wish to follow Braque's advice may try the following exercise from a book first published in 1937:

Carmichael on groups, exercise, p. 440
Hint: See the following
construction of a tesseract:
Point, line, square, cube, tesseract
From a page by Bryan Clair

For a different view
of the square and cube
see yesterday's entry
Abstraction and Faith.

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