Dead Poet in
the City of Angels
Lyricist Eddy Marnay died Friday, Jan. 3, 2003.
Relevant entries:
Certain themes recur in these entries. To describe such recurrent themes, in art and in life, those enamoured of metaphors from physics may ponder the phrase
“implicate order.”
For an illustration of at least part of the
implicate order,
click here.
Another name for the implicate order is, of course, the Tao:
“The Chinese also speak of a great thing (the greatest thing) called the Tao. It is the reality beyond all predicates, the abyss that was before the Creator Himself. It is Nature, it is the Way, the Road. It is the Way in which the universe goes on, the Way in which things everlastingly emerge, stilly and tranquilly, into space and time.”
— C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man