
Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday March 3, 2008

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:09 am
CENTRAL Central Intelligence
A Wrinkle in Time:

"Holding hands, they crossed the square. The huge CENTRAL Central Intelligence Building had only one door, but it was an enormous one, at least two stories high and wider than a room, made of a dull, bronzelike material.

'Do we just knock?' Meg giggled."

Tom Raum story on Obama vs. Clinton with associated Miami Herald CIA ad


Detail of Tom Raum Obama-Clinton story and associated Miami Herald CIA ad

"Do we just knock?"

"Click PLAY."

Related material:

Der Einsatz


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday September 16, 2006

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 4:00 pm

The Pope in
Plato's Cave

Those who find the Pope's recent remarks (see the previous entry) on a Byzantine emperor lacking in literary depth may consult the writings of William Butler Yeats on Byzantium quoted in Log24 entries of February 14-16, 2003.  Those entries also refer to a modern version of Plato's cave– the movie theater– and the film "The Recruit." See also a more recent Log24 discussion of that film:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06A/060806-Einsatz.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.<

This supplies a different illustration
of the previous entry's conclusion:

"Nine is a very powerful
Nordic number."

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Sunday August 6, 2006

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 7:00 pm
Game Boy
The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06A/060806-Einsatz.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Click on picture for details.
"Nine is a very
powerful Nordic number
— Katherine Neville


to put one's back
into something
bei etwas
Einsatz zeigen
to up the ante
den Einsatz erhöhen
to debrief den Einsatz
nachher besprechen
to be on duty
im Einsatz sein
mil.to be in action im Einsatz sein
to play for
high stakes
mit hohem
Einsatz spielen



"His music had of course come from Russian folk sources and from Rimsky-Korsakov and from other predecessors, in the way that all radical art has roots. But to be a true modernist, a cosmopolitan in the twentieth century, it was necessary to seem to disdain nationalism, to be perpetually, heroically novel– the more aloof, the better. 'Cold and transparent, like an "extra dry" champagne, which gives no sensation of sweetness, and does not enervate, like other varieties of that drink, but burns,' Stravinsky said about his own Octet, Piano Concerto, and Piano Sonata. The description might be applied to works by Picasso or Duchamp."

— Michael Kimmelman in
  The New York Review of Books,
issue dated Aug. 10, 2006

But the description
certainly applies to
Bridget Moynahan:

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06A/060806-Recruit2.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"… like an 'extra dry' champagne,
which gives no sensation of
sweetness, and does not enervate."

For more on the
"Ice 9" figure, see
Balanchine's Birthday.

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