From the Vanderbilt University obituary of Vaughan F. R. Jones —
"During the mid-1980s, while Jones was working on a problem in von Neumann algebra theory, which is related to the foundations of quantum mechanics, he discovered an unexpected link between that theory and knot theory, a mathematical field dating back to the 19th century. Specifically, he found a new mathematical expression—now known as the Jones polynomial—for distinguishing between different types of knots as well as links in three-dimensional space. Jones’ discovery had been missed by topologists during the previous 60 years, and his finding contributed to his selection as a Fields Medalist.
'Now there is an area of mathematics called said Dietmar Bisch, professor of mathematics." [Link added.] |
Related to Jones's work —
"Topological Quantum Information Theory" at
the website of Louis H. Kauffman —
Kauffman —