opened on this date in 1977.
From the web page Amande:
Le Christ et la Vierge apparurent souvent entourés d’une auréole en forme d’amande: la mandorle.
Étymologiquement, le mot amande est une altération de amandala, qui dérive lui-même du latin classique amygdala….
L’amande a… une connotation symbolique, celle du sexe féminin. Elle figure souvent la vulve. Elle est alors en analogie avec la yoni du vocabulaire de l’hindouisme, la vulve ou la matrice, représentée par une amande ou une noix coupée en deux.
Screenshot of the online
New York Times, May 25, 2003:
Ariel the Hutt and Princess Amygdala
by Horia Cristescu and The Triangle (TRIKONA) The intersection of two geometric forms (lines, triangles, circles, etc.) represents forces that are even more intense than those generated by the simple forms. Such an interpenetration indicates a high level in the dynamic interaction of the correspondent energies. The empty spaces generated by such combinations are described as very efficient operational fields of the forces emanating from the central point of the YANTRA. That is why we can very often encounter representations of MANTRAS in such spaces. YANTRA and MANTRA are complementary aspects of SHIVA and their use together is much more efficient than the use of one alone.