
Friday, October 10, 2014

High White Noon

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm

(The phrase is from Don DeLillo and Josefine Lyche.)

See “Complex Grid.”

See as well Bill O’Reilly’s remark, “Do not be a coxcomb,”
and an artist‘s self-portrait:

IMAGE- Jamie Foxx in 'Amazing Spider Man 2'

Grid Designer

Friday, October 26, 2012

High White Noon

Filed under: General — m759 @ 12:00 pm


Today's 11:01 AM post discussed time concepts
in Eliot's Four Quartets.

For the temporally challenged, here is
a somewhat simpler conceptual framework—

Three Trios

From a post of Columbus Day
(i.e., Oct. 12), 2011, titled
    "High White Noon" (after DeLillo) —

The 3x3 square

A Study in Art Education

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

High White Noon

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 12:00 pm

Grid from a post linked to in yesterday's 24 Hour DeLillo

The 3x3 square

A Study in Art Education

For an example of this grid as slow art , consider the following—

"One can show that the binary tetrahedral group
is isomorphic to the special linear group SL(2,3)—
the group of all 2×2 matrices over the finite field F3
with unit determinant." —Wikipedia

As John Baez has noted, these two groups have the same structure as the geometric 24-cell.

For the connection of the grid to the groups and the 24-cell, see Visualizing GL(2,p).

Related material—

The 3×3 grid has been called a symbol of Apollo (Greek god of reason and of the sun).

"This is where we sat through his hushed hour,
a torchlit sky, the closeness of hills barely visible
at high white noon." — Don DeLillo, Point Omega

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

High White in the Dark Fields

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 12:00 pm

"High white noon"

— Phrase of Don DeLillo and Josefine Lyche

"Spellbinding visuals dwarf weak characters."

Fox News review of Snow White and the Huntsman

For some stronger characters, see Limitless , a 2011 film 
based on a 2001 novel by Alan Glynn, The Dark Fields .

See also St. Andrew's Day 2011 in this journal.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Plan 9 (continued)–

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: , — m759 @ 12:00 pm

In Like Flynn

From the Wall Street Journal  site Friday evening—

ESSAY September 21, 2012, 9:10 p.m. ET

Are We Really Getting Smarter?

Americans’ IQ scores have risen steadily over the past century.
James R. Flynn examines why.

IMAGE- Raven's Progressive Matrices problem with ninth configuration a four-diamonds grid

No, thank you. I prefer the ninth configuration as is—

IMAGE- Four-diamonds grid, the ninth configuration in a Raven's Progressive Matrices problem

Why? See Josefine Lyche’s art installation “Grids, you say?

Her reference there to “High White Noon” is perhaps
related to the use of that phrase in this journal.

The phrase is from a 2010 novel by Don DeLillo.
See “Point Omega,” as well as Lyche’s “Omega Point,”
in this journal.

The Wall Street Journal  author above, James R. Flynn (born in 1934),
“is famous for his discovery of the Flynn effect, the continued
year-after-year increase of IQ scores in all parts of the world.”

His son Eugene Victor Flynn is a mathematician, co-author
of the following chapter on the Kummer surface— 

For use of the Kummer surface in Buddhist metaphysics, see last night’s
post “Occupy Space (continued)” and the letters of Nanavira Thera from the
late 1950s at nanavira.blogspot.com.

These letters, together with Lyche’s use of the phrase “high white noon,”
suggest a further quotation

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn’t get much higher

See also the Kummer surface at the web page Configurations and Squares.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rhetorical Answer

Filed under: General — Tags: , — m759 @ 10:30 am


The sun was burning down….

There was a trembling in the air as the unnamed colors
and landforms took on definition, a clarity of outline and extent….

This is where we sat through his hushed hour, a torchlit sky,
the closeness of hills barely visible at high white noon.

— DeLillo, Don, Point Omega 

Midi là-haut, Midi sans mouvement 
En soi se pense et convient à soi-même… 
Tête complète et parfait diadème, 
Je suis en toi le secret changement.

— Valéry, Paul,  "Le Cimetière Marin"

… Todo lo sé por el lucero puro
que brilla en la diadema de la Muerte.

— Darío, Rubén, "Los Tres Reyes Magos"

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