
Thursday, February 20, 2003

Thursday February 20, 2003

Filed under: General — m759 @ 5:37 am

Winteler’s Tale

According to Dennis Overbye:

Einstein’s parents “sent him off to a prep school [in Aarau, Switzerland, near Zurich] for a year, for a season [1895-1896].

He lived with a family, the Wintelers, a big, boisterous intellectual family, who were always arguing and bird watching and hiking, and seems to have had a wonderful time. And he got involved with one of the Winteler daughters, Marie….  Albert kept talking about her his whole life, about how he would be consumed in flames if he even saw her again.”

In honor of Marie Winteler, and of the following note, which is seventeen years old today, our site music is now “When You Were Sweet Sixteen,” music and lyrics by James Thornton, 1898.

Click on the above for a larger image.

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