
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hope of Heaven, Oslo Style

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 11:00 pm

The previous post deals with the theory, now becoming widely known,
that the musical "Grease" is really about Sandy's dying dream of heaven.

Another such dream in Oslo, described by the Vigeland Museum —

The Monolith

"The Monolith was carved from one single granite block, hence the name (mono: one, litho: stone). Whereas the melancholy theme in the fountain is the eternal life cycle, the column gives room to a totally different interpretation: Man's longing and yearning for the spiritual and divine. Is the column to be understood as man's resurrection? The people are drawn towards heaven, not only characterised by sadness and controlled despair, but also delight and hope, next to a feeling of togetherness, carefully holding one another tight in this strange sense of salvation."

I prefer a different monolith.

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