McLuhan in Space by Richard Cavell—
As the word "through" in the title of Through the Vanishing Point □ hints… key reference points for McLuhan and Parker in writing Through the Vanishing Point were the "Alice" books.
[The footnote symbol □ here is mine.]
Alice Rae, McLuhan's Unconscious, doctoral dissertation, School of History and Politics, University of Adelaide, May 2008—
What McLuhan calls the "unconscious"' is more often named by him as Logos, "acoustic space" or the "media environment," and I trace the debts that these concepts owe not only to Freud and Jung, but to Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, gestalt theory, art theory, Henri Bergson, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Wyndham Lewis, Siegfried Giedion, Harold Innis, the French symbolist poets of the late nineteenth century and the British modernists of the early twentieth.
The declaration section of the thesis is dated November 19, 2008.
Related material— Halloween 2005 and The Gospel According to Father Hardon.
□ A work suggested by Ander Monson's new Vanishing Point . (See April 17 and April 23, together with the April 22 picture of a non-Euclidean point □ in the context of "The Seventh Symbol.")