
Monday, May 20, 2024

Exploring Concept Space

Filed under: General — Tags: , , — m759 @ 1:52 pm

Exploring bitspace  via posts so tagged yields . . .

This, together with the acronym COS from Charlottesville, suggests
a look at what Princeton  means by COS.

Why COS? . . . November 6, 2015 . . . Serena Zheng

(https://admission.princeton.edu/blogs/why-cos) —

Three years ago around this time, I was applying to Princeton,
and I had no idea what I wanted to study.

I was, however, pretty set against studying computer science,
or "COS," as we call it at Princeton.

"Three years ago around this time" translates to November 6, 2012.

Hence another  Princeton-related  tale . . .

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Data: The Gathering

Filed under: General — Tags: , , , , — m759 @ 5:23 am

Meanwhile . . . 


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