
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Her Work

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:35 pm

From the above L.A. Times  article

Where then does the morbid negativity in her work come from?

"Oh boy! That's an even bigger mystery," Andres says, laughing. "You see, I don't like talking about this stuff, because it has to do with psychic phenomena and stuff going on inside me I don't necessarily understand or want to understand. But the truth is that there is some pretty dark and scary content in the work, an acceptance of dark energies which exist whether we like it or not.

"I am mostly interested in getting at a place, a mental reality, that the day-to-day human body couldn't express: a half-way place between film and the body that points to a strange, unexplainable way of seeing stuff, of feeling stuff, of knowing stuff, of being completely different."

The New York Times  this evening reports that Andres died on Jan. 6.

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